American Idol revealed tonight that Jena Irene would sing “We Are One” as her first single if she were to become the winner of American Idol 2014.

As part of the weekly Ford video all of the Top 3 finalists revealed what would be their debut song and gave us a preview glimpse of the single.
Jena Irene’s coronation song will be “We Are One” which she would first perform during the season finale if she becomes part of the American Idol 2014 Top 2 finalists.
As we learned earlier, Jena Irene’s song was co-written by American Idol alumnus Felicia Barton from season 8. Although we aren’t feeling it is a spectacular song overall, and sounds a bit too much like a Katy Perry tune, it certainly has a much more modern sound than Caleb’s ‘coronation’ single. We could certainly hear this on any contemporary pop or Top 40 radio station pretty easily.
Listen to the full song now available in the SoundCloud embed below.
>> Download the song on iTunes here.
If Jena win, she is the first willcard contestant win. Idol history is make it.
Is this an omen that Jena has the title locked up? Why don’t we know Caleb’s song, even if he couldn’t record it yet because of his throat injury?
We do know Caleb’s song. We also heard Alex’s song. All were announced during last night’s show together in the same segment. Caleb’s song post is up on the site as well.
As Long As You Love Me….Caleb’s Song … Hope you find it !!
I think this song is AMAZING. I’m a little shocked that Idol produced a good coronation song, and it’s pretty perfect for Jena. Super catchy & fun, and I’ll be singing it in the car in the future. How exciting for Jena! It gives me hope for her future albums 🙂
can you tell us the lyrics without looking it up?
…Of course. The lyrics are part of my excitement, reminds me of my own relationship. Why wouldn’t I be able to? I’m not the one calling her “marble mouth”. Both Gwen Stefani and Hayley Williams had different ways of singing the same words, it’s called a niche. Jena has hers, they have theirs, you may not like it, and not everyone has to. Once you know to listen for it, it’s not a problem, fyi.
from the title itself, i think jena is the possible idol winner. the song can be used as their theme song for the next season, according to jessica, american idol is like hunger games. i have in mind what she does mean by that. haha.
I just heard Jena’s new song. It’s great, but compares to Sara Barreilles “I Just Want to be free”. Jena is more extraordinary on “DARK-Haunting” type of songs (played on the piano) example: “CREEP”. I feel she needs to beat Caleb on the piano (not standing toe to toe with him. Thus this new song will probably be last and hope her 2nd song is on the piano. Maybe Bastille’s OBLIVION”? Another “Haunting” type of song that would make Jena “UNBEATABLE”!
Caleb is the one who picked Creep for Jena. They’re really good friends from what I’ve seen.
I hope Jena wins. We love u Jena, from Arcadia Florida. 🙂 <3 <3
This is awesome, her voice is incredible and it’d sound awesome on use radio
This song is amazing! I can definitely see this as a top 10 single this year. I really like Caleb’s song too. Their both surprisingly amazing!