The American Idol 2015 auditions are set to introduce many new faces along with familiar voices returning to become the next Idol Superstar. One of those new voices this season will be Riley Bria who FOX is introducing in a newly released video.

Riley Bria was 17 years old when he auditioned and is from Springhill, TN so I think we can look to see him in the Nashville, TN auditions episode on American Idol 2015.
In a daring move Riley decided to audition with one of Keith Urban’s own songs since he considers himself a huge Keith fan. Does the move pay off? You can check our American Idol Top 24 spoilers list to see if he made it through to Hollywood Week and beyond.
To make sure Riley Bria is ready to meet his superstar hero behind the American Idol Judges table, host Ryan Seacrest quizzes Riley on some critical Keith trivia. Don’t worry, he gets most of them right and is ushered in to the waiting chamber where he’ll perform live for the three judges. Watch the video below to see how it all goes.
Watch Riley Bria perform “My Favorite Girl” with his band Headstrong:
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