American Idol 2012 Aspen Callbacks
American Idol 2012 Aspen callbacks were held this week and from the sound of it, the pickings were slim. Over 120 singers were invited back to perform for the judges, but after two days roughly […]
American Idol 2012 Aspen callbacks were held this week and from the sound of it, the pickings were slim. Over 120 singers were invited back to perform for the judges, but after two days roughly […]
American Idol 2012 Pittsburgh callbacks were fielded last week when judges: Randy Jackson, Steven Tyler, and Jennifer Lopez, paid a visit to the Steel City for the upcoming season’s auditions. Singers deemed “worthy” during the […]
It’s the last chance for Idol hopefuls today as American Idol 2012 auditions wrap up in New Jersey this afternoon. Of course you would have had to already registered over the past few days to […]
American Idol 2012 headed back to St. Louis last week for its third stop in the second round of auditions for the new season premiering in January 2012. After a morning full of auditions the […]
“American Idol” judges were in Texas Tuesday searching for the next American Idol and took some time out for a press conference. And like every year, they’re saying talent is even better than the year […]
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