The American Idol 2015 Top 24 contestants were officially revealed last night during the House of Blues performances featured in the all-new Showcase Week. So how did that all play out? Keith Urban shares this thoughts.

FOX Audio Central sat down with Keith after the House of Blues performances which aired this week in the two-part Top 24 reveal. When asked how he felt this new round challenged the artists Keith reflected on the way it worked as a preview to the weeks ahead.
I mean if you can get up there with the band, because this is the band you’re going to be playing with when you get to the TV studio and the audience is there. For all intents and purposes this is pretty much what it’s going to be except I like the fact that it’s in a real club as opposed to being in a TV studio.
After seeing previous American Idol contestants fizzle under the pressure of the big stage producers were looking for a way to test these mostly untested Hopefuls before the prime time live light hit them.
I just found out last year sometimes we get people to the live setting and they didn’t really perform. They might have a great voice but they didn’t really perform. They didn’t quite look comfortable in this environment and so I really hyped, I think we all did, that the House of Blues experience would show up quickly who’s ready for this and who’s not ready for it.
I really enjoyed this new Showcase round and wish we could have seen an extended look at the performances rather than having to squeeze in 48 performances and sit-downs with the Judges in to just a two-hour block. It was a great round and one I hope they bring back for the next season of American Idol.
Overall it sounds like Keith Urban has been really happy with the American Idol 2015 talent and the early growth that many of them have shown. This story, after all, is often about just how far those Hopefuls can go from auditions to their polished presentation by the end of the season.
It’s been really interesting watching the ones who are ready for it, other who, I think, didn’t realize how ready they were, because I think you see a bit of that too.
I mean I saw some singers in some of the audition cities that were kind of a little tentative and within the very short period of time from there to Hollywood week to the Green Mile which we just did, which included House of Blues, they just sort of came to life. It’s been really cool
What do you think about the House of Blues Showcase round this season? Was it the right path to take in knocking out the talent who couldn’t hold up or was it too soon to apply that amount of pressure? Share your thoughts!
Source: FOX Audio Central