Last night on American Idol the Top 12 contestants performed their hearts out, but was it good enough to make it on to the Top 11 round next week?

Which Top 12 finalists delivered the performances of the night on Idol? Here’s a countdown of our favorite top five of the show. (We disagree on the order just a bit in the ENTV video review above, but pretty much agree with their top five picks.)
#5 – Sam Woolf sings “Just One”
#4 – Jena Irene sings “Suddenly I See”
#3 – Dexter Roberts sings “Lucky Man”
#2 – Caleb Johnson sings “Working Man”
#1 – Malaya Watson sings “Take Me To The King”
There were some great performances and some big disappointments this week. It’ll be interesting to see if past good will can save those who faltered during the live show. We’ll find out tonight with the American Idol results show.
Who would make your Top 5 list for this week? Share your own Top 5 list and tell us who you would rank those spots.
Wow, gotta say I totally disagree on that one. Malaya was screaming on stage! None of us that were watching it last night liked it at all. She sounded horrible, and we could not figure out what the heck the judges were thinking!
None of you? She’s top ranked in this week’s performance poll –> https://americanidolnet.com/american-idol-2014-poll-vote-best-top-12/
i didn’t like her she’s trying to get the religous vote now. its to late we already know she’s arrognant.
Only because Keith whooed it up! (and also a standing “O”! My credibility of keith left when he ballyhooed about the kid “Jake Bugg!
Well leave Malaya alone they picked that song for her and ppl she worked with including randy jackson suggested that she sings louder and stronger that was her problem she basically that got her votes u ppl are harsh and rational smh
Jena is the best <3
I’m disappointed this year and watch the Voice also. The Voice seems to have much better singers this year!
Dexter was best this no matter the vote.
Malaya sings with an annoying “LISP”. It may be her braces?
My top vocals this week:
1.) Sam
2.) Dexter
3.) jena
5.) Caleb-note he has to holler to sing (predictable). Lets hear him actually “sing” like jeff Gutt (the rocker on the Xfactor)
Ben and Dexter are safe tonight for sure – they ruled the group last night. Good choices of songs and they felt the song – which caused the viewers to feel it, too.
This year’s idol finalists are way below compared to prior years’. Seems the choices of the judges or the contestants deteriorate each year. So disappointing.