The American Idol results tonight delivers the season’s big news of who will win American Idol 2014 when Ryan Seacrest dims the lights and reveals America’s choice. These results are what the Top 2 finalists have been competing for all season.

* UPDATE: Find out who won American Idol 2014 in our recap of the final results show!
There are no more eliminations and as Caleb Johnson and Jena Irene have already said, they’re both winners at this point, but only one can have the crown. On top of the big results news the season finale show will be packed from top to bottom with an awesome guest line-up. We’ll get Paramore, KISS, Jason Mraz, John Legend, and others along with all three of the Judges performing!
Be sure to vote in our weekly “who was the best” poll and re-watch all of their performances as we wait to find out who is crowned the winner of American Idol!
Join us tonight during the show for our live recap and to discuss the performances with other fans in our Idol chat room!
Be sure to join us on Facebook & Twitter for the latest Idol updates!
Tried to vote several different times, but all I got was a busy signal. Did anyone else have that problem?
I’m guessing they were flooded with calls. Too bad they didn’t use an array of numbers for both finalists like they’ve done in the past.
Were you able to use the other voting methods?
Jena is a winner no matter what. she went from “WILDCARD” to the finale-you can’t complain about that!
My family got our vote hrough! C A L E B!!!
Both of these artists are destined for stardom if they don’t let their ego get in the way. Bright talent in both!
I like BOTH Jena and Caleb. But, there is no guarantee of being “destined for stardom”. The vast majority of American Idol winners end up going nowhere.