Perhaps no one was more surprised by the Judges Save last night on American Idol 2015 than Qaasim Middleton, the Season 14 contestant who found himself with a second chance at the win after the decision to get him in the competition. So how did he feel walking away from his “Sing For Your Life” performance?

Speaking with FOX All Access Qaasim was clearly taken back by the way things played out this week when America’s votes were revealed.
“I’m really, I’m really confused. I’m really confused man. I feel really good about my last performance and now it’s about to send me home. So I don’t know what to do now,” said Middleton who added that he felt very grateful for the opportunity. “I’m very happy. You know, I’m very happy about, you know, the whole situation. I’m very happy for everybody who’s still here. We all get to spend another week with each other and that’s great.”
When asked if he was surprised by the way the votes turned out Qaasim again expresses confusion but promises to go back and think over what happened.
“I was very comfortable with all of my song choices too. I mean they kind of threw the whole – I just, ah man, I don’t know what to do man. This is, I feel good, I’m just praying, I think I’m going to talk about it with God. I’m going to talk to God about it, see what he thinks.”
Qaasim Middleton’s “Save Me!” performance is what the viewers will be voting off of for next week’s elimination. It was good enough for the Judges but will it be enough for America to change their minds and keep him in the upcoming double elimination next Wednesday?
Source: FOX All Access
The producers want Mr. “Midtown” on the idol tour! Is Mr. Middleton the next James Brown?
He’s not even the next Chris Brown. H*ll, he’s not even the next Charlie brown.