The final performances of American Idol 13 are over as the Top 2, Caleb Johnson and Jena Irene, have given it their all in three solid showings last night. Let’s discuss which ones were their best of the finale.

With three songs each on the American Idol stage they gave us plenty to consider when trying to decide who will win American Idol 2014 this season. Would it be the surprisingly smart picks coming from the show’s creator, too-soon rehashes of previous performances, or their winner’s singles? I’ve made my selections from the night, but also want to know yours!
Jena Irene – “We Are One”:
I imagine a lot of people will disagree on this one for her, but it’s the song we’ll hear first from Jena Irene if she is crowned the winner tonight. It’s a great, fresh sounding single and definitely the better of the two put out there this season. In a reminder of what kind of artist she’d be, Jena Irene delivered with “We Are One” so I’m giving that the “best of” for her finale performance night.
Caleb Johnson – “Dream On”:
Caleb came out with his strongest performance first last night and while the other two were great, this was the best for me. “Dream On” is no easy song but Caleb made it look that way with it falling right in the center of what we’ve come to expect from him. Great performance of a great song made this easily Caleb’s “best of” for last night’s show.
Which performances from last night’s show would top your own “best of” list for the American Idol season finale? Share your thoughts below!
I agree with your choices. Caleb’s Dream On is the BEST in Idol history in my opinion. I actually got excited when he DID hit the high part. The only other version that I remember was Michael Johns’ and it got him eliminated. And with regards to the winner’s single, I indeed love Jena’s song better.
Just to clarify, what I mean by “best” is Caleb’s version of Dream On as compared to other Idol contestants’ version of Dream On 😉
Neither “Winner’s Single” did anything for me. Very disappointed. Agree that Caleb’s best of the night was “Dream On”. It was spectacular. Thought Jena’s best was “Falling in Love with You”. She underperformed the first song, but Caleb let her back in by not choosing wisely on “Maybe I’m Amazed”. His Steve Perry song was better for showing his range, and he could have always done any of his hard rock songs to play safe. Had Caleb killed the second song, Jena would have had a much harder time winning.
As is, seems like a dead heat. A month ago, I would have not given Jena a chance against Caleb, but she has blossomed in stage presence and she is really good on the piano. It will be close tonight.
Jena, IMO, is this year’s winner. She continues to improve, but Caleb seems locked into his getting-to-be predictable performances. I hope they show some of the other contestants performing on the last show of the 2014 season.
I missed Caleb’s “Dream on” when I got a call (at the same time) from a “Telemarketer. I tried to get rid of them quick but when I hung up and turned back on the mute button, Caleb had just finished and both JlLo and keith were giving Caleb a standing ovation. Bob note: JLo didn’t give Jena a standing “O” at “ALL” last night. This should quell all thoughts that JLo mesmerizes the TV viewers into voting for Jena! LOL