Ryan Seacrest is the foundation of American Idol. Judges and executives have come and gone, but Ryan has always been there and that’s part of why we love him as the host of American Idol. So while most people are asking the Judges what they think, this was Seacrest’s turn to give us his opinion.

FOX Audio Central caught up with host Ryan Seacrest after the finale performances last night and asked him who he thought won the night?
“They were head-to-head I think throughout the night. You know Caleb has this powerhouse thing about him that really allows him to share it with a live audience. So I think that was contagious tonight with the crowd but they were head-to-head throughout the whole hour.”
Well, did we really expect him to give a full answer there? Considering how much fun Ryan has with the whole experience, I think it’s quite possible that he doesn’t actually have a favorite and just roots for a great show either way.
As for what it’s like to be the first person on the show to know who won American Idol and then deliver the news? Yeah, Ryan thinks that’s a pretty cool perk of being the host.
“I can’t wait to look down. I’d be the first person to know. That’s going to be the highlight of my day tomorrow. I might find out a little earlier I don’t know but it’s always fun to look down and see that name first and then get to deliver the news. I don’t know which way it’s going to go. We shall see.”
We’re thrilled to know that Ryan Seacrest has been locked in for another year on American Idol 2015 with at least the option for another season after that. It wouldn’t be American Idol without him. “Seacrest out!”
Source: FOX Audio Central
Ryan is the treasure and Randy is the curse that goes with it where Idol is concerned. Ryan is the benchmark by which all current hosts are judged. Class, charm and approachability are his flawless attributes.
Ryan is the Best host for Idol. He has been since idol Started. He is high Class… Charm.
I’ve loved Ryan since day one and when he finally got the reins by himself in season two, I knew we were in for a treat! He’s been completely classy, kind to the contestants (you wont find any bad reports) and just an amazing host, consoler, manager, runner and fully committed from day one. Happy 500 Ryan, you ARE the AMERICAN IDOL! Oh and thank you for singing tonight! LOL.