American Idol 2015 returns to Detroit this week for the reveal of its Top 16 results and a Motown theme that will feature Aretha Franklin as mentor and guest performer.

Starting on Wednesday at 8PM ET/PT on FOX all of the Top 24 contestants will return to the stage but that reunion will be short lived as one third of them are set to be eliminated. Execs have promised the results won’t be announced at the start of the show so we’re expecting a slow reveal through the night of musical chairs that will leave four singers without a spotlight or a performance.
First up will be the guys performing for the Top 16 on Wednesday night. Then on Thursday at 8PM ET/PT for another one hour show the ladies will have their turn to sing for your votes. They won’t be the only ones singing this week though.
FOX has revealed Aretha Franklin will be mentoring the American Idol contestants as they prepare for their next round of performances which also happen to be the first live broadcast ones of the season. Along with guiding their Idol journey, Aretha will be performing during the live show, but I haven’t seen which night that will happen.
So this week on American Idol we’ll see the Top 24 become the Top 16 over two nights of performances starting Wednesday at 8PM ET/PT and again Thursday at 8PM ET/PT. We’ll get a great appearance by Aretha Franklin who will join the show as a mentor and guest performer. Then by the end of the week we’ll have voted to decide who survives elimination to become the Top 12. It’ll be a busy Idol week!
With all due respect to Ms. Franklin, I’m tired of Motown. I’d prefer a week of 80’s power pop metal.