For years fans have pleaded for American Idol voting rules to change and this year production is taking action. No longer can viewers send in unlimited votes for their favorite contestants after new limits were announced by FOX.

Starting Thursday, February 13, 2014 the voting for the American Idol 2014 winner will begin with a special twist to decide the Top 30 contestants for this season. When the regular routine of American Idol voting kicks off next week there will be big changes.
First up voting will be limited to 50 votes per method, well mostly. Fans can send in 50 calls and 50 texts per phone number. Then online viewers can also send in 50 votes per contestants through the SuperVote method.
Online voting will be available directly from, Facebook, and the American Idol app. Combining any arrangement of online votes you want you’ll be limited to a total of 50 votes for each singer.
Will these vote limits for American Idol 2014 change the results? We’ll have to wait and see what happens this season with these new rules, but share your thoughts. Are you happy FOX has made these changes or did you prefer the limitless power of keypad mashing? Share your thoughts!
Source: FOX press release
Finally! This should keep non-talented “cute guys’ like Lee Dewietz out.
Glad to see the new producers are paying attention. This makes sense so all demographics are represented more fairly.
The voting change they need to make is switch from voting for favorites to voting for who should be eliminated. Logically, if the goal is to eliminate contestants, that is what should be asked.
On paper it sounds good, but I think polarizing contestants will suffer “shock” exits. For example, I think maybe Adam Lambert might suffer some “hate” votes and result in a more shocking elimination.
And there is of course the issue of a few fanbases feeling threatened and uniting to vote off a frontrunner who is perceived as a threat.