Another finalist is about to be eliminated on American Idol 2014’s results show as the final four become the Top 3. This elimination will decide who gets the grand homecoming parade so the pressure is on to make it more than ever.
* UPDATE: Find out who was eliminated on American Idol tonight in our Top 4 results recap!

There may be four finalists left on American Idol, but according to your votes in our poll this week the race has come down to just two of them: Caleb Johnson and Jena Irene. Both of these singers collectively held more than two thirds of the votes with Jena Irene at 35% and Caleb Johnson at 34%. Wow!
I think it’s safe to say both of these two contestants will be moving on to the next round and maybe even the American Idol 2014 season finale if they can hold strong next week.
That brings us to your Bottom 2 with the only other two left in the competition: Alex Preston and Jessica Meuse. Both are very close according to your votes but Alex is pulling just ahead with 15% to Jessica’s 14%. If that holds true in the official results tonight then we’ll say goodbye to Jessica.
Jessica spent at least two of the past three weeks in the bottom rung so to have extended her run this long is impressive. She has a lot of great talent and with her existing foundation and experience I’m confident her fans will have many more opportunities to see her perform again in the future.
Now who do you think will be eliminated during tonight’s American Idol results show?
Don’t care as long as Jess stays.
I agree with Stormy. It doesn’t matter who gets eliminated as long as it isn’t Jessica!
I just want Alex to stay! Jessica will probably go home, but I would much rather see Jena go home. I am not a huge Jessica fan, but I really do believe she had the better night last night (despite what JLo clearly thinks).
I believe that Jenna has been selected to win and t will come down to her and Caleb, with her winning. Idol has to keep a balance and the deam that anybody can win not always the best as Caleb is.
Caleb has a bad attiude toward people I dont think he desevers to win and carrie Underwood was on this show look at her she’s GREAT THERES ALOT OF SINGERS THATS GREAT ON THIS SHOW AND GREAT IN THEIR CAREERS
caleb needs to go arrogant smart mouth downing people with disabilities disgusting idol should boot him off
this has been the most biased season so far, Jena is the one that should go home but I predict she will win the hole thing & her career will never take off she will be another loser
Agree with all of this! I think this is just as biased as trying to FORCE a girl winner last season.
Jlo thought Jessica S. was gonna win over Phillip too.
Bottome two, Jessica and Caleb.
I like Caleb, but I would like to see him there just as proof that his hold on the top spot isn’t as firm as I am afraid it is.
gooooooooooo jena i predict that jena will win it all bt i think alex is goin hme tonite we cnt lose jessica alex sucked last nite goooooooooo jessica meuse
I think Caleb is the most consistent. His voice is one of the best since AI began. I haven’t missed a season.
Jena seems to be the only one safe Imo, I wonder who’s going home.
All four contestants appeal to different demographics but it is really quite obvious that Jena Irene has the most commercial potential. A likeable young woman with good voice and stage presence. All essential ingredients for pop success.
Strange you hardly ever see a comment – good or bad- about Alex on any of the AI links. This may be telling us something as to the outcome tonight.
I love Jena and I believe she should win the whole thing. To me, Caleb is good, but all of his songs sound more like Kareoke to me, he doesn’t change them up to make them his own and I find that I’m bored watching him. Add his bad attitude and I really don’t want to see him win. It would go to his head and only get worse. As to who will go home, I really don’t care if it’s Jessica or Alex. I don’t care for Alex’s style and to me, all of his songs sound exactly the same… But Jessica really did NOT have a good night. She only had one song that went well. I’d rather Alex left, but I have a bad feeling for Jessica. Either way, the top two should be Caleb and Jena
ALEX is the Best Talent of the group. He has the voice of a superstar that “exudes greatness”. He will be famous after AI. If any of the others win they wont be famous. Alex is a winner.