We’ve got one last rankings review here for American Idol 2016 after last night’s performances from La’Porsha Renae and Trent Harmon as they faced off for your votes in a bid to become the final American Idol winner. So who have you picked?

Based solely on your votes in our ongoing Top 2 poll, so keep in mind that these numbers will shift during the day, we can tell who our readers have picked for who they think should be the next American Idol winner.
At the time of publication, approximately 12:30PM ET, there were over 23,000 votes in our poll and a landslide in the results. Trent is dominating La’Porsha according to the preference of our readers who voted here.
American Idol 2016 – Top 2 Rankings:
- Trent Harmon – 70.4% (+0)
- La’Porsha Renae – 29.6% (+0)
Wow that’s a big gap between them and I’m really surprised. Their performances were fantastic and both are amazing singers so I would have expected these numbers to be much, much closer. Trent and La’Porsha are such well matched and wonderful singers that I’d be hard pressed to pick which is better, but that’s just what the audience was forced to do this week.
Of course these results aren’t official even though they’ve been spot on for the past several weeks of predicting the eliminated singers, but it could be our first glimpse of how tonight’s American Idol results show will go.
Do you agree with these rankings? Share your thoughts and tell us what you expect to happen tonight on American Idol!
Wow, being a Trent fan if those %’s are correct everywhere then I’ll be a happy viewer tonight. I do find it hard to believe La’Porsha could be that far behind though? I predict it’ll be a much closer NAIL BITER …