Tonight On American Idol 2018: Hollywood Week Begins!

American Idol heads to Hollywood

American Idol 2018 auditions are over! It’s time to grab your Golden Ticket and follow us to our next stop in Los Angeles for Hollywood Week! Oh the brutal, hope-crushing challenge awaits these talented young singers, but not all of them will make the grade.

According to the Idol schedule we have two nights of Hollywood Week which means we’ll wrap around to next Sunday for the conclusion of the cuts and who moves on to the Showcase round. That’s been a great pressure cooker as well for the singers where we get to see who can really shine under more realistic settings for what’s ahead.

We have a two-hour show ahead of us tonight on ABC with the Hollywood performances when things kick off at 8PM. Get ready to see who delivers on American Idol 2018 and which of our favorite performers are cut.

Can’t wait for the big results? Check our Top 24 spoilers and we even have who makes the Top 14 on American Idol this season!

Jurnee Auditions on American Idol 2018