Last night on American Idol 13 we were treated to a nearly overwhelming number of songs with three from each of the Final Four. So instead of picking the “best of” and hitting repeat finalists let’s take a look at everyone’s own best delivery of the night.

Check out our list of the Top 4’s best American Idol performances from Wednesday and then share your own!
At first I thought Alex Preston was going to do something a little more “up” when I heard he was covering “Too Close,” but no he managed to keep it low throughout. Still a strong performance that showcased why Alex has made it this far.
Alex Preston – “Too Close”
Talk about going in the opposite direction of your usual. Caleb Johnson brought it down a notch, not a lot of notches but enough, and the change was refreshing. Caleb should be a shoo-in for the Top 3 and that hometown visit he so interestingly described!
Caleb Johnson – “Maybe I’m Amazed”
Jena Irene found a great groove as she went back for a Pat Benatar. I thought this was a better match for her talent than her F-Bomb inspiring performance. Get ready for more of her next week.
Jena Irene – “Heartbreaker”
This was what Jessica Meuse needed to show the audience. It was a great performance and even if she goes home tonight it’ll let her go out on a high note and very positive last showing.
Jessica Meuse – “You And I”
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I liked Can’t Help Fallin’ In Love” and ‘Yellow the best.
TOTally disagree!!! 5. Alex-Too close 4Caleb- Maybe Im amazed 3 Jena- Heartbreaker 2 You and I – Jess and 1 JENA CANT HELP FALLING IN LOVE … the best of the night easily!!!!
absolutely agree…Caleb now should be concerned at this point
Jena Heartbreaker really? It wasn’t even that good. The Elvis song was light years better.
Love Love Love Jena !! That girl has a gift without question. Love Caleb but this girl is hands down beyond incredible !!
Last week Jena put the fear in non-fans by stating that she would be returning to the piano! Already more fear for Non-Jena’s; she said last night that she had finished her high school classes. Thus, more time to concentrate on her singing next week! Or even more “shaking in your boots” possibility-“that she has more time to get back on the piano next week”!
If Jessica stays tonight she should sit on a stoot or drop her guitar like Dexter did while singing, she needs to smile or show hurt or whatever the song calls for on her face.
I agree to disagree…. Jena’s rendition of Can’t Stop Falling in Love With You was far better than Heartbreaker, although both really showcased her versatility.