Judges Update Us On American Idol 2011 From New Orleans

American Idol

The search for the next American Idol continued this week as the new 2011 judges headed to New Orleans. Jackson, Tyler, and Lopez, with Seacrest along for the ride, headed toward the bayou and took in over a hundred auditions as part of the final round in Louisiana. So far Randy is pretty excited about what he’s seeing while Lopez thinks she could count on two hands how many hopefuls are Idol material:

“Look, here’s the deal. We’ve got two amazing artists on the panel with us now who are doing the journey with us. I think the show grows and gets better every year… Those contestants (who) go out there and sing, the talent, is what makes it different. For us, we’ve seen amazing talent this year. I don’t feel any pressure at all.” [Jackson said.]

Lopez counted about a dozen “real contenders” from all four audition cities so far (the show moves to Nashville next), singers “who I’d love to see in the finals if I was a viewer at home,” she said. “I’m excited about watching the journey and seeing if they hold up.

Let’s hope they find more than a dozen or this season is going to be in real trouble!

Don’t forget, if you’ve attended any of these final rounds of auditions then we want to hear from you. We’re looking for more details on the new judges.

Source: NOLA via MJs




  1. With all this hype, I just want the Season to start. They are really building us up, I hope we don't get let down………

    BRING IT ON!!!!!! Let us be the judges…….

  2. J-Lo is really the going to be the head judge! And difficult like Simon. I mean who do you think wears the pant's in her family. It's not Marc Anthony!!! And it's not the Baby!

  3. Thanks for the recap Matt. Hopefully News corp and cablevision will settle by then so we can see it. Now They have cut off cablevision alltogether. I am anxiously waiting to see who these new judges have found for us.

  4. @Sherry K: Hmm, I don't believe FOX network is on strike. I think there's an issue with a cable provider and FOX arguing over fees.

  5. I sure hope this issue doesn't effect Las Vegas….I'd have to move!!!!!!!

    @Sherry K….It so good seeing you on the blog again….stay in touch…..

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