Mentor Scott Borchetta has revealed the American Idol 2015 finale coronation songs will feature a “champion” theme with all three of the Top 3 preparing for their performances.

In the past we’ve seen the same song performed by the Top 2 in an American Idol finale, but Borchetta says they won’t be doing “something silly and have them all sing the same song,” in an interview with The theme was driven by another tie-in with the Women’s World Cup like we saw a few weeks earlier.
Scott told HGNG, “Nick’s song is fun. Jax’s song is so her and Clark’s song is called ‘Champion.'”
Borchetta added, “We’re trying to nail a great theme song for the Women’s World Cup, so they all have a victorious champion vibe to them.”
Hmm, was the original title choice for Clark’s song, “Winner of American Idol 2015,” already taken? I kid. I really think all three have a serious shot at pulling this off but I do believe we’re looking at a Jax vs Clark Final 2. All the same, we won’t know until Tuesday and American Idol is preparing all of them for the opportunity.
The Top 3 went to the Studio on Thursday to record their potential coronation songs. Clark told HNGN, “I really love the lyrics.” Jax said it was “very Jax” and a perfect anthem for her. Nick described his song’s sound as a mix between Goo Goo Dolls and Fun.
Big week ahead for the Top 3. Which finalist do you most hope to hear sing their coronation song during the big finale on Wednesday when we discover who won American Idol 2015?
I want to hear Nick sing his coronation song!!!! I know they estimate Jax and Clark in the finale… Wish people would look at the whole picture and vote for the one with the nicest tone… The one who’s always on pitch and that possesses the best vocals… The one with the most humility and profesionalism….That person is Nick!!!! He will sell the most albums regardless… Mark my words !
I agree with you. He is marketable, and will sell records. He has original music ready to go. I’m sure he will have a career post Idol. And Yes. I will mark your words!
I agree with everything you said except the name. Clark for the win!
Clark is going nowhere. Maybe the Christian market following Colton Dixon’s lead. No way is he mainstream and he won’t sell. IMO there is something robotic and unfeeling about him as though he doesn’t really feel the words he’s singing.
Well I’ve got an interesting little theory on the whole Clark thing. Lets say 3 full weeks ago I honestly thought he had the thing on lock down. Song choices were excellent and the singing head and shoulders above the rest. Then the friction with Borchetta got to much. My gut tells me he’s tanking and doesn’t want to win and thus have to work with Scott. The perfect out would be 3rd. Nick had a very good night Wednesday. Production want’s Jax she is the likely winner at this point.
As to your assertion about Christain rock were did that come from? He’s a street performer in Memphis he gonna set up the guitar case and sing swing low sweet chariot? Well see in 2 years.
No, dig further into his bio and you will learn that he’s extremely religious. My point was that if he wants a recording career, his best chance of making a career is by following Colton Dixon’s path.
Nick is going home Tuesday night.
Actually no one is going home-not even Rayvon last Weds.. Note last weds. you also saw all the top ten that will be performing this Weds. (go Qaasim!)
Nick is on pitch? possesses best vocals? sorry but everytime he performs, i feel like he’s about to throw up. I always feel the nerves. I don’t know why the judges are saying he’s comfortable on stage. He’s struggling too much on That “what Hurts the Most” and “i’ll be” songs, especially on the high notes.
Yes, he looks good so I would not be shocked if he wins eventually. American Idol has changed too much already. They care more about the package, and not the talent. I wish Fantasia’s times or Carrey Underwood’s comes back on idol.