American Idol 2023 revealed during Monday’s episode that “someone” dropped out of the competition and alternate Paige Anne would take their place. The American Idol 21 producers didn’t give further information, but now we know that Beckett Rex McDowell was the person who made the American Idol top 26 and dropped out.
Becket Rex McDowell is a 19-year-old musician who went through the entire Idol process but decided to drop out himself. Yahoo! reports that Beckett is the son of British actor Malcolm McDowell. Malcolm McDowell is a well-known actor all over the world, but people may best know him for his role in A Clockwork Orange, Mozart in the Jungle, Tank Girl, Halloween, Heroes, and Cat People.
Yahoo! speculated that Beckett may have dropped out because of his father’s connections. However, Beckett wasn’t the only one with famous parents who auditioned this season. Dave Stewart’s daughter Kaya Stewart auditioned and ultimately dropped out during Hollywood Week. Phil Stacey’s daughter McKayla Stacey also auditioned but was cut during Hollywood Week. Therefore, we’re not too sure if that’s the true reason for Beckett’s departure.
Nonetheless, Beckett did offer some clarity to his departure. He didn’t go into details, but posted the following message on his Instagram story:
“To all of you wondering, yes I was on @americanIdol and I made the top 26. I’m not going to say why I didn’t decide to continue in the competition but what I will say is that it was my choice. I am forever grateful to my American Idol family and I will always look back at the experience with the utmost gratitude and fondness. Please go vote for my friends now as the continue on in the competition.”
Beckett may have ended his Idol journey early but he continues to produce music, which can be found on his Instagram page.
West Coast, find out how this group came together. Your episode starts soon. #IDOL pic.twitter.com/msV4ZUzuek
— Luke Bryan (@lukebryan) April 11, 2023
Are you disappointed that Beckett Rex didn’t continue on in the American Idol 21 competition?
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