American Idol 2016 is back on FOX tonight with the results of your votes as we prepare to see one more finalist eliminated from Season 15 but on the bright side, Adam Lambert is here to perform a new single!

After two weeks of double eliminations we’re down to a slower pace on American Idol with just one contestant being eliminated as we continue our search for the winner of American Idol 2016. With the potential for surprising results this is a welcome change for these Top 6 contestants.
Those six singers will each have two songs ready and you can follow the Idol song spoiler details we have so far as we await more details on what to expect from each of the finalists and just how this week’s results will be announced.
Adam Lambert will be on the show along with Laleh as they’ll be singing “Welcome To The Show” for its debut today. Can’t wait to see what one of Idol’s best talents has for us this time. Check out the preview clip that Adam shared on Twitter.
WELCOME TO THE SHOW ft @Laleh drops 2m! Debut on @AmericanIdol #WelcomeToTheShow **fullClip:
— ADAM LAMBERT (@adamlambert) March 17, 2016
We’ll be back here at 8PM ET for our live coverage complete with performance videos, elimination results, and commentary on all the Top 6 singers as they once again compete for your votes. Speaking of votes, get ready to cast your Idol vote tonight then tell us why your favorite deserves to move on in the competition.
Dalton may look like simon lebon but he sure can’t sing like him!. aside from la’posha and sonika, adam is the ONLY reason to watch the show tonight! all the contestants should take note and see how a truly great performer operates
Mostly agree except I’m kind of curious about Sonika taking on a song as bombastic as Bon Jovi’s “It’s My Life”. The mouse that roared?
I didn’t know she was doing THAT ONE! those are mighty big shoes to fill. maybe she should watch adam strut!!
This song is vocally wow
la’posha is not good singer. She yells more than sing
Thank you, I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this. She’s all shouting and exaggerated runs. Every single time. It’s so obvious production and the judges are doing everything they can to make sure she wins. I think Trent is the only one with a chance to take her out in the final as the producers will not allow her to be eliminated prior to then. My dream final would be Sonika and Trent, but it looks like Sonika doesn’t have the necessary support from America to make it to the end.
Same thing tonight. She started crying and bring everyone to feel sorry for her. Good way to earn votes. Stupiest ever. Stupid juges are promoting her for no reason. Oh well, nothing I can do other than voting for my fav Sonika.
Sonika did very well today. There should be no problem for her to be in best four next week. Vote for Sonika guys!
Judges are asked to promote Laposha. If They lose her, Fox rating will go down. Crazy business Fox right?
All judges know that Sonika is really good singer but they are asked by Fox to not promote her to protect their rating. Thats how judges misleading audiences.