A new round debuts this week on American Idol 2015 with the “Idol Showcase” featuring the Top 48 contestants for Season 14 and they’re about to feel the pressure of a live audience performance.

When American Idol returns on Wednesday (February 18, 2015) at 8PM for a one-hour show they’ll be singing to a crowd at the House of Blues Sunset Strip. This is an all-new “Showcase Week” round that we haven’t see done before which is great because we’ve been enjoying the new aspects of Season 14 so far.
Those final 48 singers who survived last week’s Hollywood Round elimination will have another chance to wow the Judges and move on to face America’s vote. Just one opportunity to make or break when they hit the House of Blues stage during Wednesday night’s show.
Then on Thursday night (February 19th) the Judges will reveal their decision. Jennifer Lopez, Keith Urban, and Harry Connick Jr. have watched these contestants perform since their initial audition and now it’s time to make their final eliminations. By the end of the week we’ll have the American Idol Top 24 for 2015 (spoilers) in preparation for the first open voting by the viewers.
Are you ready to vote on the American Idol Season 14 singers? We are! Can’t wait to watch these talented contestants hit the stage in this all-new round for Idol 2015 before heading off to Detroit for a Motown themed event next week. So much American Idol!
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