Settle in for your last night of American Idol auditions as the series says farewell to one of its most important aspects: the hunt for the next big talent. Yes, this is the end of the Golden Ticket auditions.

We’ve watched weeks of the searches and performances from the American Idol 2016 Hopefuls and tonight delivers the last chances to get on that train for Hollywood. Who will make the cut? We’ve read the spoilers and know who to expect so now we sit back and wait with tonight’s two-hour audition conclusion.
Judges Jennifer, Keith, and Harry head back to Atlanta, Philly, and San Francisco for one last look at who could show off the best talent and win their way in to the season finale in April. Yes, it’s a short American Idol schedule this year so don’t get caught off guard and miss the action. We’ll wrap up auditions tonight then Hollywood next week and live shows by the end of February. It’s going to be a wild ride!
First up tonight we’ve got Jessica Cabral singing “Brand New Me.” She’s got a backstory of her family coming to the country and their struggles, which she hopes to overcome with the opportunity of American Idol. The judges go nuts for her with Jennifer suggesting there were hints of Kelly Clarkson in her performance. Keith says yes so Harry of course jokes “no!” Jessica Cabral gets a Golden Ticket.
Cody Ostrenga delivers a somewhat silly performance as a cowboy, shooter, belly dancer, but will that include Idol singer? Hmm. He’s doing “Proud Mary” and I don’t see how this is going anywhere but home empty handed. Keith says everything but the singing was entertaining. Oops. It’s a no for these judges.
Now we’ve got Brian Dale Brown singing “Unchained Melody” after a bit of silliness with the judges where he impersonated Keith Urban, Scooby Doo, and then there was even a combo of those two. You’ll have to watch it. Jennifer is a little hesitant, but Harry says Brian is a “very talented guy” but warns him to scale back his performances. It’s three Yes votes and Brian Dale Brown is off to Hollywood.
Silly seems to be the theme tonight. Gina Naomi Baez arrives with her dog, Tinkerbell, in matching starry costumes. Gina is singing “Lips are Moving” for her audition. Jennifer reminds us it’s the final season and they need a superstar. Unfortunately Gina didn’t deliver on that need for Lopez. Keith agrees saying she’s got one song to prove herself and instead he saw this in front of him. Gina protests, but the judges hold steady. Lots of disappointment here.
Melany Huber sings “Talking to the Moon” by Bruno Mars in her bid for a Golden Ticket. Jennifer says she can see the song is close and important to Melany. Keith likes her easy presence. Harry calls it captivating for her head to her toes. Three Yes votes and Melany Huber is off to Hollywood.
Time for a performance melody where family joins the singers for the audition. Rachel Karryn, Caroline Byrne, and Bianca Espinal. All three give great performances and so we’ll see them all again in Hollywood Week.
Justin Sullivan is a huge Kelly Clarkson fan so Harry moves her post over to stand beside him for his performance. Harry says there were moments of strength there, but he doesn’t think Justin is the guy that can bookend the American Idol series. It’s three No votes and he’s out the door.
I’m greatly enjoying this final season’s auditions. Fantastic chemistry between JLo, Keith and Harry ~ luv it!