Who had the BEST performance tonight on American Idol 2015? We want to hear your thoughts and see your votes cast as we look toward the top finalists on Season 14.

Vote to keep your favorite singer safely out of the Bottom Two where they’ll be forced in to a sing-off for their American Idol survival.
You’ll want to cast your official American Idol vote by phone, text, or online but once you’ve done that it’s time to vote in our poll too. Tell us who you think had the best performance and most deserves to move on to the next round.
Cast your vote here and then share your comments below. We want your opinion!
Everyone’s first songs were the best; as much as I hate to admit it, Rayvon really impressed me. I’m not a fan, but I really liked the emotion he put into his first song. I love Clark’s voice, but he didn’t wow me like he usually does. Still a fan though! I personally think the last 2 will be Clark and Jax. Sometimes I like Jax and sometimes I don’t.
Who “actually” thought that Clark had a good night-he was “TERRIBLE” last night! Jax indeed had a Jena moment (sort of) last night and had the best performances of “ALL”!