American Idol season 13 spoilers are starting to seep out from Hollywood Week and we’re bringing them to you as they come in! We’re keeping a running list of all the named contestants so far who appear to have grabbed a Golden Ticket this season. Now, we also have some sweet American Idol 2014 spoilers to share about some big new twists from Hollywood Week!

American Idol 2014 Hollywood Week is currently underway in Los Angeles. The names of the contestants who made it through auditions are slowly leaking out. We also have some information cropping up now on which ones made it through various stages of the competition so far. Here are those American Idol spoilers if you’re interested.
Meanwhile, we also have news on some big twists coming out of American Idol Hollywood Week for season 13 to share! According to the wonderful folks over at MJsBigBlog, one of our favorite fellow American Idol fan sites, the boys and girls this year will be competing against each other — NOT separately. Even bigger news? The singers who got yes votes from ALL three judges in their auditions got to skip past the first round on Monday. Awesome for them, right?
We like having the guys and girls compete against each other because it really should be about who has the best voices period, not about who has the best male voices or female voices. We’re not so sure it is exactly fair to let those with three yes votes skip the first round and go directly to the second round on Tuesday. We’ll have to wait and see how it all works in action when the new season premieres on January 15!
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