This week on American Idol the Top 5 contestants were revealed when another singer was eliminated and sent home at the hands of the Judges’ decision.

Results were rolled out during the show as we one by one added the Season 15’s final five Hopefuls. Which one of these talented few would make it on to the next round? Only one elimination this week was revealed as we meet our American Idol Top 5!
American Idol 2016 Final Five Contestants:
Yes, this week was the end of Tristan McIntosh’s journey as the Judges decided to send her home over Sonika.
Ryan Seacrest has promised this would be the last week of the “Judges Rescue,” a fancy new name for production manipulation, huh?
Who do you think will survive the next round of results from your votes and make the Top 4 of American Idol 2016? Vote now in our poll below and share your thoughts on why your favorite deserves to move on in the competition.
LaPorsha is like Caleb Johnson-outdated. Trent is similar to Adam Levine. Dalton belongs in a group like 1D (like Zayn). Sonika needs to be more like C. Aguilera. Tristan needs to sing Carrie-ex.:Jesus take the wheel. Mac to go home.
I don’t. Agree. With. Her mac go. Home. Dalton. Please. Stay. In. Counting. On you. You. Are. The best. On the show. So far. Please. Win. The last. Season. Okay. Sing. You’re. Heart. Out. Okay. You’re. Biggest. Die. Hard. Fan. Victoria. Lynn. Conrad. From. New. Berlin, Wisconsin.
AI is always choosing contestant that is composer, musician, vocal coach, that why they pushing Dalton and McKenzie.. I heard them sing but I really believe that Sonika Vaid is more amazing singer…
Trent amazing voice and vocals get better every time who knows gonna win we see Sean wade from