American Idol 2014 contestant George Lovett has been down this road once before in season 11. He failed to make it past Hollywood Week that time around, but he’s back again this year for another shot. In addition to his history with American Idol, George says he is also a three-time winner of Showtime at the Apollo, and he’s performed in several Broadway plays and musicals.

Season 13 Audition
Road to Hollywood
Fan Page
We don’t have video of George’s 2014 audition yet, but we will post it here as soon as we do!
George Lovett describes himself on as a “soulful singer, songwriter, and actor” who has performed “at tons of weddings and restaurants, and even have done some street performing in Savannah, Georgia where I attended Savannah College of Art and Design.” On his website, George says he graduated from SCAD with a degree in Performance Art, and is now studying Sound Engineering. “I want to be the voice of my generation and bring real great singing back” says Lovett.
George Lovett at Apollo Live from steven starks on Vimeo.
Apparently George’s original American Idol 2012 audition was part of a group trip of SCAD students. He ended up being the only person who made it through to Hollywood Week. “When I got my golden ticket, I thought, finally!” he told George said it was actually his fourth time trying out for the show. Which means that his audition for season 13 is actually his fifth go around. Now that’s some serious dedication! You can see a tiny clip from his season 11 audition below.
George states on his personal Facebook page that he still lives in Savannah, but lists his original hometown as Baltimore, Maryland. We also gleaned from his Facebook profile that George is a graduate of the Baltimore School for the Arts. Obviously this young man has known for a long time exactly what he wants and has been working hard at his dream for a while!
George lists such artists as Brandy, Jessica Sanchez, Kanye West, Drake,, Angie Miller, and Fantasia Barrino among his musical likes. In fact, George told that Fantasia is his favorite American Idol contestant ever. We also note he has ‘liked’ several other American Idol 2014 contestant pages for Majesty York and Malcolm Anthony. As for other entertainment he enjoys, George is a fan of Momma’z Boi TV, Candy Crush Saga, and movies like Love Thy Brother and Paint the City.
Back in 2012, George said he believes he should be the next American Idol because “there’s a whole generation out there who are my type — urban, young, fun — we have a voice… America needs to hear my voice.” Now we’ll have to wait and see what the American Idol judges, and possibly the voters if he makes it to the live rounds, will think of that voice he so wants to share!
George Lovett has made it all the way to the Top 30 so far on American Idol 2014. Do you think he’ll make it to the finals?
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