Dim the lights. Here we go. It’s time to find out who was voted off American Idol last night as the Top 5 contestants are revealed from your votes and the Judges Save.

Yes, the Judges Save returned to override viewers’ votes yet again this season in a disappointing move by production as they’ve controlled the outcome of every elimination round this entire season down to when just a few finalists remain. Allegedly this will be the final week of production picking the eliminated singers, but I’ll believe it when it happens.
There was a Bottom Two on Thursday based on your votes and those results were revealed at the end of the first round of performances during lats night’s show. Between the two rounds the Judges would then decide based on the performances (and productions’ instruction) which of the two contestants would be sent home and who will go on to the Top 5 round.
Top 6’s Bottom Two:
Top 6’s Judges Save:
- Sonika Vaid again!
Top 6’s Eliminated Singer:
- Tristan McIntosh
What do you think of this round’s outcome? Did viewers and Judges get the cut right? Share your thoughts and tell us what you think should have happened!
I think. Dalton. Did so good. To be the farewell. Season. Winner. Because. I watched. Him. On. Idol. He is talent. He is great. Singer. So far on the show. He. Is my Hart. And. Soul. Biggest. Fan. Of me made me want to sing. With. Him. You’re. Heart. And soul. Biggest. Die. Hard. Fan watch. You. Grow. On the show.
Victoria. Lynn. Conrad. From. New. Berlin, Wisconsin
La Porsche all the way the winner is already chosen the rest is just a formality America knows it and I’m from Trinidad and Tobago and I’m sure by now the WORLD knows it ladies and gentlemen american idol 2016 winner is none other than La Porsche Renae
I say Mackenzie bourg all the way!!!!! GO MACKENZIE… Singer and songwriter he is one great Singer and very different from the rest.. SPECIAL KID!!!
What is the matter with everybody? The best by far is Sonika. All the others have good voices, but none compare to Sonika for sheer talent. And what is this hypnotic spell LaPorsha has cast. Am I the only one immune? Of course she has a good voice, but not exceptional, yet it seems that everyone is in the tank for her. WHY?
Had the judges have been honest and enthused about Sonika, we would see a different response. LaPorsha has been touted, over-praised, and all but crowned. She has a good voice but is somewhat shy also (never mentioned). I don’t get it either. Sonika or Trent would have been a fitting final Idol.