The American Idol Top 4 have a big night ahead this week as they await the results of your votes and while the lights won’t be dimmed for several more days we can go ahead and preview the results of your votes here.

The Top 4 were correctly predicted by your votes last round and they just might do it again this time. Then again, Dalton was a surprise in the Bottom 2 last week so anything can happen, right?
We’ve got our usual rundown of the top spots according to your votes with Trent in first, La’Porsha in second, and Dalton in third. That leaves MacKenzie in the “going home” spot if it was up to just our readers, but as noted that wouldn’t have been accurate last week.
Either way, I do think we’ll find both Dalton and MacKenzie in the difficult position of being a step away from elimination this week but unless a Bottom Two is revealed we may never know.
As for your votes in our poll last week, let’s get to numbers. Trent’s % rose several points while La’Porsha dropped about the same. Dalton had a ten point jump while MacKenzie dipped just a notch. Hard to tell where Sonika’s voters joined their forces, but that choice could really impact this week’s elimination.
American Idol 2016 – Top 4 Rankings:
- Trent Harmon – 44.2% (+0)
- La’Porsha Renae – 26.3% (+0)
- Dalton Rapattoni – 21.4% (+0)
- MacKenzie Bourg – 8.1% (+0)
Do you think these results will reflect the official outcome when Ryan Seacrest dims the lights? Join us at 8PM ET when we find out who will be going home this week on American Idol!
Me as Sonika fans join TeamDalton
That’s all
Thank you
The fans in Wisconsin. Join. Team. Dalton. To that’s. All win it
Thank. You
I joined Team La’Porsha.
I just want to say that I thinkTrent is the next Elvis! He is an amazing singer and performer!
Presley or Costello? He may be as successful as Elvis Costello. No one will ever equal Elvis Presley.
No one will ever be the next Elvis Presley! I will say that in the late 60’s there was a news article that questioned if Neil Diamond would be the next Elvis? He has had a very successful career, but he doesn’t have 300 fan clubs all over the world.
No one will ever replace Elvis but I do beleive that he could have close to the Sam fan club in ratio to the population then and now! Not only that but he has a distinct sound to his voice! This is just my opinion!
surely you jest!!!!!
Team Dalton all the way to the win. This young man entertains and connects. So want LaPorcha to be a shocking boot.
I agree about Dalton, but I do want La’Porsha in the Finale.
Right there with you. IMO La’P is grotesque and it’s made worse by whomever is styling her. As for her talent, she’s a good singer but her style is very dated and no longer profitable. Add to that the fact that she throws in too many gratuitous runs and loses the point of the song. Even if she wins, she’ll disappear faster than Candice Glover.
I know la porsha is awesome but sometimes I agree with you, sometimes she is boring but back it was awesome. I don’t know what to say about her. But far before this, I never and never felt bored to my Idol like Jena who has a big voice then but I really don’t know sometimes I felt bored about la porsha… But because of this is our top 4 and I must put la porsha with Dalton. Because la porsha for me better than putting trent and Mac there. Actually I want Olivia and Dalton
I said again me as Olivia and Sonika joined Team Dalton
Definitely do not want to see Dalton in the finale. I feel like he’s the most overrated out of the remaining contestants since, well, he has the weakest voice out of them. And sure, he’s got talent. But you should have the voice to back up that talent. And that’s why Trent and La’Porsha should be the final two.
Even Dalton doesn’t has a great voice but Dalton has a whole package that America need. Same like when I love Jena Irene. Jena has the whole package but I don’t know why he was at runner up, in my country, who was the runner up is far popular than the winner. So I hope Dalton and La Porsha in Final and Dalton came in runner up