The American Idol Top 10’s Bottom 3 were revealed tonight to be Avalon Young, Gianna Isabella, and Olivia Rox after falling to the lower rung of viewer votes. But before any of them could go home the Judges got to make a save.

The choice came down to the Judges on who they wanted to move on from the trio despite the viewers possibly having voted in another direction. So that raises the question, who do you think should have been put through to the American Idol Top 8? Vote now in our poll below and share your thoughts!
The official decision from the Judges came back with Avalon Young which means Olivia and Gianna were eliminated tonight on American Idol.
All 3 performed at the end of the night for the American Idol’s Top 8 performance show as we waited to see what the Judges would decide. JLo told Ryan it’d have to be unanimous but he reminded her it only had to be a majority with two of the three agreeing on which girl would move on to next week’s American Idol.
I seriously cannot believe that Olivia was just eliminated. Olivia, eliminated? Those don’t go together.
Why!? Why?! WHY?!!
I’m not happy with this decision AT ALL.
This girl deserved to WIN!
AGREE!! They need to admit they made a mistake, they watched the performances again, and they are bringing her back. If not, I’m gonna tune into something more interesting like C-Span while drinking Pepsi products and my next car will not be a Ford Fusion.
The show is really THE END
Definitely. It’s kind of the end for me watching it now that Olivia’s gone. I was so looking forward to hearing her sing every single week.
If we’re this upset, imagine how she’s feeling right now. She’s gotta be questioning what she did wrong. But the truth is, she did EVERYTHING RIGHT! She has an AMAZING voice. I was pegging her as winner material.
Now that she’s gone, I think a guy’s going to win… unfortunately. I was so hoping this last season could crown a girl, but with Olivia gone, that hope has been dashed. I don’t see any of the other girls winning. Just a shame. Sighs…
I’m on to The Voice from this point on. AI is just no longer worth watching.
The thrill is definitely gone now that Olivia’s been eliminated. I don’t even feel like watching this show anymore. They let their best contestant go! Olivia was extremely marketable, had an amazing look, and an INCREDIBLE voice. She was the whole package.
Do the judges really see Avalon winning this show?
I love Avalon, but I wanted Olivia to make it over her. Dang it.
I’m gonna be upset about this all night.
I agree with you
Just put that La Porsha to win it
Can see it already
I am a fans of Olivia Rox and Sonika Vaid
For me, singing is about voice
And Olivia has more powerful voice and beautiful voice rather than Sonika, Avalon and Giana
Look how Jax made it to Top 3 win that my fave contestant Joey Cook
Joey is 100% better than Jax
This show really end for me and who win in this farewell season who care
I don’t want to care. If can just put that Avalon be the winner. Next week just eliminated La Porsha and Dalton
Avalon will be gone next week. She doesn’t have the fan base to hold her out of last place.
The judges have been pushing her from day one. No surprise that she was saved for elimination next week.
Had it picked before the last 3 performed. All 3 judges have been hot for Avalon for the entire season. I just can’t see it!
The judges made the right choice I like Avalon she’s a natural she is beautiful her voice is amazing ?
The judges is obviously made a very very very big decision with sending OLIVIA home. Sending Gianna home is right. And the right one is sending that AVALON home rather than sending OLIVIA. OLIVIA is a BIG STAR and GOOD SINGER. While Avalon? She will be just amazing while she choose the RIGHT SONG. Just see. How poor her voice when she sang Stitches song. Olivia is the most good talented singer, she can sing every single difficult song given to her. That what we call a TALENTED SINGER. No offense
My mean. The judges made a very very very big wrong decision with sending Olivia home
THE JUDGES BLEW IT!!! Sending Olivia home was a crime!! Between that and J-Lo basically declaring LaPorta the winner, the season just ended as far as I’m concerned. Avalon’s performance was o.k., but Olivia blew her away!!! The worst performance of the night was that mess of a song by Harry Connick Jr.
WTF American Idol? ! Probably best it’s the farewell season…it’s obvious talent has nothing to do with who the judges pick!