The American Idol 2014 Top 2 finalists have been named! Caleb Johnson and Jena Irene will face off next Tuesday night for your votes in a bid to discover who will win American Idol, but let’s not wait that long to find out who could take the crown.

Ahead of Tuesday’s finale performance show let’s start an early poll. Since most of Caleb’s and Jena Irene’s die-hard fans are going to vote for them regardless of how well their performances actually go let’s get an idea of what kinda of support is out there for them.
We’ll have our regular performance “who was the best?” poll up next Tuesday night, but for now feel free to vote up your favorites and tell us why you think he or she should be the winner this year on American Idol!
Those stuck to bubble gum maybe. Otherwise, the votes will be for Caleb who is going to rock the roof off.
And more….
It doesn’t matter. They are both headed for relative obscurity as in Pia Toscano/Jessica Sanchez/Lee DeWyze/Crystal Bowesox.
In all probability, you are probably right. Not many AI winners go on to have lucrative careers. Though a couple have.
Too bad you really don’t know what you’re saying…Crystal Bowersox has been touring all over the country. Not so much with Lee Dewyze.
So has Kris Allen, still not a star.
No, but she DOES have another album coming out, soon.
When I think of the road traveled by Kelly and Carrie, vs the road travled by the WGWGs, I think the best ambassador for this year would be Jena.
I really enjoyed Caleb’s rock performances, but I prefered Jena’s.
Here is what this has worked up to: As any true rocker and music enthusiast knows, the 80’s rock began years earlier with Led Zeppelin in lead. As with anything else even perfection has its time. The thing we call modern age is a never ending metamorphosis. The beep pop and rat noise, with all its hate and destruction, arguably have been the worse days of the past but ever changing modern age. The 80’s rock will not come back in the same perfection as the past. But that does not mean a very like version of it is not around the corner, with a modern twist to it. Something compared to what U2 and Nickleback did for us. Caleb Johnson is an endless wonder in reminding us of the 80’s rock.
He has shown us that he is capable of taking it to the next step (in the process helping to lead the way), now all he has to do is figure out how to mix
U2 and Nickleback with a modern twist for a new perfection. That is why Caleb is this season’s American Idol winner. Don’t be left behind. (5-16-14)
Couldn’t agree more !!! I’m so tired of all the pop stuff! ! I want to hear rockin roll again !!!!! Go Caleb Johnson !!!!!!
Will you look at that picture you posted. Super cool, Pennie.
Caleb X 50 votes !!!!!!!!!
A women who means business (Smiling).
you can vote 200 times…50 on google…50 on american idol, by phone and text…
I think Jena will win she has this unique voice you just dont hear on the radio she has a powerful voice i think she will be hard to beat!
And then you woke up…to what? News Flash: “As predicted by so many this season’s American Idol winner is Caleb Johnson!!!”
I love them both, but I want Caleb to win!!
You already know (Smiling).
Jena for the win!
Pray that Jena’s performance will not be AFTER the sure-to-take-the-roof-off performance of Caleb. Even that will not help her.
Jerry u have commented on every single post like seriously !! i got it u want caleb to win no point spreading urself on everyones post!! we all have an opinion ok!!!
Ouch! (Smiling)
She will need a Jennie and even that is not going to do it for her.
that was such a bad comeback
Both are awesome I think they both won but really if I had to choose I think jena got the win
Thoughting instead of thinking. It happens (Smiling).
Jena…just love everything about her! Celeb is like every other rock star of the 80’s too generic!
Just don’t bet any of your hard earn money on it.
jena FTW. i like her song more. from the title itself, We are One, its more considered as a perfect coronation song. just like when america chose phillip’s song over jessica’s love song.
Jena’s the most versatile contestant since Kelly Clarkson! Vote for Jena-not the one trick pony Caleb.
I’m busy now. Can I ignore you some other time?
LOL—she’s not the most versatile contestant since Clarkson….there have been MANY just like her….I’ve seen them on Idol every year.
Here is what this has worked up to: As any true rocker and music enthusiast knows, the 80’s rock began years earlier with Led Zeppelin in lead. As with anything else even perfection has its time. The thing we call modern age is a never ending metamorphosis. The beep pop
and rat noise, with all its hate and destruction, arguably have been the worse days of the past but ever changing modern age. The 80’s rock will not come back in the same perfection as the past. But that does not mean a very like version of it is not around the corner, with a modern twist to it. Something compared to what U2 and Nickleback
did for us. Caleb Johnson is an endless wonder in reminding us of the 80’s rock. He has shown us that he is capable of taking it to the next step (in the process helping to lead the way), now all he has to do is figure out how to mix U2 and Nickleback with a modern twist for a new perfection. That is why Caleb is this season’s American Idol winner. Don’t be left behind. (5-16-14)
Jerry, you need to face reality. And, this is it. You’re gonna love or bitterly dislike Caleb’s kind of music. Jena may already have enough votes to win, but she will now pick up fans that don’t care for Caleb’s music – this will make her the next American Idol. I was for Jessica and did not vote this week and don’t plan to vote in the finale, either.
And then you woke up…….eventually.
I did just note that Caleb has moved up tremendously in the voting poll on this link – if that should make you feel any better.
Laughing. You are a man of good character, Buddy. Thank you for the update. Now I have to get on the plane for return home.
and it works both ways Caleb will pick up fans that don’t like Jena’s music too!
You know it, Barbara…all the way!
Caleb is the best, but I feel Jena will win overall, but when Caleb’s CD comes out he will blow her away in sales and touring…..Watch out Chris Daughtry, here comes Caleb. He will blow away all other contestants of previous Idols, in sales, and touring….that is if he has the right team, and also team of songwriters!!!!!
Matthew, just curious I guess. Why does your question read “Who is going to win… and not “Who are you going to vote for?”
The question is set up as “who do you want to win?” as a preference choice between the two. How someone ends up voting could depend on the performances. This question asks in advance of that, who the reader wants to see win.
Knowing who I am going to vote for, before the show even airs, just seem so boring to me. But, if that works for some of you … OK.
That was my feel, too. That’s why I asked the question to Matthew. But – maybe a fairer game the way he presented it to us.
Many fans are already decided on how they’ll vote. This poll is gauging that. Other fans are waiting to see how they perform to decide how they’ll vote and that’s what Tuesday night’s poll will gauge. It’s two different views.
There’s also the fact that voting starts when the show begins. So there are all those voters who do not wait to see how the contestants perform to decide how they will vote.
Keep in mind that there is another group of viewers: those who watch but will not vote at all. This first poll also catches their opinions.
Go Cal go!
GO CALEB.!!!! i freaking love him :3
It doesn’t matter who wins, I just want to see the final show to hear Dexter & Alex.
ena is an extremely talented vocal artist, however, Caleb continues to take the stage performance after performance. His vocal talent, stage performance, and ability to pull the audience into his music should earn him the title. He has earned it.
Caleb is the man…….. I sure hope he wins!!!! Jena, only sounds good if she picks the right songs or she is sitting behind a piano………..sorry!!!!! Go Caleb……..