American Idol is spoiling their own Top 8 song list this week for the Billboard Hot 100 theme but we’ve got a twist on the details revealed.

We know what we’ll hear on Wednesday night thanks to these spoilers, but we don’t know for sure who will be singing each of them. Check out the list and see which Top 8 contestant should be singing each of these songs.
Top 8 Song List for ‘Billboard Hot 100’
- “Hey Ya!” – Outkast
- “Poker Face” – Lady Gaga
- “Set Fire To The Rain” – Adele
- “Make It Rain” – Ed Sheeran
- “Stay” – Rihanna
- “Wrecking Ball” – Miley Cyrus
- “Teenage Dream” – Katy Perry
- “Latch” – Disclosure
According to the sleuths over at MJs they’re saying Jax will sing Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face” while Joey Cook will be taking on Miley’s “Wrecking Ball.”
I’d expect more singers to identify their songs as we head toward Wednesday’s big Top 8 show so keep checking back for more.
Ugh Stay is such a boring song choice, but hopefully whomever sings it does something better with it.
Tyanna probably chose Stay.
Yeah most likely, she’ll do it good though.
i think Quentin will take this song.
The song is a more female-oriented song though but I guess that doesn’t mean anything much really.
I’ll start with the most obvious ones. These are the three songs originally played by men, so in a 5/3 ration that is the Top 8, they are probably gonna be for the guys.
Qaasim -> “Hey Ya!” – Outkast
[I mean, upbeat song with tons of improvising spots for beatboxing or stuff like that]
Rayvon -> “Latch” – Disclosure
[The whole song’s a falsetto for Christ’s sake.]
Quentin -> “Make It Rain” – Ed Sheeran
[Somber, sort of unknown, it’s in his wheelhouse]
Now for some deductions which I think are safe to make.
Jax -> “Teenage Dream” – Katy Perry
[Only Jax and Tyanna have the appropriate age for the song on idol, and it’s too female-oriented for the guys, so i think she’ll put a twist on it]
Tyanna -> “Stay” – Rihanna
[She’s been needing a slow song for some time, maybe she’l try to bring bigger emotion, also a quite female-oriented song]
Now for the 3 that are left, I’m not so sure, BUT
Joey -> “Poker Face” – Lady Gaga
[Sounds fit for her vision, tons of different arrangements of that one around for her to pick]
Clark -> “Wrecking Ball” – Miley Cyrus
[Should be a surprising song choice, maybe he’s counting on the bravery points, it’s definitely got power for his voice]
Nick -> “Set Fire To The Rain” – Adele
[Also going for the “bravery” of flipping gender, but on a more boring choice?]
okay.. i really want to see:
– Latch from Rayvon
– Poker Face from Joey
– Wrecking Ball from Jax (with very very slow arragement)
– Stay from Quentin
– Make It Rain from Nick (i believe it’ll be sooo good)
– Hey Ya from Qaasim
– Set Fire to the Rain from Clark
– and i don’t really sure about Teenage Dream..
Jax is singing Poker Face and Joey is singing Wrecking Ball from what I have read so far.
I swear if Tyanna chose Teenage dream
Not sure I’d even care to hear any of these by the original artists again let alone by this group. This doesn’t seem promising. JMO
Hey Ya – Clark
Poker Face – Qassim
Set Fire to the Rain – Raywon
Make it Rain – Nick
Wrecking ball – Quentin
Stay – Tyanna
Teenage Dream – Joey
Latch – Jax
Jax said she hopes to make people dance tomorrow night, so she’s probably doing Poker Face
I think Clark will sing Make it rain