American Idol 2012: Top 3 Revealed After Latest Elimination

American Idol 2012 Top 3 revealed

After Hollie Cavanagh’s elimination from American Idol 2012 on Thursday the finalists pool was whittled down to just three remaining singers. One of these three will become the next American Idol.

Joshua Ledet, Phillip Phillips, and Jessica Sanchez spent their Saturday enjoying hometown festivities which we’ll all get to enjoy during this week’s American Idol episodes. But you can bet the singers were back to work shortly after the fun ended because they’ve got a big task this week: three songs.

Each of the Top 3 finalists will perform three different selections: one of their choosing, one from the judges, and one from Jimmy Iovine. This options are wide open and should deliver a great night of performances. Anyone taking bets on a judge challenging song selection for one that turns out to be their own fault?

We’re less than two weeks away from crowning the winner of American Idol 2012. Who do you think it will be?




  1. Wow 3 songs in one big night!!!!!!!Definitely this is the defining moment for Jessica! I am sure judges and Jimmy will choose powerful big songs for her that showcase her singing prowess. Good Luck Jessica, grab that coming top 3 performance night and show to the world how deserving you are as the next American Idol!

    • I have said it before, Jessica needs to go home like America voted her off !!!!

      • And the judges have said i t – THIS GIRL DOESNT DESERVE TO GO HOME….. After that, america has overwhelmingly spoken for the past 4 eliminations – JESSICA IS HERE TO STAY! Is that so hard to understand (or accept)??? Com’on, you can sourgrape all you want, but she’s now having the time of her life with her homecoming. Eat you heart out haters!!!!! lol! Woooooohoooooo TOP 3!!!! Can you beat that?.. lol!!!!!

      • And yet America keep making her safe. America can re-affirm by finally sending her home. But America didn’t hence she’s in the top 3. The point is, sometimes it’s inevitable for America to get it wrong. That’s why we have the Judges’ Save. Jessica deserves to be where she is right now.

      • And that’s exactly was was re-affirmed by america in the past elimination, that her near elimination was a mistake….that jessica really deserves to be where she is right now! 🙂

      • I think u should better go home and not jessica…ur just insecure coz u can’t sing like her

      • Js wasnt voted off by america, she has the lowest vote that night & that was the greatest mistake of her fans for being so complacent & confident that she will always be safe because of her great performance. That elimination was a wake up call to all her fans that posting & saying how they love her is not enough but their votes & support is needed for her to be in the finals & win. Being in top 3 is a proof that she has solid fans that many supports her after that elimination night.  She deserves to be where she is right now. Eat your heart out!!!!

      • Don’t worry Jessica will make history as the first “saved” contestant to win American Idol. Yes you are right Muks, American did not vote off for Jessica that time to go home, it was a matter of complacency and confidence of Jessica’s singing prowess that put her at risk that time. Eventually a lot have learned from it and even American woke up for that risk because majority do not want a powerful and deserving singer like JESSICA SANCHEZ to go home. They want her to WIN!

      • I have said it before, Philip  needs to go home like America voted him off !!!! 😛

      • I agree, I will pay to see Phillip Phillips move his feet & leg. I hope to get tickets in front row!!! I will not pay to see Josh & Jess they are to old fashioned for me but my grandma might.  But moderator you will prob delete this anyway because your bias. Just saying the truth!

      • It’s history man…go give yourself a break. Time to move on.
        My favorite contestant Skylar has been eliminated and i just wish the top 3 good luck and enjoy. 

      • you shut up,,who are you to say that? are you that talented than her…….you better shut your mouth,…..jessica is the next american idol,,,,

      • nobody voted anybody off, those who were eliminated got the lowest number of votes

      • Don’t you noticed that the show just used her for the ratings. Look at the contestants percentages. She was always get the highest percentage of votes even on the time of when she was voted off.

        Jessica has never been on the bottom 3 or 2 for the whole season. And voted off for top 7. Hmmm… fishy.

        I am person who watched concerts and go to bars and lounges to listen to musics. I even listen to people singing in the streets the likes of Harvard University.

        Most of the contestants have limited kind of music that they can sing. I have seen Jessica sang different kind of musics in the show and still sound beautiflly.

        In any singing competition, there should be criteria. Like 50% vocal ability, 20% clarity, 15% performaces and 15% audience impact. Listen to Jessica’s songs without knowning her heritage. She sang every songs with clarity and her vocal ability is unimaginable. Because I think sometimes our criticism was clouded by race. Maybe I am wrong maybe I am right. Who knows.

      • as i’ve said before u’d better go home and not Jessica.. u understand??

  2. You are all winners for me. 😀 I’ve been rooting for Skylar but now maybe jessica. I wanna girl to win!

    • That’s the same with me. I was a Hollie fan but I really want a girl to win so I’m on Jessica’s side. (even though inside I feel that hollies my idol)

    • It is not about a girl. Phillip is the best all around artist and he should win if America has any taste in music.

      • FYI, I never liked PP the way he sings but not as a whole. Just the way he sings.

      • You may like Phillips style of music better. I would not fault that a bit, as I do as well. But, to say “he is the best all around artist” has me wondering if you are smoking something good. As Phillip’s vocal range is is EXTREAMLY narrow and does not come close to pretty much anyone else who was in the top ten … much less Jessica or Joshua.

      • i like PP, but to call him an all-around artist is not genuine. His voice has narrow range. His choice of songs is limited. …

      • Yes it is not about a girl but fortunately Jessica is a girl that is very very talented & she deserves to win!!!!

      • Taste?? Who cares about your taste of men….i mean, music???  Very shallow and limited! and so is your hero pp, he can do only one style…I believe that women are captivated with her alluring gestures and  not with his singing voice when performing….only seducing women and you’re carried away!!…he looks like he is in the climax of  sexual activity!! lol  

      • Taste?? Who cares about your taste of men….i mean, music???  Very shallow and limited! and so is your hero pp, he can do only one style…I believe that women are captivated with his alluring gestures and  not with his singing voice when performing….only trying to seduce women and admit that you’re only carried away!!…His face looks like he is in the climax of  sexual activity!! lol  

    • She will need luck to win. Ofcourse the judges may pull her thru. SAD !!!

      • Whiner! Just campaign for Phillip if he’s your favorite. You don’t need to bash other contestants.

      • Stop being bitter…that’s not good for your health:) Jessica will definitely make it as this year’s American Idol whether you like it not!

  3. I truly have no clue.  They’re all pretty even.  Whoever wins deserves it. 

    I have a beef with Jimmy saying that he had no clue & that last year he knew Scott was going to win.   How in Hades- unless it was rigged- did he know Scott was going to win?   Haley was by far a better singer.  As was James.  In hockey terms, what Jimmy basically said was “I knew Matt Barnaby would win the scoring title” back when Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemieux played.

    Something’s fishy.

    As for this year, I think any of the top 7 could have a pretty solid career.  I’m not saying all 7 will, but that any of the top 7 could.  It’ll depend on how they’re marketed and of course, if their songs are any good.   Every year it kills me that some of these people aren’t doing better post Idol.

    I don’t just mean Haley.  I mean Shiobhan, Allison, Bo Bice, Blake Lewis.  The list goes on. Even Adam, he’s doing well, but I thought he’d be even bigger.   I like Carrie Underwood.  I like her whole lot.  But now you could make a case that she’s barely in the top 10 of all time Idols based on how well they did when they were on the show.  These kids are getting better and better almost every year.   I didn’t even know what Idol was until season 4, so I didn’t see Kelly. 

    I wish there were more Carrie and Kelly successes for these contestants post Idol.

    • Better watch out for the other three of top ten. I think you might have a big surprise!

    • Blake Lewis??? Melinda was so much better than him. And she deserved a lot more. 

      • even better than Jordin (imo) – she was good w/ a nice angelic tone too, but Melinda’s style drew me in more.

      • Yes, I missed Melinda.  The list I put up there wasn’t the only ones I meant, just the names off the top of my head.  That’s why “the list goes on” was up there.  Melinda was a better singer.  She should have definately won her year.   I think that was rigged too because Melinda was getting up there in age (by AI standards, I’m 15 years older than her) where as Jordan could be sculpted by the producers.  She’s actually a pretty astute judge too if ya see her over on Slezak’s site.   Blake I think was more original though. 

      • Melinda was my idol but as you can see this is also a popularity contest 🙁

    • I see nothing fishy in Jimmy saying Scotty was going to win.  I picked him out during auditions.  All of the components were there.  Rich, deep, smooth voiced, guitar playing, blue-eyed charmer.  Country votes were a sure thing especially since there was no more Nashville star, plus the rise in popularity of country music among people who are sick of rap and hip-hop.  Taylor Swift and Lady Antebellum helped pave the way.  Not to mention that country music festivals all over the country are still affordable compared to arena seats and you get a full bill of stars rather than one major act and one opening act.  Winner across the board.

      • Before I forget to mention it, I too expected Brandon Rogers to go much further than he did.  I really liked him.
        As for Skylar, this is only my opinion:  Skylar didn’t stick to country.  Skylar made a huge mistake turning Fortunate Son into a yee-haw, high five party  song which disrespected the whole vibe of the song.  And Skylar was too butch for the southern block of voters who like their ladies to “keep sweet”, not go out to blow Bambi’s head off.

  4. para mi la ganadora jessica sanchez y el top 2 sera

    1-jessica y  2- joshua 

    • I hope you don’t mean what you just said because any of the 3 is deserving to win…

  5. omg this is it… hope jess in the final… she deserve to win.. we support u here in PA. n all my fren ur amazing young lady… we love u.

  6. I really wish JESSICA SANCHEZ wins AMERICAN IDOL. In my opinion, she’s the best singer in the competition. I can’t imagine how good she’ll be at 20!!! 

  7. Just watched again some episodes of AI mostly about the “save” moment episode and the next ep- Colton’s elimination~ I just can’t imagine how fast it is, it’s top 3 already. wooohoo. 
    I saw JS crying moments again there and just thinking wow her fans really did amazing job keeping her there~ 🙂 
    Josh, from being good to great! WOW. from being in the bottom 3 for several times now in top3. WOW. He probably gain a lot of fans to vote for him with his great performances~ (but must gain a lot of hater too~that’s part of it anyway.)
    P2, Oh..I actually never like him from the beginning, the way he sings, his songs that were almost the same for me but I love him now, I mean as a person, I think he is a nice guy and fun~ and with that “‘Volcano” song, Ok, P2 offered something new and great!!! He just have this incredible voice~

    Anyone who wins would be fine for me now~ 🙂
    I mean we couldn’t really compare P2 to JS & Josh.
    P2 can do something the other 2 can’t, and vice versa.
    If P2-JS, P2-Josh~ It would be an interesting finale for me~ It’s like what particular genre would click to people.??
    If JS-Josh, Ultimate duel of power vocals. A matter of who’s going to sell more album? But still, would rather see them doing more current songs than having big powerful songs in their album~ HAHA.

    Can’t wait for next week performances~ Hope they’ll, judges&jimmy choose best songs for the 3~ 🙂

    • This is a singing competition, contestants must show the power of their voices. People can sing a song but when someone can sing so powerful that you cant imagine that is talents and you cant see that in many superstars. If someone can sing like that can sing all kinds of music. Last week, I like Hollie and Jessica’s duet. At the end, Hollie was in high range and Jessica in low range. From there you can see/hear the differences on their voices. Because if they sang in the same high note I think they will overpower each other.  I dont know, its just my opinion.

  8. I wonder if each judge will pick a song for a particular contestant? Like maybe Jennifer for Joshua, Randy for Jessica and Steven for Phillip? Or will they do it as all 3 together? Because last year (and Season 1) they picked songs as a whole panel, not individually… just wondering…Simon often used to pick songs for the eventual winner…Ruben, Fantasia, Jordin, David, Lee…

  9. We’re finally down to the Top 3.  Maybe Hollie should have been sent home due to the number of times she has avoided elimination.  But, I’m still wondering why Phillip is still there.  I think he should have been eliminated many weeks ago.  I just don’t find his voice appealing.  Who’s going to buy the records he makes?  He might be a good musician, but this is primarily a singing show. If somehow he beats Jessica or Joshua for the title, American Idol’s reputation slides down a whole bunch!  Go, 16-Year Old, Jessica!  Whip the boys good.  Airforce 1 

    • I agree with bluesnyder–Phillip may not be your type of music–but it doesn’t mean he is any less talented than the other two.  And, if reference to ‘who is going buy the records he makes’–me and thousands of other people who vote for him each and every week.  I will never buy a Jessica or Joshua album–not my thing, but I am not naive enough to think just because I won’t buy their music that nobody else will–that is just ignorant.

      •  Then buy Philip’s cd and watch his concert both of you will be in pain.

      • And, if reference to ‘who is going not to buy the records he (P2) makes’–me and millions of millions other people who never voted for him each and every week. I will ever,ever,always, always buy a Jessica or Joshua album–it’s always my thing..can’t help it not to..this 2 are jst simply amazing and pure talent. 🙂

    •  Well,  I don´t find Jessicas voice appealing. She sings technical great, but I can´t connect to her voice and her songs. Too hard and cold and to close to screaming.
      But I understand, if other people love her.
      It is all very subjective . Everybody finds different things ( or voices) appealing.
      Please accept other people ( and voters ) opinions!

      •  How can you compare jessica’s voice to P2, I mean she can sing any song, BALLAD, SOULFUL and LULLABY!!! Cm’on come to think of it!!! Im tired of P2’s voice, his voice sounds like ? over and over again. Cm.on America please vote for the best. Jessica We love..  I think p2 should go…

        Happy mother’s day 🙂

      •  Team Jessica, what about the ROCK-genre? Her Queen-songs ( specially the group-song ) weren´t  her best performances.
        But that is o.k. Everybody should sing in his genre . ( But I have to say Phillip did great with Usher. )
        Yes you are right, you can´t compare the voices of Phillip and Jess, because they have different styles and suited to different genres ( Rock and R&B).

    • You really must be joking. Phillip is so far ahead of those 2 not singing but screaming it is really a joke !!!!
      Go Phillip all the way. Show these people what real music is !!!

      • Jayidrocks, I know but it’s not all about Differences, it’s all about who’s worthy to become an american idol.  He’s also a good singer but not a total package and also jess but we need to consider the best vocals. JESSICA GO!!

    • I should be a big fan of Phillip, as I like the blues. But, I lost connection with him a long time ago. Due mostly to it seeming like the same song was sung week after week by him. But, last week I was very impressed with him … especially that song “Valcaneo’. I would have bought that, if there was more like that on his CD.

    • I like P2 but not crazy about him. He is unique but has limited range compared to Jess & Josh.  Last week’s 2nd song of Josh was the most deserving SO’s he ever had, the rest was overrated. Jessica & Joshua in the finale would be crazy. Both range are amazing BUT I like this amazing 16 yr. old Jessica to win!!!

    • I agree..It SHOULD be a Josh/Jess finale.. that would be so incredibly SICK! but if phil’s in the finale, boring! He’s a good artist. Just not as powerful as jess or josh

  10. I hope JS will pick Steven Tyler’s song choice.
    Something like “I don’t wanna miss a thing” (Aerosmith)

    • I doubt that.  That song is a sore spot for Steven because Aerosmith didn’t write it.  Diane Warren wrote it for a movie Steven’s daughter Liv was in and she asked him to do it for the soundtrack.  It was their biggest hit and they didn’t write it.

  11. Philip for the win!  Toss=up between Joshua and Jessica as to whom will be second.  P2 is one of the most original singers ever on Idol during the past several years.  He should and will win.  I pray that the other two will not resort to a shouting match Tuesday night – let’s see some singing, not yelling.  Please!! GO PHILIP!!

    • I agree all the way !  I may just mute my TV when the 2 J’s do their screaming. Phillip is the real deal !!! I hope America will vote for the real Idol.   All The Way for Phillip !!!!!

    • No , let’s see some more constipated growls, with a horrid melody, if their will even be a melody. And let’s watch the same guitar strumming, or fondling with the mic stand cause he doesn’t know what the hell to do with himself without a guitar, same tempo and same one note one tone type song, yea that sounds good. I like Phillip, but my gosh he can’t do vocally one third of what J&J does! It’s not called ‘screaming’ or ‘screeching’, it’s called range, and Phillip has none. But hey, if that’s what your into, then so be it, but J&J being a ‘scream’ fest, DELUSIONAL pal.

      • Btledoux … Very well stated. I personally like the blusy style of music Phillip does. But, as a performer, he very much bores me to tears. As I think I am hearing thre same song, with the lyrics changed everytime he performs. But, I will say he impressed me with that song he did this week called, “valcano”. That was a very recordable song.

      •  One tempo, one type? Then  we have seen a different show last wednesday.  I heard 2 completely different songs. His first song was clearly a quicker extrovert feal-good-song. His second was slower, quietly and melancholy.
        And there is nothing wrong with standing on one place while singing. You can see, how he feels the song anyway – through the movement of all his body.
         A singer don´t to have move from one end of the stage to the other to show a good performance.

      • Jay, I actually liked his performances wed night, and thought his ‘volcano’ was his best of the season, but he sounds repetitive on every song he sings. Not denying he’s talented, he’s extremely good at what he does, but when people want to say that J&J ‘scream’, and Phillip ‘sings’, that’s hogwash, they all Sing, but his vocal ability doesn’t come close to Jess and Josh. And every song he sings IS very similar in tempo, has he ever sang a ballad….no, has he ever sang a really up beat song…no, it’s all pretty much mid tempo, with maybe slight variations here an there, but nothing like all the other contestants have done. He does have the ability to change up a song and make it his own, however…he does seem to want to eliminate the melody altogether, as the judges have noted, albeit they don’t really criticize him for it a they should, only to say that it’s his style, but when he has sang the melody, Like in ‘Time of the Season’ two weeks ago, it was terrible. Phillip does His thing, thats all, he doesn’t push himself outside his comfort zone, he hasn’t attempted a ballad or a really upbeat song, so if he’s not interested in pushing and growing his talents in this competition, why does he deserve to win? He’s just flat out predictable. He is good at what he does, not trying to discredit him in anyway, but J&J has pushed themselves to go outside their comfort zones, sing different genres, extend their vocal abilities, and sing a variety of tempos, and from what I’ve watched Phillip has not done that at all, and from reading this site, many people agree with me.

    • most original? aahhhmmm how about adam lambert and david cook? they always change the arrangement of the songs….P2 arrange his songs to fit into his genre coz he cant sing other songs, he cant do pop or RnB or ballad, his vocal ability is limited, thats why he changes the songs to where he can sing it easily…just saying, just an observation…

  12. hate to say it,  don’t trust the judges.  Won’t pick the good song for their bottom two.  But their favorite,  different story.

    • We all know who their favs are since they give them a SO all the time. They are soooo wrong.

  13. i gotta say theres no point of asking who you think is gonna since jessicas save fans have even sent in more votes shes the best singerthere if she wins she would be 1.the first girl to win since season 6 2. the first person to win that got saved 3. the first asian to win and many more what i am saying is there is no vote splitting now theres no competition jessica will win

      • Mexican/American, NOT asian.  Born here to a Latino father. The Philippines don’t enter into it at all.

      • the phippines is in asia mexico is in america so shes half asian and half american

      • @Raliballen technically Jessica Sanches is “American” coz she’s born here in USA and reason why she’s in American Idol but etnicity wise, she’s Fil-Mex-American…
        Nevertheless, she’s proud of her heritage which I sincerely respect.

      •  Yes Jessica is an American of Filipino Mexican descent. Jessica for the Win!

      •  tico, the Philippines does enter into it since Jessica’s mother is from the Philippines. And that adds to Jessica’s appeal: her heritage, American, Mexican, Filipino/Asian. Of course, primarily it’s her vocal ability and musical talent is tops. She is the best!

      • Jessica is’re mistaken Tico &  cr8zy..her mother is full blooded Filipina from the philippines …her dad is a Mexican..jst trying to straight the facts !

    • And who says that is right???? This is suppose to be about the best singing artist and that is not Jessica.
      If you want to vote for a real musician and singer, VOTE PHILLIP !!!!!!

      • Where in the title of American Idol does it say, ‘ the best musician/singer/songwriter’? Everybody has their own idea of AI represents, but when has it been about finding the best musician/singer songwriter…..never. It’s always been about finding the best undiscovered SINGERS in America, and compared to Jessica and Joshua, Phillip is not that. Different style than what’s accustom to AI, yes, but ideal for the winner of THIS show, NO. If it were a show about being the best instrument playing singer/songwriter, then YES, but it’s not. And besides, who knows what kind of songs Phillip is capable of writing, we haven’t heard any of them. So the two best singers in this competition are clearly Jess and Josh, without a doubt, so therefor, for THIS show, either of them should win over Phillip.

      • Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!! LOL..peace…:) lets just enjoy the show next week guys lets not fight.. P2, Jess & Josh are all good in their own way though of course I love Jess hehehe…

      •  Btledoux1229 he is capable of songwriting. You can check on You tube his song “Hazel”. There is one video, where a girl is singing this song and another video ( with interview) where he sings it himself.

    • I think “TICO” is mexican….but lets not fight over her ethinicity or nationality….its irrelevant and it will not make her win. 

      The fight here is for her to get VOTES and win the title. So, please stop the RACE issue. 

      • I think some posters here are just so annoyed by the filipinos acting as if Jessica’s asian connection is all that matters.  It’s sickening.

      • @parkerDean I’m not a Filipino but will you stop generilizing all the Filipinos coz not all of them are annoying… No wonder they retaliate back and for some good reasons.

  14. Hi Jessica…I hope u can include the ff songs…Listen,One Moment in Time or The Prayer….Im rooting for you…these are big songs which is suitable for ur big voice..

    • It is pretty obvious I feel it will be between Jessica and Joshua, omg. They are sooo good. I really am having a hard time but my heart has been with Joshua, he has had standing ovations almost every single time he sings, that says alot!! He really should win the hole thing, he really deserves it!!!! Go Joshua, you are soooo awesome!!!!

      •  Joshua has so many back up singers that will add to his performance unlike Jessica its only her voice and the instrument.

      • I agree with Paulyn, Jessica doesn’t even need so much drama to highlight her performance…her voice and how she delivers the song speak well of her talent. That’s how amazing she is…at 16!

    • I want Jessica to sing THIS IS THE MOMENT…the lyrics is so suitable for the event….check it in youtube….

      • This is my wishful thinking for Jessica to sing next week, very suitable indeed for the battle of the champions. This will show her wide range vocal prowess and her amazing talent. Jessica for the win.

  15. jessica sanchez will be the next american idol because of her power voice and she deserved it.

    • Well Joshua is just as talented it definately will be between Joshua and Jessica for sure!!!!!!!

  16. Good Luck to all three contestants.  Especially to Jessica, because you are the apple of my eye and have been all season.  Sing your little heart out like you did the Dream Girls song and you have it made in the shade!!  Much good luck and keep focused, but have a little fun too! This is a once in a lifetime experience and you need to make the absolute best of each & every moment.

  17. If I am Jimmy I will give:

    Jessica Sanchez- Before It Explode
    Phillip Phillips- Use Somebody
    Joshua Ledet- If This Isn’t Love

  18. Phillip Pump up kicks “Foster the people”
    Joshua Proud Mary “Tina”
    Jessica Hero “Mariah Carey”
    Phillip Legs ZZ top
    Joshua White Horse “taylor Swift”
    jessica “Rehab” AMY winehouse
    Phillip Live like we’re dying “Kris Allen”
    Joshua “Wasted” Carrie Underwood”
    Jessica “Stronger” Kelly Clarkson”

  19. the homecoming for jessica was great,,,,she sang 4 songs,,,,l will always love you,,,try a little tenderness..stuttering and my favorite  Proud Mary,,,,,huge turnout,,,is not on Utube yet,,,,,try in a couple of hours,,,,the live stream was a little blurry  what it was alrught……

    • I love Jessica, but thos songs she sang were the least I wanted from her. I prefer “And I’m telling you”, “Dance with my father” and “Sweet dreams” over “Try a little tenderness” and “Proud Mary”.

    • I watched various clips of jessica’s san diego homecoming. The support was overwhelming. I only saw her sang try a little tenderness, stuttering, forgot the other song. And at at the USS concert, i saw her sang dance with my father while her dad was standing on the other side. That was soooo sweet! Go jessica!

      • You go to youtube and:-)search for jessica sanchez san diego homecoming. Various hits will appear. You choose which one you wanna! It was fun:-)

  20. Best of Luck Jessica Sanchez………please choose that huge and Known songs and let them believe again to ur amazing voice.

  21. Whats Jessica gonna sing that’s relevant to her age and looks? U gOnna watch her videos? Boring and not relatable! Joshua can sing anything. Phillip seems to be sabatoging himself. He’s got the talent and style of his own. I predict Joshua will win and I’ll vote for him over Jessica but not over Phillip just because I like Phillips style and sound.

    • I also like the style of music that Phillip perfoms. I just think it get a bit montonous when he seems to sing the same song each and every week. But, I will admit that he definetly stepped up his game this week. The problem is, so did the other 2.

      • I love Phillip’s music and I am not a young teen chick. I just know the difference between singing great music and screaming bad music.

      • To Gsm44dolphin: You know nothing about music! Screaming??? the legend James Brown and Aretha Franklin scream too…so does that mean singing with screaming is bad music??? that is to you..because you don’t know music!  
         I know…you just easily get carried away by men!!!   

      • Joshua used to oversing every single song he performed. But, he has not screamed or oversang a song in over three weeks now. If you are unable to see the difference, than I feel sorry for you. Now if you call hitting the crystal clear high notes and holding them, then pulling back at just the righ moment as screaming, then there is not much I can say. Other than I feel sorry for your very bland taste in music. When I was young, I used to listen to singers like Janis Joplin, Robert Plant and Joe Cocker who give very emmotional performances with what you would call screaming, I’m sure. All I can say is you and my 70 year old mom have the very same, passionless taste in music. But she came from a generation where bland music was the norm … With songs like “Jimmy Crack Corn and I don’t care”. So her bland musical taste is excusable. Is yours? 

      • Joshua used to oversing every single song he performed. But, he has not screamed or oversang a song in over three weeks now. If you are unable to see the difference, than I feel sorry for you. Now if you call hitting the crystal clear high notes and holding them, then pulling back at just the righ moment as screaming, then there is not much I can say. Other than I feel sorry for your very bland taste in music. When I was young, I used to listen to singers like Janis Joplin, Robert Plant and Joe Cocker who give very emmotional performances with what you would call screaming, I’m sure. All I can say is you and my 70 year old mom have the very same, passionless taste in music. But she came from a generation where bland music was the norm … With songs like “Jimmy Crack Corn and I don’t care”. So her bland musical taste is excusable. Is yours? 

    • You vote: for joshua because you like him, we’ll vote for jessica because we like her…. Its a simple as that! No need to bash nor give nonsense comments because at this slate, all them are amazing singers! If you really want joshua to get through, you’re going to power vote for him, just like what we do for jessica! 🙂

  22. Jessica Sanchez needs to win! I am so tired of seeing guys winning this show! After 4 guys winning back to back, a girl needs to take the title.

  23. I wish the three girls are competing, that would really be a good fight, with three different type of styles, country, soul, and contemporary.

  24. Sorry PP fans……but there is virtually no way that Phillips can win.  This is due to the other 2 in the final three.  Due to music styles, if Joshua is shown the door next week, his fans will most certainly vote for Jessica in the finale, and visa versa.  In more recent popularity polls, Phillips is running in 3rd place.  He may make the finals, but it would take a absolute miracle for him to win.

    • I disagree with your statement.

      P2 will win. WGWG contestants always win and idol history proves it. People will vote for him because they want another WGWG contestant to win.

      • P2 winning is possible BUT Jess fansbase is literally HUGE (not only tweens but also mature adults, crazy adults, mens, women, kids, gays, lesbians & etc of different races) and all of them are voting LOL!!!
        ADD:  tons of people are voting for a girl winner so her chances of winning is bigger than ever, I wouldn’t even say IMO because that is just simple the FACT…. But we will see how powerful the WGWG as the remaining weeks goes by

      • Well damn James, you should take your cat to try out for Americas got Talent then. If your cat can sing better than Josh, or hell, if it can even sing at all, you’d make millions bro. Does he or she need an agent?

        Oh you will never learn. Silly rabbit, tricks are for kids, not for cats.

      •  Btledoux1229
        My cat is awesome, amazing, and a legend. It can sing, I am his agent and we are working on a deal with Meowtown Records as we speak. His stage name is “Little Meowing Wonder” keep an eye out for him.

  25. girls camp was almost wipe out – elise, skylar, hollie
    lets all rally behind JESSICA

  26. Now is the time for Jessica to sing “LISTEN” , this will be another MOMENT  for her.

  27. I Hope Jessica Sanchez will sing ” This is the moment”…a perfect continuation of ” I am telling you”

      • A Moment Like This was already sung by Kelly Clarkson during Season 1’s Finale. If Jessica will sing this song, there will be a hell lot of comparison again—a lot of bashing and hating and what the crap. So I guess “This is the moment” is the better choice than “A moment like this”. 

      • @45fe856f3b4c4f96bb4790ddee183b35:disqus I don’t know that song. I don’t think “This is the Moment” is an US song. I don’t think a song like that will be performed on AI.

        US songs only.

      • You want a 16 year old girl to sing a song about laying in bed with her sleeping lover?  Nice.  NOT!

  28. I am so wishing phillip all the best and look forward to buying his first album…he is soooooo good…

    • I think Phillip should have that Zombies tune on his first album.  He totally slayed that one.

  29. How can we Compared P2 to jessica’s voice, Jessica’s voice is so damn good, her voice can be ” OVER THE TOP”, “SOULFUL” and  “LULLABY” cm’on America, she doesn’t need to go and i think p2 should go!!! Go Jessica!!!

    Happy Mother’s day 2 all 🙂

  30. She is now in the top 3.  She has already booked her first singing engagement, a nationally televised event at pbs.  No other idol contestant can say that, and she booked this even at the top 4. Spot.   Go jessica for the win.  I am in nyc and we will vote till the end.

      • and your point??? i guess you just need to be a smart *SS as always, right?

      • James, I just realize you have a mental illness for posting like crazy in this site about the alleged cheating of Filipinos on voting. Poor you.

      •  I guess your vocabulary is very limited man. It is so simple. Just google define mania. It also means enthusiasm. Go ahead, google it. You don’t have to spend. Google the Webster dictionary and educate yourself.

  31. Jimmy Iovine’s pick is the bomb, this time they will finally get to sing songs that really suits them coming from the true judge himself. So excited for it. 

  32. Jessica for the win!..Kim Kardashian just tweeted: 
    RT @KimKardashian6: If Jessica Sanchez doesn’t win American Idol.. I’m gonna throw my flat screen tv OUT, THE WINDOW. Period.

    • Its just a fake/parody account. Check the number of followers. But still, Jessica for the win!

    • Glad is a fake cause if the real Kim Kardashian endorsed Jess, it would be the kiss 0f death.
      Kim Kardashian is a good reason to develop time travel and keep abortion legal so that some day we will be able to travel back in time and have her aborted.

  33. Awesome Top 3, really! This season is way better than last year. They’re all very different and awesome in their own ways. But I want Jessica to win. I hope she will win this thing

  34. I am not happy with the top 3. In my opinion, PP should have gone home weeks ago. The top 3 should be Jessica, Holly, and  Joshua. I have been listening to the video performances from AI’s last couple of emails, and Holly stands out. She has a better voice than PP and I am not sure that I  will vote for anyone else this week . Joshua has a pretty good voice, but he screams and yells when he sings. Jessica is starting to follow  Josh. PP does not sing in a way that I like and I could never call him an American Idol. Good luck to all. Sorry, but I have invested enough time in voting, (2 hours every Wednesday night). I probably won’t be voting for the duration of this year’s AI show.

    •  Thats “your” opinion, that Hollie has a better voice than PP.
      And you  said it yourself, “you” don´t like the way he sings, but other people do. Also peace!

  35. Jessica for the win!..Mahmoud Ahmadinejad just tweeted:
    RT @IranianPrez: If Jessica Sanchez doesn’t win American Idol.. I’m gonna have to drop nuclear bombs on the US

  36. I am pretty happy with the top 3 – they are all different – but it wasn’t my wanted top 3. Personally, I was rooting for Phillip, Colton and Elise to be the top 3 this year. They were all different and amazing! But, whatever, hope PHILLIP PHILLIP WILL WIN!

  37. Of course, Jessica Sanchez/BB Chez  is in it to win it!!!

    • Ok this whole BBChez thing is ridiculous.. a. Jessica you’re not even off american idol yet so quit acting like a dive b. you are not Beyonce or Nicki Minaj so get rid of the “alter ego” its getting old

    • Hopeing that nightmare does not win. She needs to go on home and grow up !!!!!

  38.  Love Phillip Phillips and I can hardly wait to see you sing live!!! I just hope I can get front row tickets to see you moving your feet & leg lol. I will pass on Josh & Jess to old fashioned for me……… Just saying the truth. 

    • I think this is unnecessary “I will pass on Josh & Jess to old fashioned for me……… Just saying the truth.” 🙂

      P2 is great artist~

  39. it would be nice to see a girl win this time… jessica for the win… vote vote vote! :)) goodluck to the top 3!

    • GO Team Estrogen. How about just the best artist. If one of the guys win ts jsut because they have better market appeal. As such I think its fixed and JEssica will win not because shes the best but all the CDs AI wants to sell and the ratings. Tehre is always lots of controversy and the best singer does not always win. Pia Toscana last season was better than Scotty. However they wanted a male hanna montana. In walks scotty.  

    • How about we all rally behind the best singer since this is a show about singing.
      The best is Phillip !!

  40. Jessica Sanchez is the most viewed idol contestant on youtube; received enormous support from the people in the music industry; continues to impress millions of people with her amazing performances; and with over 300k followers on twitter… it’s pretty obvious a lot are rooting for her to win… :))

    • The most viewed video on youtube is of a goat farting-not sure having high views on Youtube means anything. The music industry is full of corruption and these are the people that gave us Hippity Hop/Rap; so the music industry are people I have no respect for.  I don’t think millions are being amazed by anyone’s performances. Ashton Kutcher has millions of twitter followers and we all know he is a giant douche bag that kill two and a half men.

      So you stupid statistics mean nothing….the only thing that means anything is how many downloads and how many cds get sold. Until you have those statistic…keep the other ones where they below…up your poo hole.

    • Yes, but may not mean a lot would vote for her or a lot have the capacity to vote for her~ she definitely has a lot of people rooting for her worldwide~

      • True.  And many of the views on YouTube are by folks in foreign countries.  The real test of popularity will be once idol is done and it’s down to who sells concert tickets and downloads and CDs.  If the past 10 seasons have taught us anything it’s that the winner is often not the winner in the long run.

      • @Templar I know you don’t like Jess and I don’t have problem with that but  “IF” you are insinuating that her career will not suceed even if she wins, then you do have major insecurities with this little 16 yrs old.

        Again that is only IF you are, if not, then pardon me….
        This is simply my own personal opinion, nothing more…

      • @77847f54875cf281df6f142adaafe94a:disqus I’ve often said on this site that I believe Jessica will do better globally than she will in North America.  That isn’t prejudicial, it’s just my opinion.  You’re correct in stating that I don’t care for her style, although I have nothing against her as a person.  Power ballads are her strong point and I’m not a fan of Celine, Whitney etc. Also, in the past winners have been rushed into putting out a CD without the benefit of working with the best writers and material.  IMO they should never have lowered the age requirement.  Deandre, Jessica and Hollie would all have benefitted by an extra couple of years before auditioning.  But it’s just my opinion.

      • @25ec7cf1afcc411464c89781fc53f8eb:disqus IMO with the right strategy and right person producing her albums  she can be equally successful both globally and here in America…

        To me, she shows that she adapts to her situation well & learns quick that’s why the the age is more of a advantage to her rather a hindrance. With a little help, she can expand her styles from ballad to rock and even some country if she wants to.  I honestly find this girl extremely talented and hoping that rec0rd companies will show her full potential because she is ready…

        But again, that is just me 🙂

      • It’s not a girl thing its a culture thing. So if a cuban american was in top 3 or hejun was in top three same deal. Its so funny. I know lots of folks in the filipino community. Its a grass roots deal. They want a femal jose mari chan on the label. Manilla is a big market. Lots of jeepees have ipods. Lots of better singers out there. Besides she already had a shot on AGT and lost so here we go again. Jsut like Frenchie and the voice.

  41. Sorry Jessica Sanchez fans, but I want her to get voted off to sign a better contract than the one AI would give her if she would win. AI contracts suck, you know.

    •  I think you hit the nail right on the head. The question is, since the Top 2 are assured of signing with Interscope/19, does Jimmy Iovine have enough clout to make sure Sanchez gets to the finale? If she places 3rd, the line of record producers is endless and they run the risk of losing her. I think she gets through, whether it’s legit or fixed.

    • The contracts suck anyhow. She’d or the rest would be better off signing another label.

  42. Ledet should win.  He is unbelievable!!!  Sanchez is phenomenal!!
    It should be between these two.  But Ledet should get the title.
    Lucille L.-B.

  43. Phillip or Joshua need to be voted off; really neither of them should still even be there. Jessica is the lesser of the three evils that are left so I guess that I’m pulling for her. This entire AI season has been somewhat of a joke the way that the judges have put Phillip and Joshua on such a high pedestal while at the same time overly critcizing others such as Skylar, Elise, and Hollie.

  44. huh,…i just hope colton dixon in the top 3…whyyyyyyyy…..urghhh..

    • Colton was cool. If he wasnt opely Christian and more like Adam Lambert he’s be in the top 3. Voting system and finale rigged.

      • Colton will do well. He is another Lincoln Brewster maybe better. You go Colton. Don’t sell out like the others to corporate rock images. Show them your roots and how honest talent without all the novelty acts will make you go far.

  45. Jessica for the win!..Kim Jong un just tweeted:
    RT @nuttyKorean: If Jessica Sanchez doesn’t win American Idol.. I’m gonna have to drop nuclear bombs on the US

  46. Jessica for the win!..Adolf Hitler just tweeted:
    RT @NazisforJess: If Jessica Sanchez doesn’t win American Idol.. I’m gonna have to pull a Holocaust against all non-whites on the US, whoops sorry Jess you gotta burn.

  47. It’s funny how everyone’s like “Go this!” “Go that!” “No to her!” “Don’t vote for him!” when in reality it’s us that placed them in that position in the first place. Regardless of who you’re rooting for, I think it’s best that we wish them all luck and even though we’re not game for all of them, we see the good side in them all. Sure, Joshua’s always screaming. Philip, to be honest, has this growling voice that gets tiring. Jessica, on the other hand, can be boring and super diva-ish in a bad way. Everyone has their own flaws like we all do. We’re human. We shouldn’t bash them for it, hate each other’s fans or even put into question and rumor about their own lives. Let’s pray, vote and hope for the best for whoever we’re rooting for and know that they’re all giving each other a good fight. They’re all equally doing their best. No bashing, be at peace. Vote and support for any of the three. But still, relax and take it easy. After all, it’s anyone’s game. 🙂

  48. My 2 cents worth…..This season there was a lot of talent and by now, the last 3 are all likeable and I won’t be unhappy no matter who wins. I think over the years of Idol, it’s become misleading to expect ANY contestant to win and become “An Idol” The music business is tough for anyone, and being on any of these talent competitions will primarily be a stepping stone. After that,it’s up to them and how stubborn and committed they turn out to be. I REALLY REALLY wanted this year to see some ladies win on any of the music shows. It must be very discouraging to women who get on these shows and know that most of the voters will go for the hot good looking guys.  I hope there are some smart influencial people out there paying attention to the ladies who get passed by and think about giving them another chance.  One thing they should all take away from Idol and similar shows, is to not take it too seriously. Just stay humble, work hard, be true to themselves and grow from the experience.

    • The fact is that for the most part male artists sell better than female artists.  For every Adele there are a dozen Trains.  And a female singer with a band Lady Antebellum ,Florence and the Machine has a better chance than a solo female.  Current BB Top 40 has less than 25% females and 2 of those are way old [Raitt and Madonna] and one is dead [Whitney].

      • And one has to be the caboose. Sorry Jess baby. But you are no Adele. Dancing with the stars is the next show to audition for. Or wait 5 years and go in the boardroom with the Donald.

      • Top female vocalist of all time Madonna? OMG ok she sold some records based on novelty like Lady Gaga. Both are novelty acts. Explains your taste. Hopefully you wont turn Jessica into more of a diva or a novelty act. Bad enough they showed her on TV shopping at Victoria Secret. Really? Shes 16. Its so sad culture forces girls to grow up too fast jsut to make someone a buck.

      • @18296138c41f6ad18c0c86e62bbac357:disqus I never praised Madonna or said anything about her being the first anything.  In point of fact, I can’t stand her and never understood her appeal.  What I did say was that this week’s Billboard top 40 had less than 25% female artists and she was one of them.  Go back and read my post again.

      • Female music Stats
        Best selling album by a solo female artist: The Bodyguard (Whitney Houston)
        Best Selling Female Album Artist: Barbra Streisand (based on RIAA shipments)
        Best Selling Female Album Artist: Mariah Carey (49,937,000)(based on retail sales of Soundscan Era)
        Best Selling debut album by a Female Artist: …Baby One More Time (Britney Spears) (14x Platinum)
        Female Artist with the Most Diamond Certified albums: Shania Twain (3 albums)
        Fastest Selling Female Artist: Britney Spears (1,319,922 copies in first week sales and 587,009 copies in first day)
        Best Selling Artist in a week: Britney Spears (3,074,500 with 6 albums)
        Fastest Selling Female R&B Artist: Alicia Keys (743,000 copies in first week sales)
        Most Platinum Singles for a Female Arist: 13 (Mariah Carey)

  49. seriously,..if jessica sing single ladies…i will change my name to team jessica…i just love that song…

    • have you watched her singing single ladies check it out its on youtube… 🙂

    • You kinda contradicte yourself. You’ve been talking sh*t about Jessica since the very beginning and now you want her on the finale? I just don’t understand you, man. Seriourly!!

      • Jessica is the most talented among the three of them. She’s the best and deserves to win (in my opinion). It’s not because she’s a girl. It’s because she’s the best singer in the competition.

      • Exactly. It’s funny that people come here to flood posts to help make Jessica win. If she’s all that then why worry? I am sure everyone with a Magic Jack East of Hawaii is already plugged in. She’s good but not the best. SHe will sell records much like Jasomine Trias did who was also a top contendor in season 3. I wish my auntie would vote for me on the super lotto site. *G* it’s hilarious. You can tell because all the posts are like ESL. hahaha

  50. P2? he cant sing other songs apart from his genre..he would always arrange the songs to fit in to his vocal capacity….he cant do ballad, or RnB or pop etc…the range of his voice is limited, though some of the songs that he did on AI  was good, like the volcano and u got it bad…

    Jessica? can sing the phonebook, has great vocal ability! amazing for a 16year old girl, she’s confident whenever she sings (though sometimes she fails to connect with the audience)has been praised by different artists, grammy winners and even producers

    Joshua? just like jessica, he can sing the phonebook. He;s very passionate when he sings and he’s like a pro! sometimes he’s over the top, lots of screaming but its his style…he’s a good performer!

    Out of the 3…joshua and jessica should be in the finale, this is a singing contest after all…P2 is good but compare to Joshua and jess…he doesnt have much range …but since P2 has a lot of fans, he may be in the finale, who knows, he’s never been in the bottom 3….might be jessica and P2 on the finale, since Jess also has a lot of fans…..anyway this is just my opinion guys….ill be voting base on who has d best performance of the night on wednesday…pretty excited 

    •  Then you have missed his Usher-song!
       And I would think “Volcano” was a ballade.

    • Can I just ask what’s the genre of P2, just curious still~? 🙂
      Vocally, I agree but I still think P2 still deserves to win, I mean for me, singing competition is not just about the range of voice~
      Still, JS FTW~ 🙂

    • You are a baby as you have no idea what your talking about.

      Joshea, screaming is his style and many people think it’s terrible. His scream isn’t like other great R&B/gospel screamers, it’s screechy and dirty….almost like his throat is full of snot or something. My animals hate it and howl and meow when he screams. Joshea is nothing original, she does covers of other people’s songs.

      Jess, I don’t see her doing much outside of R&B ballads and when she does anything with an up tempo, she doesn’t do it well. she has said all she wants to be is Beyonce. We already got Beyonce. Jess is nothing original, she does covers of other people’s songs.

      Phillip on the other hand has CONSISTENTLY PERFORMED week after week in almost every genre of music. He may have Phillipized songs to fit his style, but style and genre are two different things. I suppose you hate Dave Matthews too….You don’t know originality when you are staring at. Phillip is a singer and the next step up, an Artist!!

      You rip on P2, you get ripped back.

      • James, The question you should HONESTLY  ask yourself is this: Does Phillip always change the arrangement of the song to fit his unique style or to fit his VERY LIMITED vocal range? I like Phillips bluesy vocal style a lot more than I like pop music. So without a doubt, ” he should be” my favorite. But, his extreame lack in vocal range and the fact that every song of his sounds the same as the one he performed the previous week  made me lose interest in him a long time ago. But, I do admit he stepped up his game last week. But, so did the other two.

      • Foxstar42
        Phillip changes songs to be songs by P2, not covers that are boring karaoke singing like what the others do. P2 hasn’t displayed using a huge vocal range (1.25+ octaves at least), however, his voice is unique with a richness and real quality to it that makes it very interesting to listen to over and over again. The “Vulcano” performance is proof of that.

        Maybe he has developed a personal style so that he can make songs fit into his vocal range. Read that sentence again. Most people would say that person is an artist and music genius to develop an original interesting and entertaining style that fits the vocal abilities of the artist. P2 is an artist!!!

        It’s not “American Singer with the greatest vocal range”.
        It’s “American idol” which means; who has everything to be an entertainment idol. Vocal range is a very, very small component of what makes an American Idol. Many times a unique and interesting voice with limited range is much more interesting and entertaining than a 4 octave range voice. There are many great and unique singers that fall into the 2 or so less octaves range such as: Jamie Cullum, James Morrison, James Taylor, Ringo Starr, Feist, Fiona Apple, Emily Haines, Norah Jones, KT Tunstall, Lily Allen, Dionne Warwick, Karen Carpenter, Fantasia, and Amy Winehouse.  Most of you think Adele is the kitten’s meow…she only has a little over a 2 octaves range.

        There is also a great difference in vocal range verses the range of dynamics within the vocal range.

        Joshea doesn’t have all that great of full voice range either…he just pushes beyond his vocal range and why people think he is screaming, because he is straining by singing beyond his vocal range. P2 could do that to, but it would sound like….screaming. Joshea should be doing more dynamics within his vocal range instead of straining beyond his vocal range.

        It appears to me that Jess does have a wide vocal range, I would guess somewhere close to 3 octaves. But like all, she is strong and weak in different areas of her range…that’s what makes voices unique. If those dynamics within the range are right…you get someone that is more entertaining and interesting. I don’t know about Jess yet….I think her vocal range is great, but there is more to it than that.

        Bottom line is it’s much more than just vocal range. If it was just about vocal range, why didn’t James Durbin win…he has the widest range of any AI alumni at 4+ octaves. You can count on both hands the number of people who have that range.

      • Joshua is the next MJ not chubby checker.. haha you still suck! Luther baby!. And Jessica will never be Mahalia Jackson. Maybe Tito.

      • Among the three contestants, Phillip is the most marketable. He’s the most good-looking, has the most charisma, has a killer smile, tantalizing eyes, and can make girls swoon when he sings. BUT Joshua and Jessica are way better singers than he is – my two cents worth.

      • i beg to disagree.. there are other previous idol winners (guys) who are really good looking and “marketable” as what you say but where are they now?. In my own opinion, the artist that will go through is someone who has, range, power but somewhat soulful and has a soothing voice if the song should be like that. I like P2 as well but not really FTW. 

      • HAHAHAHA! can P2 sing ballad? pop? RnB? NO!!!! all he can sing is acoustic rock and thats it! remember when he sang broken strings in hollywood week? FLOP!!! hahaha! and thats what u call a great artist? can he sing the phonebook? NO!!! has any ARTISTS OR GARMMY WINNERS OR EVEN PRODUCERS aside from the AI mentors praised or roots for him? give me atleast 2 JAMES….u look stupid on ur picture old man and even more stupid with ur comments! i guarantee u P2 is coming home this week! EAT UR HEART OUT!  p2 consistently perfromed almost every genre of music? hahahahahahaha….ur so funny old man! really funny!

      • James, I’m so fed up with your idiotic comments. We all know the truth about you without even having to know you. Your a racist, bigot, homophobe, that is secretly in the closet, and you use your computer to meet little twinks to secretly hook up with, and you also have a big crush on Phillip I’m pretty sure I saw you on an episode of ‘to catch a predator’ hiding your face in shame. You are a disgusting human being, and it’s downright criminal of you to waste perfectly good oxygen that a 99 year old person thats near death could so desperately use, that’s the kind of SCUM that you are! You are a wortless, bigoted hack, and an absolutely wortless human being!

      • You talk like you know so much, but it’s obvious you only try so hard to make up for your shortcomings, which are transparently vast. Anybody with an above 20 iq, can easily see what you truly stand for. How many of your white sheets have holes in them? A . . H O L E!

    • Did James just write a 500 word short story  trying to explain that Phillip only changes the arrangement of every song his performs … So it it fit into his very narrow musical range? Tell us something we do not know there, James.

      Yes, I agree that Joshua very much used to over-sing every song he performed. But, I have not seen anything resembeling oversinging in over 3 weeks know. Or have we on this website reduced ourselfs to cry out claims of screams each and every time Joshua hits a high note these days. If so, my definition if screaming is much different than most everyone else, I think.

      And I will agree that Phillip is  good, sometimes great performer. And his song valcano” is something I would purchase if there was more like it on his CD, when it comes out.

  51. If not Hollie, I wish Joshua will be the winner of this competition.

  52. Jessica for the win!..King Abdullah just tweeted:
    RT @Oilraghead: If Jessica Sanchez doesn’t win American Idol.. I’m gonna have to cut off all oil to the US.

  53. Jessica for the win!..President Obama just tweeted:
    RT @PrezBarry: If Jessica Sanchez doesn’t win American Idol.. I’m gonna have to drop nuclear bombs on the United States.

  54. Jessica should be in the Finale with one of the guys…and she SHOULD WIN!!!!

      • what does nationality got to do with anything?  i’m american and i’ve been voting for jessica (and joshua) since she (they) made top 10.  got a problem with that too? whats with you guys trying to bring up the race thing every time jessica is the topic?

      • I am an American too that own a home in Boston and Cape Cod, MA. My family voted for Jessica, is that a problem? Can I not vote for Jessica because she has a different heritage? Everyone in this country have some kind of other heritage. Hey, she is born in the United States, that makes her an American. What is your problem? You sound so jealous and envious of your own people. I like Filipinos but you are one of the few of their people that I will not like to have on my circle.

    • Pinoy cheat voters outside of the US make the entire AI contest invalid. Jess will NEVER be recognized as the legitimate AI. Cheating is the same thing as stating they don’t think she’s good enough to win it legitimately. AMERICANS DON’T LIKE CHEATERS. How sad for Jess that these foreign Pinoy have stolen from her the victory she might have earned on her own legitimate merit. Karma will ensure justice. SHAME ON YOU.

      • shut up james ,if you don’t know anything,talk less and vote for your favorite.i will deal with you and your allegation of cheating in the phil ,after my husband and his people check this matter we dont want cheating james we want fair ang square in this contest, if is it true i will go myself in us and tell nigel about this my husband knows some here in us he has his family and relatives who’s leaving in new york and voting for jessica non is not a problem at all james.

      • STUPID! AI wont allow that!!! Besides if thats true then THIA MEGIA would have won last year!!! trying to get attention again!!! and on facebook ther are a lot of filipinos there posting comments about wanting to vote thru online and all, dont you think the administrator of that AI facebook would have notice that already and report it to the AI people, they would have done something already! STUPID JAMES!!!

  55. Jsut google it.. AMerican Idol? haha AS IF!
    UsingMagic Jack, NetTalk
    phones: If
    you have Magic Jack or NetTalk phones in Pinas, you can vote forJessica by dialing the toll free
    number that will be assigned to her after the American Idol show. Check the
    American Idol website or Jessica Sanchez facebook
    to find out the toll
    free number she got for that episode. You have 2 chances to vote: 10am-12noon
    and 1pm-3pm on Thursday Manila time. If you get busy tone (try at least twice to
    be sure) on the first time slot, that means your Magic Jack or NetTalk phone has
    a West Coast number, so trying dialing on the second time slot (1-3pm). You can
    vote as many times as you want via dial method. If you get a busy tone, it means
    the voting is closed

      • Maybe next year I should apply and come out of the closet and claim to be Indian like the undercover Prince.

      • i am telling you this there is no cheating involved in voting in the phil ,my husband and his people are chicking that allegation of yours in the phil and if you are wrong we will come after you ,if we are in behalf of my family we will apoligized to the rest of the people whos voting here in the us,got my word,

    • Because of cheat voting like you and your band of criminals, Jess will NEVER be recognized as the legitimate AI. Cheating is the same thing as stating you don’t think she’s good enough to win it on her own. How sad of a human you are and how sad for Jess that you have stolen from her the victory she might have earned on her own legitimate merit. Karma will ensure justice.

      • only you and your clan who doesn’t like her, doesn’t recognized her .coz your idol doesn’t win .right james .poor you .

      • i dont think its true… i have friends from singapore, philippines, thailand and canada who would like to vote for jessica. they tried all sorts of ways – magic jack, online, netTalk… they couldnt get through. i dont think anybody can cheat.  can you?

      • james now my husband and his team are forming an alliance with pldt (phil long distance telephone ) as will as smart and glob to monitor the voting here in the phil they are helping us to have an access thru voting on line ir thru phone voting ,this is limited for jessicas voting only outside  u.s .we dont allowed cheating james ,cheating is not in our vocabulary .its very disgusting to do it ,i dont allow that the people of the phil are doing that.and in my own opinion nobody is doing that ,you and your crazy thingking allowing that.grow up james .be fair and square.

      • really? hahaha! STUPID! do you think AI would be STUPID ENOUGH (like you) to allow that?! they can easily track where a vote is coming from, i dont know if you have heard about IP address?! and besides, with you spamming this sight about how others cheat on voting, then the administrator oft his website could have reported it already to the American Idol people, or creator, or producers! Karma? hahaha….bitter james? because jessica has more fans than ur Philip? Philip may have millions of fans in the US but jessica has more fans….USA, MEXICO and PHILIPPINES! if jessica makes an album, it will definitely be a hit because it will not only sell in the US, but in other countries as well, especially in the Philippines….James im looking at ur picture now and ur already old, so pls just concentrate on ur work or on ur family, wife (if u have one, coz u look ugly dude, but kudos to you, ur brave for putting ur picture with that kind of face, hahaha)…..or if u want go straight to the AI people and tell them about ur allegations coz putting it right here, on this sight makes u look so pathetic and bitter….

      • Wern Anderson

        AI…no I went to the FCC.

        Oh Wern..your immature childish attacks on me have so damaged me…I crying my eyes out…lol

  56. for  a big change, I  want female to win the american idol season 11,
    who else i want JESSICA …. VOTE AMERICA, choose the best singer….

    • Pinoy cheat voters outside of the US make the entire AI contest invalid. Jess will NEVER be recognized as the legitimate AI. Cheating is the same thing as stating they don’t think she’s good enough to win it legitimately. AMERICANS DON’T LIKE CHEATERS. How sad for Jess that these foreign Pinoy have stolen from her the victory she might have earned on her own legitimate merit. Karma will ensure justice. SHAME ON YOU.

      • conradicting urself! u just mentioned in some of ur comments about IP filters….AI wont allow votes outside america…and i know u know that….thats what IP filters are….they filter the votes, hehehehe….

      • Please don’t embarrass your fellow American James, you degrading them by your unverified and silly remarks. Shame on you! 

    • And that best singer is Phillip ,so Vote America. Phillip all the wat. He is the best !!!!

      • Best singer??? Uh no, delusional! Best guitar player, yes, but come on, best SINGER…..oh there’s no use

  57. I would love to see JS perform Heal The World in an angelic voice, then a song that would make us move and grove maybe a bit of Beyonce thing then the third song should be perfect like One Moment in Time….this gonna be an impeccable night for her.   

  58. james ,i’m atty.juvy villamil callahan working in middle east, i have my husband my children and my relatives or friends wh’s leaving in the philippines ,everytime we watch jessica here in middleeast, i called them to vote for jessica to be able to win this ,but you know what they told me .they can’t vote on line or thru the phone .its block and it beep once and gone ,so idon’ think there is cheating here coz as a mother ang a lawyer i don’t allow my family to that ,it’s a fair trial ,james so please shut up and stop that allegation of yours ,it’s a shame if you don’t know anything,i give you my husband number in the phil ,to check it .to prove that there is no such thing as cheating ,maybe you are but we don’t

    • i agree. im an american doctor with friends from singapore, philippines, canada and thailand. they all tried all sorts of ways but they cant. james, please stop the allegations. if you’re american, im so ashamed of you.

    •  I agree. This people are making a propaganda. This is their way to sway votes and hate on Jessica Sanchez.

      If  Filipino people from the Philippines and other countries can vote, then no doubt every Filipino (and Half-Filipino) who became finalist would won American Idol.

      • who the hell is james ?what your language man.i will meet you anywhere anyplace anytime ,i will travel from middle east to your place james if there is cheating occured.just dont bump into me because i will stand infront of you even thy kingdom come.

      • Yes, I hate Jess….You fools,  I AM A JESS SUPPORTER!! I believe she can and will win AI, but I don’t want it ruined by cheating allegations that will surely surface when there are Pinoy websites all over the place posting instructions on how to vote illegally. It’s not like it’s  a US political election (which cheating is a problem in those too), AI is only doing very limited and primitive security to prevent illegal voting. If the general American population gets a whiff of cheating, they will take it out on Jess. You don’t understand Americans…no connections in the world will get Americans to buy songs from someone they think was involved in cheating.

        Stop it and take responsibility to make others stop it.

      • I think international votes weren’t counts according to the AI spoiler. And I am an American who votes for Jessica Sanchez. I like her, I think she is unique and you dont see her talents in many superstars. I dont know, something with her that stands out among the rest even they say she is boring, copying other artist, not a good performer, dont have personality, dressed up old. As I watched her performances again, in fact she acts with class and sings like a STAR. Well dressed on the show. Her charisma and personality comes out when she sings. She seems shy but started coming out in her comfort zone in the last episode. We will watch the tour in Providence, RI to watch them all but esp for Jessica.

        I like them all but there is always one that will come out the best.

    • i think JAMES could go straight to the AI people and tell his allegations…..STUPID ALLEGATIONS! even if u can vote online or thru magicjack whatever, AI will know that, IP Address everyone, it is easy to track!!!!!! AI people wont be STUPID enough to allow votes outside AMERICA to come in! JAMES cant accept the fact that this week his beloved P2 will b the one going home, hahahahaha!

      • Your just mad at me because I refuted you immature bashing of P2. I support Jess with the same number of votes each week as I do P2. I’m trying to stop the cheaters from ruining it for her.

        If you people are so mad about the the vote cheating problem, why don’t you do something about it like have it pulled from Pinoy websites?

      • they did nothing because they are not stupid enough to allow it, they already know that james!

      • James, that’s funny how you call someone out for their ‘immature bashing’, but yet you take every opportunity you get to make fun of, and bash Joshua. So on top of everything else you’ve proven yourself to be, a HYPOCRITE is another we can add to the long list. Kind of ironic actually how you get bent out of shape when someone talks about Phillip, but your the first to make fun of Joshua…. Hmm trying to keep hidden your own personal desires maybe. Older feller like you always in the computer, I think we always hear about men like you via news programs and documentaries. You should be ashamed.

    • Are you sure you’re a lawyer? Your proficiency (or lack of it) with the language does not support your claim. 

      • if you want proof visit me in jordan then.i speak fluent in arabic more than english, i spent most of my life here in arab country , where i find peace and joy in life.

  59. In reply to JAMES….he simply wants to be the center of conversation here, so he made those nasty allegations regarding Pinoys and JS…..

    James, I think you have attention deficit disorder….get help please!!!

    • hes lucky i’m not leaving in the us.hate people like that .so annoying make my blood boiled to the limit.

    • JAMES is an old man seeking attention, hahahaha! dont take him seriously coz he looks stupid in his picture and even more stupid on his comments! AI wont be stupid enough to allow votes outsde America! on AI facebook, a lot of filipinos there are saying stuffs about wanting to vote jessica thru online and other stuffs….administrators of that AI facebook would have notice that already and should have reported it lready on AI people! THEY WOULDNT ALLOW THAT, and besides if its true, THIA MEGIA would have won last year! THAT JAMES OLD MAN just cant accept the fact that JESSICA sanches, as well as Joshua is better than P2! P2 who can only sing acoustic rock, every week is the same for him, can he sing ballad? pop? RnB? Gospel, Theatre? hahaha a BIG NO!! Broken strings on hollywood week, FLOP, judges just gave him and his group a 2nd chance! just like what ADAM LAMBERT said in twitter “to jessica: i liked u best, P2 and Hollie are good singers, but u kicked their butts, just keeping it real” HAHAHAHAHA

      • I will gladly show you my IQ tests and SAT testings with genius scores. I will gladly show you the 20+ patents I hold in the US patents office for my inventions. I will gladly show you the contracts of the many successful music groups I have arranged over the last 10 years. Yes….I so stupid. Or would you like to see my bank accounts and see how much money a stupid person can make. LOL, aging has worked out very well for me….for some reason many younger ladies in their 20s find me very interesting and won’t leave me alone.

        Too bad you show you are a just a baby with your ignorance by not even knowing what genre of music P2 is in. Your other comments have shown, you know nothing about music.

      • and then  you believed  it,and posted it here,let me ask you james how big is your brain,?now my husband and his people are now have an access for this voting ,we will not rest the case james,try me.

      • ok ,james show me your bank account and i show you my bank account in jordan,(phillipines,saudi and kuwit) is not included ,only my money in want it now.

      •  JuvyWhen I read your earlier comments on this site, I see where you talk about voting. How are you voting from the Middle East? What does Juvy stand for “Juvenile Delinquent”?

      • i wish ,i can vote james, coz money is not a problem.but cheating  iwill nail people for that ,we live a life of extravagant since we were young.we have everything we want in life so why should we cheat.?yes my first topic was voting but when i read your comment ,your over the top,i will not tolerate that ,as far as money is concern .you got my point james/.

      • Thank u very much for ur concern James, I get what u want really mean here. I am from Philippines & me & my friends are crazy about AI . I happen to see this posts & asked friend that has magic jack if this is true & they said in all honesty that they hav tried & they said its not true. I think its a spam. Some people or anybody can do that just to discredit her supporters as well as this poor girl. I hope this will  stop…so there James, its not true..:)

      •  Muks
        I think maybe you understand I am a Jess supporter and don’t want any voting questions to mess her win up. Let’s assume it’s not true and it can’t be done (illegal voting). It still very important for those out there to stop trying to do it because of the perception that it is creating.

      • James, im a white American based in the Philippines (due to work). i have tried voting using magic jack, facebook, other online ways but they do not work. I am a Jess supporter not because i have lived in the Philippines for more than 2 years and have known and loved the country and its people. i support jessica because i believe in her.  please stop the accusations. yes its in a lot of websites but they dont work.  how i wish they did so i could vote though. 

    •  I didn’t make nasty allegations regarding Pinoys, I asked a small group of Pinoys who are trying to vote illegal to please stop.

  60. James those are serious allegations…i agree with babyblue…american idol people wont allow that, theres an IP address and yes its easy to see and track that, they wont allow votes from other countries to come in…I can see that u are a Philip fan, and we have to admit that philip compare to johshua and jessica…hhmmm…he comes in 3rd, not enough vocal range and power, his perfromance every week are conistently the same, i dont even know if he can sing other songs like Pop or whatever, maybe he can but he will arrange it to fit into his style of music….a great artist can sing the phonebook! Originality? yes he’s all that but its because he cant sing the songs straight, what i mean is, can he sing You got it bad Usher version? No…..babyblue said something about hollywood week, the song broken strings by james morrison and nelly furtado, yah i remember that, and i remember Philip failing to sing it good, why? because he has to sing the song as it is, he cant arrange it to fit his sytle…We all have our own favorites in the competition, but to give serious allegations, then that something, u need to have some proof to back up ur story man, and not just to rely on what u have read on a blog or a website, or something! tsk tsk tsk….

    • On point! If people outside US can vote then it may probably not be counted as for its IP address. And besides AI twitter already said that only US people can vote. 

      •  Well then if it is not being counted by AI…and I don’t know…none of us do, then they should stop because it is tying up the phone lines for people who have legal votes for Jess. Either way (counted or not counted) it is bad for Jess so please stop.

      • Well, I think we don’t have the control on that~ We can’t control people to vote for their favorites in anyway they can, so hopeful to make their idol win~ 🙂

    • They are not allegations, it is truth. I am not outside of the US, so I cannot try the instructions to prove they work, but I know enough about tech to know, they would likely work because they get around IP filtering and I’m not going to say any more.

      There are instructions as well links to instructions posted on this website. There are several other Pinoy websites that keep posting instructions on how to vote illegally from outside the US. I reported one and it got shut down. Since then, I have found over 10 websites with instruction postings.

      Why are they doing this and why is it only being posted by Pinoys outside the US?  If you are Pinoy, what are you doing to stop it?

      I am far from being a Jess hater, I vote hundreds of legal votes for her every week. I don’t know why you don’t think she can win legit because I do. But as I said before, Americans do not like cheaters.

      It’s simple to solve this….stop trying to vote illegally and stop others who are trying it.

      • james james james ,is not true at all,this people are trying to pull our legs.if the case is true ,all the filipino who joint this contest are all winners,are all american idol winner,but til now tell me is there a filipino holding that title?

      • only tech savvy people will know how to get around IP filtering. I don’t think they would make up a majority of those who would try to vote from outside the US.

    • And who do you think you are buddy?A Lawyer or something?? Or maybe just a slick, hip & cool techie?? Get over yourself ! This just a chat session for pete’s sake! 

      Plus your taste for music is all in your mouth! 2 growling,screaming power singers! Yuck! Same ol same ol.  At least Phillip is original and quite refreshing for a change.  I thought his version of Usher was great!  So take the cotton out of your ears, stick it in your mouth.  And listen next time.

  61. It’s got to be Jessica!
    If a man is picked again I’m sure like me half the audience around the world will turn off next year knowing its not the singing that the girls want its just a cute guy. Please vote for the little Deva a new star in the music world!

    •  Deva = female cute guy

      Still voting for the wrong reasons….the only difference is you want female instead of male, making you a sexist, how about just voting for the best idol..

      • Hypocrite! So the ones that vote for Josh are ignorant and know nothing about music, but we should vote for who we think are the beat right….. The crap you say is just a joke.

  62. to all Jess fans- don’t worry too much about her detractors and haters coz she’s already gathered attentions from people in the business.. for sure she’ll be the next big thing! and she’ll be multi-awarded in years to come… they can hate her as much as they want but these can’t stop her.. belated happy mothers day 🙂

  63. argue all you want, people.  all three finalists will be signed.  where they go from there is all up to us, the public, who will support their careers, buy tickets and records.  coming in first isn’t necessarily being the best as show by idol’s past history

  64. I’d rather vote for a cute guy who sings AMAZING than a snobby diva, cause we already have enough of those.

    • Snobby???? Please explain why u say that….do u personally know this girl? Remember she is just 16 yrs.old

  65. I understand what man James is saying. Why you people lying? I Pinoy and go to Pinoy sites and see what he is talking about. Last 2 weeks, I follow instructing and my call go through. I stop, cause now I ashamed, it is cheating. I just want to support Jessica and not like cheaters either so I stop now.

    • You are such a fake.  You think by fooling around with your grammar you can pass yourself off as a Filipino? Hiding behind some fake non-entity is so cowardly.

    •  you’re a dimwit imbecile!  lol….idiotic nincampoop!  racist bigot!  you don’t know filipinos if you think that….go back to your backwards town where the country fair is the highlight of your life!  i bet you have “green teeth”!!!

    • The reason why AI is not paying attention about it is that they know that those votes are not counted. They should have taken action about it already if it were true..

  66. Love Jessica Sanchez…Ur voice is so Amazing! I know u can make it to be the next American Idol! We r proud of u!!!! ❤❤❤

  67. for the morons who think that the votes can be rigged favoring one ethnic group over another is living in a cave!  are you serious?  get a life….if you all think that AI is the only thing people think about, then you need a life!  if you bought one it will be lonely!!!

  68. No matter what you guys say, I’m sure we all know the truth: JOSHUA LEDET is gonna bring it! It’s inevitable guys. He’s d best performer/singer/charismatic of the 3. My money is definitely on him.

  69. Im hoping for hollie-jessica finale.. a showcase of vocal prowess and girl powers.
    Been voting for hollie but wasn’t enough. Will support jessica all the way from now on..

    Hoping to see hollie-jessica duets on an album.. Duets!! Go for jessica for hollie..

  70. American idol is fixed.  josuha and jessica should be in the Finals not Philp

  71. Philp Philp  should not be in the 3 finalist skylar should have been there.  The show is fixed. I am not going to watch any more

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