Meet Your American Idol 2013 Top 9 Finalists

American Idol 2013 Top 9

Your votes were tallied and the results were revealed this past Thursday on American Idol 2013. After the elimination of Curtis Finch Jr the official Top 9 Season 12 Finalists were confirmed.

Moving on to the next round of the competition will be Candice Glover, Kree Harrison, Angie Miller, Lazaro Arbos, Amber Holcomb, Janelle Arthur, Burnell Taylor, Paul Jolley, and Devin Velez.

Velez and Jolley better be ready to step up their game after dropping to the bottom 3 last week on American Idol while escaping elimination. Meanwhile the popular Lazaro Arbos is surprising his critics by ranking as the top male and coming in fourth overall in the votes. Despite Arbos’ strong showing the competition appears finally ready to break the guys-only club of recent winners with the girls holding five of the top six positions and leading the pack on potential to win.

Watch below as the American Idol 2013 results were revealed on Thursday’s show:

We’ll keep an eye out for more American Idol spoilers and song leaks as Wednesday night’s performance show looms near.




  1. Lazaro is getting all the Florida Latino vote. If and when he goes, all the Florida votes will then go to Angela. Thus predicting a win for Angela, unless Lazaro stays and pulls all the votes from Angela. If this happens, I predict Candice as the winner. I don’t think Lararo is cute enough for the teeny bopper vote that would allow him to win AI.

    • You may be right , most seem to be voting for the person in their state , so if Florida has a two candidates and the voting is split then if one goes the other will most likely pick up the votes .. But since I am not in any state …my vote goes to Candice ..

  2. Candice, Angela and Kree are amazing and one of them should win. I also like Devin, Paul, Janelle and Burnell. I do wish people would stop voting for Lazaro because of his backstory. The guy can’t sing.

  3. AI has always been a popularity & personality contest, not a singing competition. Although Curtis may be a great singer, his style and his personality did not resonate with the fans, so I don’t know why Nikki was so shocked when he was the first to go. Lazaro’s story is amazing, but are fans voting for him because he is cute and has conquered many obstacles? He is definitely the weakest singer of them all, so it is hardly fair to see him get so many votes since it IS a singing competition. When you’ve got teen girls voting, then it will continue to be “cute guys” who win – the judges should have more say in the end instead of the results being solely in the hands of the fans. Since the girls are so strong this year, a female is most deserving of the title.

  4. I believe Paul will pull ahead of Lazaro soon. He’s the better looking of the two and that means everything it seems w/ the 14 year olds who are voting. I agree that Lazaro isn’t an exceptional singer, neither is Paul but… I really miss Nick Boddington, he was exceptional. I think Charlie will have a brief surge in popularity because many viewers are glad to see him back, but I predict it won’t last unless he can deliver some amazing performances. Right now I think the final will be Angela, Candice, Paul but that is of course, subject to change.

    • isn’t Charlie only singing for the right to be on the tour in the summer and not actually be back on the show?

      • I think if he can give some great performances during the tour he could be well on his way to a singing career. He does have a decent voice when he chooses the right material. The audience seems to be pulling for him and he is probably a bigger draw for ticket sales as well.

      • I meant Charlies popularity in general as he tries to establish himself as a singer. Not to continue on the show.

      • Sorry my mistake. I get the impression a lot of people think he’s back in the competition.

      • It does seem like a lot of comments are focusing on Charlie coming back on the show, including mine. It was misleading and poorly worded. Clearly MY MISTAKE.

  5. To me everything Candice does is beautiful, every note is perfection but Angie is & is going to be a SUPERSTAR.

  6. all girls deserve the top 5 but their two guys that keeping good fight with them lazaro arbos and paul jolley 🙂

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