The Top 13 finalists have been named and while the official American Idol voting doesn’t start until next week there’s no reason to wait to share your support!

Combining America’s votes for the Top 10 with the judges’ Wild Card picks for an extra three singers gives us the Season 13 Top 13 contestants!
A lot will change between now and the end of the season so let’s see where it takes us this season. I’ll be resuming our poll tracking again this season with weekly charts once we hit the live performance routines so be sure to vote each week and support your favorite American Idol Hopeful.
So which American Idol 2014 Top 13 finalist is the best? We’ve seen them perform and know what they can do so cast your vote in the poll below and then share your thoughts on what makes that contestant the best of the bunch!
Join us for the entire American Idol 2014 season and share the fun with other fans like you!
These polls never had Scotty at the top. Until ,maybe the very end.
Somebody is stacking the vote for Cj!
CJ Harris will be one of the first kicked off American Idol
your nuts! and if he is it dosent matter because he will still go somewhere with his career because hes a true soul!
just like all them other stars from last season right? don’t make me laugh where is joshua ledet? aka the so called greatest singer of all time.
For one, it doesn’t matter than CJ is the runaway winner in these polls. Jessica Sanchez won every poll in her season and still got voted off in 7th place and had to be saved.
For two, Sam Woolf WILL win so none of this really matters.
For three, here’s a good question: If VoteForTheWorst was still around, who would they pick out of the remaining 13 contestants?
A lot of people are going to criticize you but tou just continue to put God first and nothing/ no one will be able to stand in your way!! Walker County has your back!!!
I’M with u Jasmine bc all these ppl on here have nothing but negative things to say! God got his back, forget these ppl! They are just another group hating to see black ppl do anything! Fantasia was the prime example. They threw her name all in the dirt and she still won it all! Keep God First CJ we are behind u all the way! #TeamCJHarris
So i suppose you think white people are athiests? your crazy you guys are so prejudice you only pull for black people. and the reason nobody likes cj cause he sucks, maylayla is the only black person this year that is decent.
theres alot of religious people in the top 13, and you saying that God has cj’s back is saying that God is pulling for cj harris to win, which is silly. God don’t play favs. im sure He wouldn’t waiste 1 second watching american idol.
Okay well can we just say GOD has all the contestants back.? Is that okay with you mr. Werkley.?
Go CJ!!!!!!!
Kristen O’connor has the best voice, charisma, and just the total package.
Jena Irene is the most talented of the females in the group.If you polled her fellow contestants,you would be surprised. It comes down to song choice now
Jena is tied with caleb for number 4 and 5.
and dexter is in 2nd place. this is shocking to me.