Last night on American Idol the Top 8 contestants really turned it up and gave us a great show. Everyone was across the board having a strong night which makes picking out the best few even tougher, but let’s see what we can find.

Here’s our list of who had the best showings from the Top 8 solo performances, but we want to hear who would make up your “best of” for the night and especially tell us about your favorite duets! Share your thoughts below!
#5 – Jessica Meuse – “Blue Eyed Lie”
#4 – Caleb Johnson – “Chain Of Fools”
#3 – Malaya Watson – “Ain’t No Way”
#2 – Jena Irene – “Rolling In The Deep”
#1 – Alex Preston – “Fairytales”
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Tonight brings the American Idol results show where Ryan will reveal who moves on to the season’s Top 7 stage. Support your favorites now by voting in our site poll here for the best of the Top 8 performances!
This is also my top 5, just move jena to the 5th and adjust the rest upward 😀 It’ll be Alex, Malaya, Caleb, Jessica, Jena. Just my opinion
Last night was a hard one to rank. They were all so good and close together that I could barely decide. Tonight’s results should be very interesting.
Jessica and Jena are my favorite gals and like Sam and Alex the best for guys
!. Jena
2. Dexter
3. Maylaya
4 Alex
5. Sam
6. Jessica
7. Caleb
8. CJ
I always like listening to Jessica. She is my favorite. My opinion on Malaya had been up and down, but after last night I am not a Malaya fan. Comparing her voice to the back up singers, as well as during her duet, just made it clear to me that I don’t like the sound of her voice as much as I like some of the other voices. Regardless of whether or not she performs a song well I just don’t think I am going to like it. I do like Jena, but she does still have some issues with her mouth while singing that I hope she works out. If she does I will like her a lot more. Sam sounds nice, and if he is able to get the connection piece in place I can see possibilities for him. CJ is just not in the same league as the others, and he needs to go. Dexter isn’t my favorite. He isn’t bad, but neither is he enticing to listen to. Caleb has had some good performances, but I did not like this one. The look on his face was very distracting. I hope he does switch things around next week. Regardless of my opinion of Alex I don’t want him to win. I think he has the ability to sell a particular type of album to a small amount of loyal fans, but that won’t be enough to draw- and keep- the type of fan base that a successful American Idol needs. And that takes me to why it is difficult for me to rank the performances- I don’t really want to consider in my ranking the singers I don’t want to see win. I don’t want to see Dexter, CJ, Alex, or Malaya win. Out of the others, my rankings is 1. Jessica, 2. Sam, 3. Jena, 4. Caleb.