Only ten of the American Idol Top 15 girls had the chance to perform on Tuesday, but here’s your chance to support them and share your thoughts on their performances!

Vote in our poll below for the best performance from last night and then discuss why you voted for that performer. We’ll tally these votes and then use them for our American Idol predictions ahead of Thursday night’s elimination show.
Five more of these great girls will be cut, but up to three of them have a chance at becoming the season’s wild card contestant!
Were you disappointed in the judges’ picks for which five singers would be left behind waiting for their chance to perform last night? We thought that was a brutal way to cut them and had hoped to see them all. Maybe we’ll see them again another season!
More confused than disappointed. I can’t understand why Marielle and Malaya got this far. Emily needs to go home and grow up. MK was great and so was Jessica.
pick on both on the filipinos…
i like malaya so far.. 🙂 love her covers on youtube 🙂