The American Idol 2015 search for the Season 14 winner begins this Wednesday night on FOX (8PM ET/PT) but thanks to a sneak peek review of the American Idol auditions we can see what’s ahead this week for the talent and Judges.

MJsBigBlog was fortunate to receive a screener to watch the first episodes of American Idol set to air on Wednesday and Thursday nights. I see how it is, FOX.
So what did MJ discover in the American Idol 2015 debut? More in-depth auditions, up-close time with the Judges, and an absence of silly and irreverent auditions. Sounds like things are on the right track!
Compared to last year, there aren’t as many auditions stuffed into an episode. The producers spend more time telling stories and highlighting the judges chemistry than they did last year…
There are LOTS of judges hijinks. The camera pulls back and we see AND HEAR the crew reacting…
The tone is generally upbeat. Nobody is humiliated or made to look silly. No idiots in dumb costumes. Singers who don’t make the grade are painted as either not ready yet, or naive…
As for what the Judges are up to, MJ reports we’ll see Keith performing there in Nashville with the promise of similar segments for Harry during the American Idol auditions in New Orleans and Jennifer in New York’s episode.
When it comes to the talent aspect, she says the strength of the week is backloaded on Thursday’s show when the American Idol 2015 auditions continue for the second two hours in Nashville. One of the singers we’re set to meet this week will be Riley Bria who we knew was going to do a Keith Urban song and luckily it sounds like that went very well with “Georgia Woods.”
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