Jennifer Lopez debuted her stage performance of her new single “I Luv Ya Papi” on tonight’s American Idol results show.
JLo wasn’t alone either with tonight’s performance. Supporting her on stage was American Idol alumni Pia Toscano, Jessica Sanchez, and Allison Iraheta. How cool was that to see them all back on the Idol stage?
It was a wild delivery of her high-energy song and she didn’t disappoint on her promise to host Ryan Seacrest that she’d be wearing just a “little something.” We’ve got the video of Jennifer singing “I Luv Ya” on the Idol stage so check it out below and see what you think.
Will you be grabbing a copy of her new dance hit or going for something else instead? Share your thoughts on JLo’s new song and how she did tonight? Would she have stood up to being judged by “Harsh Harry”?
Jennifer Lopez sings “I Luv Ya Papi”:
If this performance was one of the AI contestants, Harry Connick Jr. would’ve hated the lyrics and had issue with the ‘singing’ (or lack thereof). SO DO I !!! This is a ‘bottom 3’ if ever in singing, song and performance. Come on J.Lo., you could do better than that or can you?! We get it already–you got a big ‘A’ and a pretty face. Don’t you have any other tricks in your bag? You’re in the company of two intelligent, serious, GREAT musicians and you squat real low on stage with your knees wide open?! You choose AI’s best singing alumni talent to sing “I luy-ya’ papi”?! Really??? Then expect your judgements to be taken as intelligent or even seriously? REALLY???!!! Hey J.Lo. you have a daughter, so does Harry (3 in fact), so does Keith (2 in fact). This was offensive to me as a woman, daughter and musician! You ought to be fired as a judge on American Idol!
Funny, I said the same thing….. He would have yelled “trash!”.
It was trash!
Someone needs to break it to Jlo she’s not a teenager anymore, I think they need a new judge, those in the contest have more talent.
It gave me “goosies”. But not the kind JLo gets. You know, the kind that feels like a “possum walked over your grave” the kind that makes you sick at your stomach and gag!! It was disgusting!! And she sure looked like she was lip syncing.
Lyrics were stupid….entire song is stupid. would have expected more from her. And I agree..I thought there was lip syncing done too. As for what she was wearing?..again I agree…not good. Was it me?..or did anyone else seem to think that she is getting a tad chubby in the thigh area??..or was it those cut-offs she was wearing? Think maybe she is trying to keep a younger image of sorts for the man in her life..much younger man too isn’t he? Might be time for her to retire from AI and she can take nasty Harry with her. THAT guy cannot sing well either..or nothing I am interested listening to…maybe my 80 yr old Mom likes his songs, but not for me!
The song by Jlo was the bomb she dont forget were she came from she is in fact the same girl never looks a day older her humble beggings in the buggy down Bronx were it all started shes doing it real big cause of Jlo example ive got my girls into dancing,singing n acting classes,Love you Jlo keep doing it bigger then ever.Peace,love n prosperity!!!