As for decade theme nights, 80’s is about as far back as I like to go so this week’s American Idol 2015 Top 9 performances were a fun one for me, though not everyone singer was quite up to the challenge that night.

But while the Top 9’s American Idol performances may have varied they weren’t the only thing on a wide spectrum. How about those outfits last night? Adanna Duru got all done up in her Wonder Woman costume and wasn’t even given the chance to sing. I’m only teasing. I like that she went with a daring outfit for the night as she needed to do something memorable.
Adanna wasn’t the only memorable moment in the night though as there were several guest performances including a visit by David Hasselhoff and Salt-N-Pepa who both brought some more 80’s magic back to the American Idol stage.
Check out all the photos from this week’s Idol episode and see who did it the best.
I don’t know who Nick Fradiani has pissed off, but this is the second week in a row his photos were excluded from the press released image gallery. So he’s not in the pics below but obviously made the cut to the Top 9.
CR: Michael Becker / FOX. © FOX BROADCASTING CO.
Boy G was acting a bit odd & didn’t sound good. He may have relapsed, I hope not, but it seems that way if you watch & listen to his performance again & how odd he behaved. He was not all there. Breaks my heart to even think that, I really do like him & so do a lot of people. I thought Tyanna had the best vocal by far.
How come “ALL” my posts are being deleted?
I haven’t deleted a single comment from you and I’m the only one who could. I’ll have to check the spam filter.
Thanks. Right now my time should be spent on more personal things anyway. I think Clark should win. Jax hasn’t impressed me as being the most marketable. She wants to be another Joan Jett yet she should be more like Lorde.
The poor song choices from a decade that was very rich in a variety of great music makes me think that the list of cleared songs must be minuscule. If not then I have serious doubts about the judgement of several of the contestants.
Sure, The Whitney Houston Award Winning Chart Topper and Vocal Red Liner Tyanna performed with extreme care and PERFECTiOn, only rocked the live audience, and you are in a self induced, well….
Will there be an American Idol tour for 2015? Why aren’t they talking about it? It’s always the top ten!
My suspicion is that they’ve canned it this year.
That’s too bad. We went to see last year’s concert in Indio and it was really fun but not very many people were there and then this year when they didn’t talk about how important it was to get into the top ten, I had a bad feeling that was it.
Not surprising. Who would pay to see this group? They’re horrible!
American Idol Top 9 Power Ranking:
Based on Performance Quality and Social Media Following
1. Clark Beckham
2. Jax
3. Joey Cook
4. Nick Fradiani
5. Rayvon Owen
6. Quentin Alexander
7. Tyanna Jones
8. Qaasim Middleton
9. Daniel Seavey
So, Who is the Most Likely Elimination? Daniel Seavey
Who is at Risk? Qaasim Middleton and Tyanna Jones
Who is Definitely Safe? Clark Beckham and Jax