The American Idol Top 24 singers are set to begin their performances today before a live studio audience as viewers at home prepare to see who has made that coveted shortlist.

On Camera Audiences advertised tickets for the taping revealing the American Idol schedule would include two separate events which was further supported by TIP’s spoilers for the semi-finalist plans. Here’s how that will work.
Today, February 2nd, twelve of the twenty four will perform before the Judges and an audience under past American Idol finalists as their mentors. We don’t yet know which twelve will be singing, but with a live audience the spoilers won’t be far behind. While it isn’t likely to be part of the audience’s viewing, the Judges will later decide on five of those singers to eliminate.
The second half of the semi-finalists will have their turn on February 11, 2016 with a live audience as well. Their results will be combined with the first group’s and revealed on an American Idol episode later in February. Here we’ll also see the Wild Cards return with the first of viewer voting.
Watch out for spoilers revealing who sang today with the first half of the Top 24. So far MJs has reported the returning Idol contestants who will be acting as mentors may include Nick Fradiani, Caleb Johnson, Ruben Studdard, and more.
We’ll keep an eye out and share any news or spoilers on today’s Idol taping. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and get our Email Updates to find out what happens.