Tonight on FOX the American Idol results are set to be revealed by host Ryan Seacrest when he dims the lights and announces America’s voting. The outcome will determine who goes home and which finalists move on to next week’s Top 4 round. American Idol judge Keith Urban will also be performing this evening.
* UPDATE: Click here for our full recap of the Top 5 elimination results show!

This week’s results show will air tonight, Thursday, at 9PM ET/PT with 30-minute epsiodes that cuts right to what we want: who is going home tonight! All the contestants had three chances on stage last night when you mix in their group performances so there were many opportunities to wow us with their singing. Now it’s time to find out who did it the best.
You can still vote in our weekly “who was the best” poll and watch all of last night’s Top 5 performances. We’ll keep tracking how each of the finalists do in your voting here from week to week.
Join us tonight during the show for our live recap and to discuss the performances with other fans in our Idol chat room!
Be sure to join us on Facebook & Twitter for the latest Idol updates!
Last night on the phone my sister asked me (for real) where could she send some money to buy Alex some longer pants… I told her that was his style. But Idol should give them some money so they can get new clothes.
maybe yes
RANKING: Who’s Most Likely to Be Eliminated From Top 5:
1. Jessica Meuse
2. Jena Irene
3. Alex Preston
4. Caleb Johnson
5. Sam Woolf
Switching Sam and Caleb is up for debate as well as switching Jena and Alex. I know this ranking will upset people, but I’m pretty sure due to their performances, Alex and Caleb will be safe. I definitely believe that Sam Woolf’s popularity will keep him in the contest for at least another week so for right now I’m going to say he is least likely to go home tonight. His performances were not great, his “thing” with Arianna is likely to get him votes from her fans, and who ever the male celebrity was; his fans are likely to vote for Sam. I know that’s not right but it’s probably true. I regret to inform you, Jessica is most likely going home tonight.
I’m coming back…
I just watched all the performances and am switching the places of Sam and Alex. So…Who is most likely to be eliminated:
1. Jessica
2. Jena
3. Sam
4. Caleb
5. Alex
It should be sam or jena they our out of thier league!!! Jessica,caleb and alex our your top 3!!
I thought this show was about sing not a popularity contest!! I can’t believe that Jessica would even be in the bottom 2 again!!!!!
And a lot of people just don’t like her arrogance, Jena
Sam is the weakest. Jessica is so boring. Alex and Jena are super talented
I would love to have heard samm wold do a gavin degraw song, like instead, Imy daughters boyfriend is like samms twin, he also had similar experiences with his mom and dad at the sam age and is close to samms age now, I recognised what a special young man he was from the beginning, and know he is….so talented, so special and with a little help from his friends and family could really be a special young Idol…influance on the youth of today…he needs the right guidance he has talent, he does not need to hear how cute it is when he gos red….com on Jennifer Lopez, with the little bit too short skirts, lovely lady, talentede yes but shes giving opnions who needs a little advice herself I admire her don’t get me wrong, but? all Im saying move past that.. encourage this talanted young man, so he can encourage anew group of young people w
Im so disappointed samm gos home especially in his fellow contestants, now I don’t care who wins, faithful freinds ha goodluck none of ypu are that special!
I agree with you