The Top 9 finalists performances are over tonight on American Idol 2014 so now we want to you to tell us who did the best job tonight! Who gave us the top performance of the night with the “I’m With The Band” theme? Vote below!

FOX’s official voting opened at 8PM tonight with the start of the show thanks to their Google Search Voting method and the rest of the voting methods have joined in as the phone lines were unleashed for calls and texts.
We want to hear who you think had the best performance of the night so vote in our poll below and share your thoughts!
The song choices left a lot to be desired. Malaya was good until she started screeching. Sam gave his song all the feeling of library paste, but I did enjoy the footage of him performing on the costa geriatrica. Caleb was good, I’d have preferred Stairway if he’s doing Zep. CJ was forgettable, Dexter was as bland as grits. Jena and Jess were pretty good. Majesty was still gasping and Alex is just spectacularly dull. JMO
My thoughts exactly. Unfortunately.
At the beginning of this season, I was excited about Sam, but he’s disappointed.
Dazed and confused was an excellent choice! Caleb will def be in it for another week!
Don’t get me wrong, I love Caleb. I just think D&C was more about the extravaganza than his voice.
Summed it up pretty well there, Stormy…. I’ve said this before — don’t see any really great contestants and in the next few weeks that won’t change — no matter what they wear, different hair or hat, make-up – they, each, are who they are right now and who they were coming on the show. I do not think the judges did a good job choosing who should move forward. But, I really enjoyed the show last night — the first one- thus far…. the previous shows were karioke & bad. That said, something Caleb said last night made a whole lot of sense… ‘doesn’t care if he wins, he just wants to be a front man in a rock band’… so, basically, what he’s doing is auditioning! What better resume than American Idol, right? This is what I see: All things equal – CJ sings offkey, so does Malaya when she belts, I like Jessica- in a way… You summed it up well!
Caleb absolutely rocked it tonight, he is my favorite, Sam reminds me of Ricky Nelson
Caleb all the way!!!!!! I loved it…
Alex has natural talent. He should win.
CJ or Alex Preston is going home and Majesty will be in bottom three, CJ shouts when he sing and Alex is stiff and boring, Majesty sing like a deer caught in head lights, and Malaya should go home for being so immature I dont think she’s taking American Idol seriously, sticking her tongue out at camera, imitating picking her nose very silly this is singing show, not comedian competition.
I think it is nice to hear someone who has his or hers own style, and I think Alex has his own style and has a chance to grow with his style. Buddy Holly had his own style and it will go on for ever & ever. Alex has a style that will go on for ever & ever I really like his style. Go Alex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t think there’s much of a market for Alex’s style. He’s not bad, but not more than coffeehouse crowds would want to make plans to see him play somewhere.
Hello Stormy, If I remember correct they said Chris isaak, Buddy Holly and Lyle Lovett would never make it because there style was very different and they all did very well. I am well over 50 and lived through some of the best rock sound ever and still do love rock.But also love different styles of music I would go see Alex if he plays around hear he is more then a coffee house singer. Go Alex!
Caleb Johnson is a good rock singer but you can’t replace the great!!!
I actually like Alex a lot more than people in this forum. He reminds me of Phillip Phillips. I was actually bored with him on idol as well, but both are immensely talented and Alex will go far. I love the way he changes melodies, but he could try to move around the stage more – he does need to surprise us. Malaya, although she holds those perfect high notes does scream a lot. CJ is always out of tune and Majesty, although she is a sweetheart sings off key. She’s not ready. Sam is sweet but lacks life experience. They keep asking him if he’s thinking about someone, but I doubt the kid has had a love interest. He needs to invent one. The judges are doing an excellent job at giving constructive criticism, but some just are stuck in their grooves. BTW, Caleb was ahead of the music in the beginning of Dazed and Confused. No one said anything – they probably don’t know the song that well.
Sam is getting the screams from preteen girls, no guy I know likes him, he is bland as poi and well, not experienced enough. Alex is NOT boring, he is talented and has that quirkiness that inspires others. Plus he sings well, IMO. The girls can all go home, the only one worth saving is Jena, who will have a great career ahead of her.
Jessica is doing far better lately than the rest of them.
ladydp1963 – Breaking News for you today is Thursday April 17th and guess what Alex is still on American Idol !!! GO ALEX!!!