This week, the “final” winner of American Idol will be crowned. And it’s pretty obvious who that will be, right?
Not so fast.

There have been two front-runners this season: La’Porsha Renae and Trent Harmon. And either one of them could clutch the title. But let’s not forget about the Kris Allen effect. It happened again last year when Nick Fradiani swooped in and knocked out Jax and Clark Beckham.
I’m not saying Dalton Rapattoni is going to win American Idol. I actually don’t think that’s going to happen. But if it did happen, I wouldn’t be surprised. He gained some momentum in the past couple of episodes and we can’t forget this kid was in a band before and has over 100,000 Twitter followers. That’s a lot of fans. But they don’t seem to be voting like the should. But if they wake up this week, watch out, Trent and La’Porsha.
On Wednesday night, we’ll find out which two contestants will be up for the crown on Thursday night and right now, all the numbers I’m seeing point to that being La’Porsha and Trent. But I think only one of them is a sure thing. And that’s Trent. Yes, I’m saying that it’s very possible La’Porsha will go home this week and we will AGAIN see an all-guy finale. That’s the American Idol way, sadly.
I think we deserve a Trent/La’Porsha finale, and I do hope that’s what we get. But I’m afraid we might not get what we want. And if this happens, can Dalton beat Trent? Well, I’m going to say no, but you never know.
So who will win American Idol 2016?
I’ve said it all season — long before anyone else said it — and I’m saying it again right now. Trent Harmon is probably going to win the “final” season of American Idol. I’m getting this strong feeling that he’ll be standing next to Dalton in the end, also. I really hope La’Porsha has a shot, but I’m not so sure.
But since I’m not a psychic, I’m going to go ahead and break down all the finale scenarios and see where we end up in any final two this season. Let’s take a look.
Who can win American Idol 2016? The Scenarios
Dalton vs. Trent. In this case, I think Trent has it. Unless, the tween voters come out and decide Dalton is better looking than Trent. I know that sounds ridiculous to even say, but remember what show we’re talking about here. But seriously, all things point to Trent here. Dalton has been in the bottom two and he’s never even come close to Trent in our polls. And our polls are quite reliable at predicting outcomes. So there you have it. Will win: Trent/Should win: Trent
Trent vs. La’Porsha. Again, I’ve got to give this one to Trent. All season long, these two have battled it out in our polls and Trent always came out on top. Not to mention, La’Porsha was in the bottom two even below Dalton last time around, so I don’t see her getting enough votes to ever best Trent. I will say that this finale would be one of the best we’ve ever seen and I don’t even want to pick who should win. But I have to. Will win: Trent/Should win: Trent (but either is deserving)
What about a Dalton versus La’Porsha showdown? Let’s take a look.
we all know how this show works. it’s not a TALENT competition, but a POPULARITY CONTEST. the most talented of the three is la’porsha, hands down. the most marketable is pretty boy Dalton. and, to be honest, I STILL don’t get trent. however, most of the previous losers are singing and dancing their way to the bank due to the exposure they got from being on the show. except for Kelly and carrie, how many other winners are really household names? now look at some of the losers…adam, Jennifer, daughtry, Katharine, Constantine, clay… they are where they are because of competing on idol and getting the jumpstart they needed for a successful career. that is the beauty of the show. pity it has to come to an end, but all good things do eventually, show biz can be a horror to break into. idol just made it that much easier for some incredible performers. thanks, guys. and, by the way, the writers on americal idol net are pretty special themselves. thanks for the well written and interesting articles.
Trent deserves to be there
This is the only site that I’ve seen someone so biased towards Trent. He’s not all that great, I honestly don’t understand the big deal about him. La’Porsha Is such a fantastic singer, I don’t understand why this site makes her seem less than compared to Trent. If he wins, he will be like the other male winners….non-existent. That’s ridiculous to say La’Porsha can’t win just because she’s a female. Isn’t it bout time we had another female winner? How many white male winners do we need?
I agree with you
For me it’s still hard to find out what special in Trent?
I said it too if in top 2 is La Porsha and Trent than better La Porsha win rather than Trent
This site too pro to Trent
I also find out that Trent not that great. La porsha better than him
Throughout the season, La Porsha has continued to be consistent and absolutely incredible each consecutive week. I don’t know how anyone could possibly deny her talent. Trent has risen to the challenge and has been kicking butt each week – I’ve always been amazed by him but he somehow gets even better each week. Meanwhile, Dalton has not brought the vocals and even though I like Dalton and his story is very inspiring, he just isn’t as great of a performer or singer as La Porsha and Trent. I believe Dalton will have a very successful future in music but he doesn’t have it for this singing competition. I’m looking forward to watching all three of them grow as artists in the future.
Trent should win he deserves it
I am 70 years old and I like Dalton!!!
LaPorsha Rena is great and she deserve this competition I luv ya girl keep the faith and you got this God got your back so do i!
You have to be smoking crack if you think either one of them is better than La’Porsha.. Kmsl