Someone is going home tonight on American Idol 2014, and it sure ain’t Zooey Deschanel. Sorry, Alex. The results of your American Idol prediction polling are in so let’s take a look at who you are projecting to be sent home.
* UPDATE: Click here for our full recap of the Top 5 elimination results show!

With just five finalists remaining in the Season 13 race there’s little buffer room left for any of the singers and we’ll always have a chance of some shocking results until the finale. Remember, these results are from your votes in our performance poll. We’ve already made our predictions elsewhere.
So who should be totally safe this week? Caleb Johnson is topping our charts at an impressive 25%, but Sam Woolf is just behind him at 24%. Sam? Well, I’m not sure I agree enough to put Sam in the “totally safe” zone after his previous elimination and subsequent renewal by the Judges. He’s certainly talented, but last night was not his best showing and that could be trouble for him in the official voting.
Next down the list we’ve got Alex Preston at 18% but he’s got Jena Irene right behind him at 17%. Alex had a strong night while Jena did come up a little short of her usual glory. Unfortunately for her those numbers would be enough to put her in the Bottom 2 this week alongside Jessica Meuse.
Jessica bottoms out our poll with only 14% of the vote. She’s spent two weeks in the Bottom 2 and another trip there this week would certainly be a trend for her. I’ll be sorry to see her go, but as I said before, we’re only going to lose great singers from here on out.
What do you think? Are the readers correctly predicting Jessica’s elimination tonight on American Idol or could we be in for a bigger surprise? Share your thoughts below!
Sam and Caleb are actually tied on the poll right now
The poll will be open for several more days. I’m sure all the numbers are likely to change as it’s a living gauge right now.
Jena’s gotta make it! She’s the most versatile contestant since Kelly Clarkson! She’ll do “better” next week!
Sam might be in the bottom tonight with Jessica, I do not believe Alex will. But I could be wrong,
I have a very, very bad feeling about Jessica tonight because she has been in the bottom 2 for the last two weeks. It will be so wrong and a real shame if she goes home. Week after week she has given great vocal performances and taken all of the criticism from the judges like a pro. In my opinion it should be Sam going home.
Jena is the best in the competition as of now. Yesterday wasn’t her best performance, but she’ll come very strong next week. Jessica and Sam had more shaky performances. Caleb’s performance was like all of the rest of them, which is starting to get boring. In my opinion, we are sayinggodbye to Jessica.
i don’t think so that caleb is boring..
Either you like Jena or you don’t, I do not and a lot of people don’t. She doesn’t articulate her words well, and just seems like she think she is better than anyone else
At this point for who should win, anyone except Jena.
RANKING: Who’s Most Likely to Be Eliminated From Top 5:
1. Jessica Meuse
2. Jena Irene
3. Alex Preston
4. Caleb Johnson
5. Sam Woolf
Switching Sam and Caleb is up for debate as well as switching Jena and Alex. I know this ranking will upset people, but I’m pretty sure due to their performances, Alex and Caleb will be safe. I definitely believe that Sam Woolf’s popularity will keep him in the contest for at least another week so for right now I’m going to say he is least likely to go home tonight. His performances were not great, his “thing” with Arianna is likely to get him votes from her fans, and who ever the male celebrity was; his fans are likely to vote for Sam. I know that’s not right but it’s probably true. I regret to inform you, Jessica is most likely going home tonight.
right you are
I’m coming back…
I just watched all the performances again and I am switching the places of Sam and Alex. Therefore Who is most likely to be eliminated:
1. Jessica
2. Jena
3. Sam
4. Caleb
5. Alex
Here is what it will be
1. Caleb
2. Jena
3. Alex
4. Sam
5. Jessica
Now that you’ve seen the show, care to come back a 3rd time? 😉
I see Alex and Jena on top
Nope wrong Sam went home
Alex has become sort of irritating physically what was with the girly shirt last nite arent the capri pants enough of a statement? Good voice but not the whole package.. Caleb is amqzing but so one track but I think he may win for the drama hebrings ive liked jessica since audtions but nice girls finish last jennas fakeness will make her a close 2nd
Think Buddy Holly…. When it comes to Sam. I do’t take Jena as being fake, she seems like a teenager.
Sam won’t be going anywhere. He will be in the top 2 🙂
It has to be Jessica going home tonight. She continues to act like she doesn’t want to be there and doesn’t do anything to put any excitement in her performances. I still can’t understand anything Jena is saying, and just over sings everything, so I think she will be in the bottom 2 as well. The 3 guys are the best in the competition this year, and it will be very hard to pick the winner as they all have good voices, and all are so talented not just as singers, but as musicians. Sam has the cute factor going for him though too.
I agree with your comment about Jena’s singing, she will be next to go after Sam left last week
It really and truthfully…should be Sam. He’s a cute kid but he sure doesn’t have what the others do. But the American teenage girls will more than likely keep him safe.
Sam and Jessica will be in the bottom two tonight..with Jessica going home…just a feeling I have deep inside…bye Jessica…
Bye Sam
next week will be Jessica’s turn….
Don’t care. Just glad Sam is finally gone.
Nope Jena’s is still caleb for me
i luv caleb jena sam
I guess I am the only one who cannot STAND Jessica. I believe that everyone that has gone home in the live shows so far were leaps and bounds better than Jessica. After her lackluster performances in hollywood week (particularly in the group day) I don’t think she should have even made it to the top 32. But for some reason so many people love her; I just don’t get it! If she doesn’t go home tonight America has done something gravely wrong.
That’s how I feel about Jena. But that’s what makes horse racing.
it’s not that I cannot stand her…but she sounds the same in everything she sings….and she is not star material…and you will see her go home next week I believe…
This is my Top 4 AIs 2014:
1. SAM
So agree… same with me. JENA will be eliminated! Sorry but this is just how I figured it out! There is nothing new in her!
she did not get better this week maybe she has topped out, good bye Jena take speech lessons
Caleb is awesome!He brings back the 80’s better than those in the 80’s – he is not screaming – he is doing what the song’s call for. Many of his choices did not require any screaming at all and they were INCREDIBLE!!!