Hollywood Week continued last night on American Idol 2016 as Round 2 of the most challenging part of the competition rolled on and took another string of Hopefuls with it.

We watched Wednesday night on American Idol as 82 singers were cut from the competition’s 190 Golden Ticket holders and now with nearly half the original group left the remaining few will be forced to move forward, form a new team, and prepare to deliver their very best.
American Idol results and spoilers are in for who makes tonight’s cut if you can’t wait to see who becomes part of the Top 51 this season and who moves on to the Top 24 stage of Season 15. We’ll see these results, in part, during tonight’s two hour episode and we’ll be recapping it live right here on this page.
Join us through tonight’s American Idol to find out who went home and who stayed during the often tumultuous and always crazy Group Round of Hollywood Week. Settle in for the fun and keep refreshing this page for the latest!
The drama is in full swing right away as groups are struggling to find their footing. Mentor Scott Borchetta is onsite to give advice and remind the singers that they’re trying to work together but must still be selfish enough to look out for themselves.
One group is hit with a disappearing act as Dalton Rapattoni and Kassy Levels are looking for Poh Scott when they discovered she has bailed not only on them, but also the show. I’d say maybe Idol should stop giving spots based on who you’re related to, but that won’t be an issue. What a waste of a more talented singer’s spot as Poh drops out leaving Dalton and Kassy to find a new member.
Another group loses LaPorsha Renae as she agrees to join a fragmented team to keep them from losing their spot in the competition. LaPorsha’s group is sorry to see her go, but she knew she had to help the other team.
While many groups struggled overnight one group is ready to go. Kory Wheeler, Kelsie Watts, Jenna Renae, and Jordan Sasser made quick work of finding each other, a song, and their grove. They’re ready to deliver “Treasure” by Bruno Mars. Kory is determined to survive this round where he was cut last year. The entire “Team Blue Eyes” is through to the next round.
“Milk & Cookies” is up now after a bit of struggle during the morning rehearsals. Jenn Blosil, Bri Ray, Lynnzee Fraye, and Sara Sturm are singing “Drag Me Down” and it comes off pretty well, but what did the Judges think? JLo says it wasn’t perfect, but she liked it. Keith liked the song choice and shares the good news: they’re all four through.
Are you going to post a list of the ones that made it though from tonight’s show?
Those names are listed in the recap with each group’s performance, but I can work on pulling that out to a separate list.
Yea you can that is what I kinda ment