Tonight on American Idol 2013 the Top 4 finalists will gather on the stage as the lights are dimmed and this week’s Idol results are revealed. We’ve made our predictions for who will be voted off tonight, but let’s take a look at how you, the readers, are voting in our weekly poll.
In an incredible jump from past weeks of living in the danger zone, Hopeful Amber Holcomb rocketed to the top spot this week in our poll. Her lead is growing thinner over second placer Angie Miller, but first place is first place and apparently she earned even if the judges gave her a hard shove up to that spot last night.
With Angie and Amber collectively holding 71% of the vote at the time of publishing that leaves just a few scraps for Candice Glover and Kree Harrison. Candice has just a 1 point lead over Kree with 14% vs 13%, respectively.
Both Candice and Kree seemed destined for the Top 3 over the past few weeks, but now that may have come to an end. We wouldn’t be surprised, though a little disappointed, to see these two singers taking seats in the Bottom 2 during tonight’s American Idol results show.
This could all be for nothing though if the twist for this week of Season 12 is what we think it’ll be. We’re speculating that no one would go home tonight if production announces they’ve extended the deadline for the Judges Save. Of course they could always save it for next week and let tonight’s bottom vote-earner head on home.
Who do you think will be eliminated tonight on American Idol 2013?
I suspect it will be either Candice or Kree with a good chance of a save being put into effect. Still think Candice is the best overall, but needs to pick better songs or at least a more commericial adaptation if she remains in the competition. My only problem with Candice I believe was pointed out by the judges last night. What exactly does Candice want to be as an artist, as her performances have been so varied in styles. No idea if she knows or not. Maybe she does but that style she might feel gives her less chance to win. Don’t know, and thus simply rambling, but she is by far the most versatile in my opinion. I think Amber has the purest voice, but think her limited knowledge of music hurts her, although many will disagree. Angie and Kree are the clearest on what they want to be. Still think Angie has the best chance to win this competition. My view has never waivered in that belief, but feel Candice is the most talented.
guesty, I love Candice! She has a beautiful voice. But some of the songs she sings are so old fashioned. I have voted for Amber. But even her McAurther Park was a bust for me! she surely could have found a one hit wonder better than McAurther Park. I hope it does’t put her lower because it is just not a good song choice at all.
Okay, amber did great on the Celine Dion song but other than that, she has not impressed me all that much. She sounds flat a lot of the time. Angie is easily the most marketable. Love kree and Candice. If I had my way, amber would be going home but the judges have been so over the top with their praise that the sheep are falling in line and voting for her.
Once again, I feel like the listening audience has been dooped.It was so blantely obivous that the judges where tooting Ambers horn. I felt so sorry for Kree. Even Keith was hard on her too!
It was reminescent of the last critique they gave Lazaro, but not quite as harsh. I think Kree’s spirit is just about gone. First they love her, then they say she deserves to be in the bottom 2. She probably just wants to get the f#%k out of there and get on with her life. At least they have the summer tour to look forward to. I’m sure they’ll all get a confidence boost from the audiences.
As I said before, do the judges get a bonus if Amber wins? They continue to shove this girl down our throats and it turns me off while they are continually harsh to the other contestants. I will be sorely disappointed if Amber wins this year because I believe there are better singers left in the competition. Of course, it’s just my opinion…..
Let me clarify it for you. The judges and producers would “ALL” like to have a American Idol winner that actually sells records for a change. They have not had that in a long, LONG time. So with that in mind, you can hopefully understand why the judges are smart enough to try and push the “most marketable” performer through. Kree and Candice are both great singers, but do not have the looks to be marketable. Angie has the looks, but her gospel style and slightly less talented voice is a slow seller as well. So, Amber with out question is the most marketable. Notice I did not say the one with the best voice. But, she is close enough. So, I hope that helps you understand the reason “why” the judges show the favoritism they do. But ultimately, the voters make the final call, not the judges. So, vote for who you think is the best, no matter what the judges say. It’s that simple.
Yes! Amber for the win!! She is just sensational. Her voice is perfection. She is pretty. Reminds me of a young whitney Houston. She presents her self very well.. She definitely has total control of her voice. She gets all 50 of my votes!!!
Perfection? Really?
Amber is about as mediocre as it gets.
What about Amber reminds you of Whitney Houston?
The fantastic pop star look and her stage presence to start with. Which in this day in age, is just as important as the voice. And the voice is not bad either. Not Whitney Houston caliber. But, close enough for any wise record producer. I hope that helps clarifiy it for you
Top 3 will hopefully be Kree, Candice, and Angie. I’m sorry, but Amber just doesn’t cut it for me. Hopefully it won’t be rigged this year and the finale will consist of Kree and Candice. One of them really deserves to win.
Won’t be rigged ‘this year’? Sorry to break it to ya but if it was rigged once that means it is ALWAYS rigged.
Yea, but there’s always hope. I just really want Kree to win. She’s amazing. Candice is amazing too, so if she wins I won’t mind.
So, you mean if things go according to your wishes, then it’s not rigged; otherwise, it is rigged?
They’re the best of this season. There’s no doubt about that. Amber and Angie are good, but they’re not American Idol material.
They seem to boost Amber up all the time as well, so if she’s in the finale, that just seems suspicious..
the only one i’d like to see go home tonight is NICKI!!!
I second this.
Am realy getting bored with american idol, amber is good but the other girls are better and more dynamic. Candice still sounded better even with the cold and I loved kree’s 2 songs were great and angie was the best of the night . To me she has really shown more growth compared to amber. I love amber but I want to be able to decide whether or not I want to vote for her or not. This judges are realy annoying and making people hate poor amber. They need to be honest with her .
As I have been saying for the nth time, Amber will stay. Amber-y sure about it.
Amber should be in To
Amber should be in Top 3 together with Candice and Kree. Angie is good and talented but should be more on a pageant girl.
Kree or Angie should definitely go home. They ALL have talent but it is to the point where when Angie sings I think that I have heard her sing the same song before (because she always sounds the same and picks the same type of songs.) I honestly do think that she would sound as great with other material. She proved that when she sang Shop Around. Same goes for Kree to a lesser extent and she comes off as too confident. Great top 4 talent wise but Kree and Angie are obvious choices to go home next.
I agree…KREE is over hyped, she can sing BUT she’s not THAT good though!
Angie I understand, but Kree? I’d switch her out with Amber, but that’s just me..
Gender voting is eliminated on the earliest part of this Season 12. “YES” the top 4 gals can ALL sing!!! Though Angie has the weakest vocals among the 3 others. I like Amber to win. Initially, she came into the show very raw and look and listen at her now. She is especially the only one who is getting better and better every week. And however, this girl needs more working on her “POWER to Convince America” and vote for her! I doubted neither the attempted standing ovation of the judges will help Amber get votes. In reality, American Idol is more a voting competition than a singing competition. Though you do not have the voice but as long as you have the charisma to entice audiences’ pick….sure you’re a Win! Win! Win!!! Angie is the closest and most talented contender…can play the piano, compose a song, cute puppy looks, a sweetheart and she is more a pageant girl tho so. She is sooooo gifted aka Hanna Montana of its kind and it’s okay. More so and BUT America do not need another Bieber of its kind, right! Both Kree and Candice is losing their spell week after week as the competition is getting closer to its finals. Their chords sounds retiring and exhausted so. Kree is good but not a Wow “It Hurts So Bad”. My Top 2 is Candice and Amber, either wins and am good. And however, they are in trouble at the bottom currently. “Twist It America” !!! Candice vs Amber for Top 2! And Vote for Amber!
Wow!see I told u..Amber gots the highest vote..she deserved it.. I rly luv the win!
Am idolAmber but not tonight! My prediction
1. Candice
2. Kree
3. Amber
4. Pageant girl aka another Bieber