American Idol voting resumes tonight for the Top 3 contestants after host Ryan Seacrest reveals the latest American Idol elimination results with another contestant voted off and the lines open up.

This round your votes tonight will determine who will win American Idol 2016 based on this week’s performances. Be sure to use this opportunity to vote for the next winner of American Idol and support your favorite finalists.
Viewers at home have five ways to vote for their favorite singer, including voting online at; via the FOX NOW App; via Google Search; via text messaging; and via toll-free calling when the IDOL vote window opens. All voting rules and frequently asked questions will be available beginning February 24th, on
SuperVoting returns again this year, but the limits have been halved to 10 per method this time around so each viewer has just ten votes per method and per show to support their favorites from that round.
Voting information for Top 2:
Vote for La’Porsha Renae:
- Text 8 to 21523
- Call 1-866-IDOLS-08 (1-866-436-5708)
- SuperVote online at or via FOX NOW app
Vote for Trent Harmon:
- Text 10 to 21523
- Call 1-866-IDOLS-10 (1-866-436-5710)
- SuperVote online at or via FOX NOW app
How to Vote for American Idol:
- SuperVote online – Go to and vote up to 10 times per contestant per Facebook account.
- SuperVote on FOX NOW App – Vote up to 10 times per contestant per device within the apps voting system.
- Google Search Voting – Give up to 10 votes per contestant per valid Google account via Google search.
- Text Voting – Vote up to 10 times per contestant per phone number via Text Voting.
- Toll-free Voting – Vote up to 10 times per contestant per phone number via Toll-free Voting.
For each voting method, any vote attempts above 10 per contestant will not be counted.
Know who you want to win Season 15? Be sure to cast your vote in our weekly performance poll and share your thoughts below on what makes them the best.
This is a damn mess…..what are they even thinking. This is so rushed it’s uninteresting
I wish that Sonika would win the competition, but of course the title itself AMERICAN IDOL i know she will NOT WIN… mentor should assist her with her song choice, PRODUCTIONS ARE MORE FOCUS ON OTHER CONTESTANT AND DRAMA GOES…… Lets admit that on her audition, top 24, top 14 and top 10 performance her song choice is really suited on her voice and i really want to hear she sings SONIKA HAS A GREAT VOICE. The last time I watched AI is when Philip Philips win. But when i heard she sings i i started again watching AI though i know their is always a manipulation of votes… I don’t like Harry comment that he wants more the attitude of Sonika when talking to Ryan than she sings the Clarity… Hey Harry did Sonika choose that song I bet NO… Now you know why AI will end this Season….
Judges know that SONIKA has an Amazing Voice when she Sing you will listen to her voice ALL OUT.. but they are not promoting her… JUDGES goes to melodramatic contestant that made underdog so that people will vote for them… bcoz of this it the end of your Show….
Not like other Singing Competition if the production knew that a contestant is acting melodramatic they ultimately eliminate it with process.. bcoz people will vote not with their voice but with their experience/drama in life.. AI is not like that…. SONIKA VAID IS REALLY HAS AN AMAZING VOICE…. AI SHOULD KNOW THAT…..
Tristan has a beautiful voice but SONICA HAS MORE AMAZING VOICE, how about McKenzie and Dalton do they had a wonderful voice? JUST ASKING AMERICAN IDOL…..
La Porchas is like Fantasia but what happen? AI has already an Adam Lambert so you might not needed Dalton… McKenzie is just like Kris Allen and other musician who won the title of American Idol, but i dont know what happen to them… Trent is a little similar with Nick Fradiani and Caleb…. SONIKA VAID has a VOICE OF AN ANGEL FIRST TIME AT AMERICAN IDOL…
Dalton. Should. Win. The final. Farewell. Season. Not. La’porisha. Dalton. You. Have. My. Vote. All. The way. To the end of the last. Season. Okay. Dalton. Dalton. Please. Win. The people. Prediction. Of La’porisha. Win. Dalton. Sing. And make her. Go home. Okay. Dalton. Please. Be. You. This. Time okay. You’re. Die. Hard. Biggest. Fan. Counting. On you. Victoria. Lynn. Conrad. From. New. Berlin, Wisconsin.
Nice. Try. Please. Don’t. Say. That. Dalton. Should. Win Not. Her. Okay. She. Stinks. Her. Voice. Not. Great. She doesn’t. Deserve. To. Be. In the fanile. Okay. She. Needs. To. Go. Home. Next. Week. Not. Dalton. Okay. I am. Counting. On. Him. Not. Her. Please. Dalton. Please. Stay. Don’t. Go. Home. Dalton. Please. Dalton. Okay. I’m. You’re. Die. Hard. Biggest. Fan. Okay. Dalton. You. Should. Win. Dalton. Please. Okay. The. Final. Farewell. Season. Winner. Don’t. Go. Home. Yet. Dalton. Please. I don’t. Like. La”porisha. Please. Dalton.
Go. Dalton. Go.
Go. Dalton. Go.
Go. Dalton. Go
Please. You’re. Die hard. Biggest. Fan. Victoria. Lynn. Conrad. From. New. Berlin, Wisconsin