We’re about to find out who was eliminated tonight on American Idol and this could end up being a very close results show and possibly a shocker when Ryan Seacrest announces the news for this season’s Final Two.

We’ve been watching your votes roll in to our Top 3 “who was the best?” poll and it’s been an interesting roller coaster.
During last night’s American Idol show Alex Preston and Caleb Johnson were dominating our poll leaving Jena Irene back in third. Then later after the show ended Jena Irene shot way up in the numbers to join Caleb and leave Alex back in third. Now that’s all changed.
At the time of publishing this we’re seeing Alex and Jena Irene nearly tied for first with 35% and 36% respectively. That would put Caleb back in third place with 27% of your votes in our poll. So what’s going on?
Before last night’s show I think most of us would have predicted Alex being the next to go based on the trends we’ve seen over the season in our polling, but now I just don’t know.
If I had to put money on it I’d still likely call it for Alex’s end of the American Idol 2014 journey, but I would not be shocked if he made it to the end after all. Of course that would mean Jena or Caleb would have to go home and that would be very surprising.
All the same, after more than five thousand votes, readers here are putting Caleb in last place in our poll and that’s a first for him all season.
Now who do you think will be eliminated during tonight’s American Idol results show? Share your thoughts below!
My listing says it’s an hour tonight. Is that correct? I thought they cut the results to a half hour.
It’s an hour because they’re showing all of the hometown visits.
Thanks. I’m looking forward to seeing Scotty.
Everytime you look at J-Lo’s stank face, you have to laugh. Amazingly, she actually outdid herself with those ridiculous gyrations last night .. all she needed was a stripper pole and she’d be set. Too bad her boy Caleb is getting kicked to the curb this week. On the positive side, microphone stands around the world breathe a sigh of relief. Surprised he made it this far with his one-trick-pony routine of screaming. But .. just like a pitcher that flashes onto the scene hurling 100 mph, he overdid himself and predictably wound up damaging himself … as we heard over and over and over with doctors and excuse after excuse … btw, Alex was sick also, but NO word of that from the judges .. Hmmmm. Either way, Alex won the night with the most consistent and overall best singing performance .. THE-Jena was hyped up enough to keep her around for the final as well.
Juke, you sound like you’re miserable in your life. J-lo is one of the most beautiful females on the planet. Caleb is a very talented singer and performer. Pitchers who throw 100 mph are truly gifted athletes.
I am none of these but can live with who I am….
Mick .. if you can’t laugh at J-Lo’s pick above, well, you need a sense of humor then. I’m NOT saying she’s unattractive by any means. Caleb IS talented .. but he is exactly like that 100 MPH pitcher .. or to be more accurate, I should say hurler. A PITCHER actually pitches .. fastball, slider, change-up, curve … a HURLER just throws hard and are basically a dime a dozen in AAA. ANY MLB player can scortch a fastball .. but a guy that knows how to PITCH, well, that’s a different story. In comparison, Caleb is just like the 100 MPH hurler .. he can scream .. and does it well .. and he’s certainly a great entertainer .. but he’s not really SINGING just as the hurler really isn’t pitching. BTW .. life’s good .. hope the same for you!
I couldn’t agree more with everything u posted jukebox hero. You read my mind. Regardless of what happens Alex is the one who will have an amazing and famous career. He will be Superstar. …agree JHo’ has literally showed her arss all season. Thats a premenopausal mid-life crisis.
Alex for the win!!!!!
X’d out of the competition.
I think Alex & Jena will shockingly be the top two with Caleb going home. Maybe he spent two much time screaming this week & that’s why he lost his voice. Don’t get me wrong when he sings he has a beautiful voice & he has been one of my fav’s until his comments he made …then I really liked Jena until she took credit for rearranging Elvis’s song and the truth is she stole that arrangement from a indie artist! The only original singer, song writer& musician is Alex! We voted in large groups last night doing everything possible to put him in the finale! Go Alex!
Caleb for the win…..