American Idol 2012 Rankings: Top 9 Week Review

American Idol 2012 Top 9 performance show

The American Idol 2012 rankings are in the for the Top 9 week so let’s take a look the readers here at American Idol Net, are voting on the remaining finalists.

Jessica Sanchez led the voting again with an impressive 36% of the votes, but she was down this week 3 points while the big climber was Elise Testone. Elise’s performance of “Whole Lotta Love” pulled her up from her previous high of 6% all the way to 19% of the vote. This was Elise’s first journey in to the double digits range and she really need that boost. We’ve seen a lot of second-placers fall back down in the polls the following week so if Elise wants to maintain this momentum she’ll need to come out in full force on Wednesday night.

No surprise here to see Phillip Phillips in third place again this week. This was his third time in third place as another American Idol 2012 finalist has rotated in and out of the second place spot each recent week just behind Jessica. Phillips is employing the “slow, but steady” approach to this season as he keeps earning just enough of your votes each week to stay near the top.

Colton Dixon was last week’s second placer but, like the pattern I mentioned above, has fallen back down 9 points to a respectable fourth with his performance of “Everything.” Not bad to go first in the show and still rank well in our poll. Joshua Ledet recovered slightly from his second-place-tumble the other week as he reached up to 6% of the vote and earned fifth place.

The bottom tier of vote earners in our poll consisted of Hollie Cavanagh, Heejun Han, DeAndre Brackensick, and Skylar Laine. Three of those four were in the actual Bottom 3 last week so once again we’re showing reliable results indicators coming from your votes in our polls. Heejun might have earned more votes here than Skylar and DeAndre, but it wasn’t enough to survive on American Idol 2012. The remaining singers, Hollie, DeAndre, and Skylar were each up 1 point from last week but all held steady at the bottom. I will not be surprised to see these singers remain in the danger zone unless they pull out a big performance on Wednesday.

You can see everyone’s numbers from last week’s performance poll below, but be sure to also read Branden’s American Idol 2012 Top 8 assessment to see where he believes each of the remaining finalists stand.

American Idol 2012 Top 9 Week Poll Rankings:

  1. Jessica Sanchez – 36% – down 3 points from last week
  2. Elise Testone – 19% – up 13 points from last week
  3. Phillip Phillips – 13% – down 3 points from last week
  4. Colton Dixon – 8% – down 9 points from last week
  5. Joshua Ledet – 6% – up 3 points from last week
  6. Hollie Cavanagh – 4% – up 1 point from last week
  7. Heejun Han – 4% – no change from last week – eliminated
  8. DeAndre Brackensick – 3% – up 1 point from last week
  9. Skylar Laine – 3% – up 1 point from last week

click image to enlarge

American Idol 2012 Top 9 Week Rankings




  1. I like em all except Deandre.  Even he’s not brutal or anything.  He’d decent.  Anyway, what I don’t get is where’s the country vote for Skyalr?  She’s awesome.  As are Elise, Jessica, Phillip, etc.  Pretty much most of em are doing pretty well. 

    Something makes me think last years vote was rigged.

    • Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if everyone voted on who performs best on that given week? Rather than country fans automatically voting for the only country performer. And Bible Belt fans voting for whoever seems the most religious. And pre-teens voting on who is the cutest. Fact is, Skylar is not that great a vocalist. And maybe that is why country fans are not voting for her much this year. At least, that is why I (as a contry music fan) am not voting for her.

  2. its nice to see jessica getting atleast a quarter of the vote to herself since she is the most talented! even getting almost 60% one time!

  3. You see that folks?! DeAndre still needs our support. All DeAndre fans be sure and Vote Til You Drop this week. We got to move him forward this week! 

    • So true! Don’t let him drop out, this is the moment in the competition where things get tough. Vote for Deandre!

      • He doesn’t deserve the honor is all I have to say about that. And those guys over there are not particularly noted for their level of intelligence but they can vote for him too. We need all the help we can get. 

        Besides they said they are going to switch to Phillip or Colton later on to ensure another WGWG wins this year. So you shouldn’t take the name of the site, organization, group or what ever you want to call it too literally. 

      • Hi Taymaro,

        I am not sure what you meant when you said ” and those guys over there are not particularly noted for their level of intelligence” I think
        you may have to explain that one because I am confused myself on who you were reffering to.  You have responded to Rinsewash comments regarding Deandre taking over Heejun’s spot??

        I think you know exactly why I am asking you this very polite question?  A short and simple explanation will do please.

  4. Please dont drag this out , NO VOTES FOR DEANDRE ! Then next week we will have good performers to vote for . Never said there was a great performer in this group of contestants . Just enough talent to hold our interst ….. Just Saying

    • LOL good try! There is one great performer and for some reason a lot of people want him out. I don’t understand it. Let’s get the vote out for DeAndre!

  5. Well here’s a question who will the eliminated contestants voters go to. Like last season when Casey Abrams was eliminated, well for the second and final time that it it can be safe to say that his voters probably backed Haley. Since Heejun is gone now his voters will likely go to Phil because of their friendship.

    So say for arguments sake this week Hollie is eliminated(this is just speculation and not a prediction, or me saying I want Hollie to leave) this week where will her voters go to for next week? Jessica? Perhaps as the two of them do the same types of songs and for whatever reason people are getting behind Jessica more. But if the Hollie voters vote for Hollie because for whatever reason they don’t like Jessica then who do they back? Skylar? Elise? Joshua?

    What if Deandre is eliminated this week? Who will his voters turn to? Phil? Joshua? Hollie? Jessica? Not sure there. That’s one thing to consider going forward.

  6. I am not surprised that Jessica is still at no.1.  I believe that no one can take that spot until the season ends! 🙂

  7. if hollie for some reason gets eliminated their is a good chance the judges will use the save on her.. i mean if they were close to using it on heejun, then they will for sure use it on hollie

  8. If Philip Phillips doesn’t win this season something is DEFINATELY WRONG!!! I love everything thing he’s done so far & can’t wait to see what he sings next. I’m just waiting for an album from him to come out. Love that voice–Stay true to yourself & your style!!

    • I actually like Phillip’s style of music. I can feel the passion come through. But, he does tend to sing every song exactly the same. Not sure if I personally could take listening to a whole album of every song sounding exactly the same. Just my viewpoint.

  9. this will not assure her on top all the please please continue VOTE FOR JESSICA.

  10. How many times can someone vote in your poll?

    I am guessing they can vote until they get the desired outcome.

    The Jessica fans need to realize that they will lose if they keep causing an anti-Jessica sentiment. When the idols lose their voters will go to someone else. Eventually there will be too many voting against her and most of it will be because of her obnoxious fans constantly shoving her down our throats every article….without any logic or reasoning to their opinion.

    • 1 vote in our poll per browser/computer. Our poll is open to everyone worldwide while the show’s voting is only available to US residents. A foreign bulk of voters could inflate numbers that wouldn’t be represented in the show’s results.

    • Calm down >>> U will find those flaws in ( P2 , Colto, , Elise , Hollie , Jes, deaAndre ) Fans ..  

    • Hi Bahloo2000,

      Exactly what I am thinking too.  Even though the nation wide votes across the USA are the only valid votes it most certainly influences voters who are more than likely logged on to one of the Idol Web sites.

      If only those foreign supporters of Jessica , especially the ones residing
      outside the USA will clue in that once the singers starts dropping, the supporters of the elimninated singers can join together and support  a particular alternative favourite that can greatly influence the results.

      I have suspected this from a while back, thinking there has to be a simple explanation on how a particular favourite looses and that not so favoured singer wins.  And it is in the amount of voters switching or moving to another camp since their favourite are gone.  Make sense to me, rather putting all the blame to those teens only.  I still do not buy that the teens are the only reason why voting is out of whack.

      Have we not learned from our politicians, where support is transfered from one candidate to another to affect results??????

      In other words if these supporters from abroad is not carefull on who they annoy in their obssesive ramblings they can actually cause Jessicas  defeat, so you know what don’t tell them.  just saying………..

    • You might be right. But, if you want to talk about obnoxious fans … One has to think of all the Haley haters from last season. Here was a girl that was continuously in the bottom 3 for long time, but fought her way up to second place overall. Very well might have won overall if it was not for the pre-teen girl voters. Yet every day we would see posts from the Bible Belt and country music crowd calling her vile names like stank, slut, bitch and hootche momma (who uses the term hootche mama these days). Those posters made me ashamed to be a fan of country music (I like all types of music). And I actually found myself voting extra hard for Haley because of it.

    • FACT: Those people who lost their ‘idols’ refrain from watching AI until the finale. A possibility of 10-15% shifted to support other contestants. 

  11. as far as i know you can only vote once… so your not convinced that jessica have larger fans based on the pools around the web? you questioning it now? and whos making sentiment now? YOU stupid. as if your not doing that

  12. I don’t get this………..Deandre doesn’t have a big fanbase but its very clear that he does have a huge bunch of haters. How……??? Just wondering!!!!!!

    • I think I can explain the reason for the hating of DeAndre. His falestto voice is certainly not on most peoples list favorite music styles. It sure isn’t on mine. But, there are certain age groups that actually “HATE” music that is different what they are used to hearing. Those age groups are the very young and immature and the very old and out of touch. Add the fact that DeAndre is somewhat handsome (so my GF says) and you have your explanation for all the hate. I’m not saying I agree with it, but there is your reason.

      • in reply to all…Jessica can sing..but she is sooo boring. Uggh…Go Elise – Go Phillip!  These two need to be our top two at the end.

      • Hi Foxstar,

        It is also a style that is difficult to like.  Not very many singers/ groups
        that have been succesful.  To name a few:

        Frankie Valle and the Four Seasons
        Smokey Robinson

        There are more but what’s the use, most are all back when these teens are  not even thought of yet, so no connection at all. To  make matters worst tomorrow’s theme is the 80’s , ha ha ha good luck in connecting with the teens, unless they are retro fans.

        It is too bad for Deandre since I like his tone and style but he is limited to what he can use if he continues to do complete falsetto songs.  Now
        if he diversify a little and mixes his song selection he may have a chance to continue on.  Fan base or no fan base eventually he has to be spot on with his singing and his choice of songs to win or go home.

  13. elise fans! the EliTes!! keep voting for elise till the end pleeeaaase!! if only i can vote i’ll be abusing my fingers lol too bad i dont live in the states! 😐

  14. Phil Phillips needs to go home. I appreciate that he does his own thing, but I would n.e.v.e.r. purchase a CD of his. I like a few of these contestants but am still amazed that there weren’t much better overall selection across the entire US…..

  15. I like Elyse much more than Deandre, but I’m afraid the young girls will once again win out… justice.

  16. If Jennifer is right about  ask and we shall receive here is what I ask.  Please send Joshua home!  I am soooooo tired of his screaming every week.  Please America.  Let’s send him home.

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