Tonight the Top 12 contestants sing for your votes on American Idol as we prepare for one more elimination following this week’s performances. The show starts at 8PM on FOX so don’t miss the fun and be sure to join us live during the show!
Update: We’ve got the Top 12 Live recap going right here!

Contestants will be performing songs from this week’s theme on American Idol: “Home.” Another wide open non-category theme for the singers to spread their creativity and deliver big.
Of course that theme should also make it no big surprise to see Phillip Phillips returning on Thursday night to perform his very new single, “Raging Fire.”
There were wide leaps in our polling data between the pre Top 13 performances and what we saw on Wednesday night last week which means this race is wide open. One strong outing can jump a contestant out in to the lead while one small misstep can end his or her run on the show. That means Caleb Johnson had better bring it tonight after the high bar he set last week with his roaring performance night finale!
Join us tonight during the show for our live recap and to discuss the performances with other fans in our Idol chat room!
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The American Idol 2014 Top 12 Contestants – Gallery:
I think Harry was vey harsh on all of them I mean really has he heard him self sing