We’re about to see the American Idol 2015 winner crowned when Clark Beckham and Nick Fradiani return to the Dolby Theatre for one more night of Idol Season 14. Who will take the crown?

For the better part of the finalist phase of the season I thought we were looking at a Clark vs Jax season finale, but that went out the window last night on American Idol when Jax narrowly lost a spot by just 0.4% of the vote. Those results were incredibly close and a testament to how well these finalists did to move their fans.
Voting ends for American Idol at 9AM PT (12PM ET) this morning so there’s still time to support your favorite to become the winner of American Idol 2015, but the bulk of the votes are in and we can start to look at our winner predictions for tonight’s finale show.
At the time of publishing your votes in our own poll are amazingly close. Clark leads with 50.5% of the vote against Nick’s 49.5% which makes this a dead heat race. Of course our polls aren’t official (or Jax would still be there!), but I don’t doubt for a moment that Idol’s own results may be running this close as well.
Last night Idol Judge Harry Connick Jr. said the first two rounds were a split between Nick and Clark, but Keith Urban said Nick had taken the edge in the final round of the night. Having listened to the Top 3’s coronation songs I had expected more from Clark and have to agree that Nick put on the better show in the last step of the Top 2 event.
A Nick win tonight would be an upset from the perspective of our readers who have put Clark in the top spot for all but two of the Top 12 performances, but I think that may be exactly what will happen. Especially now with Jax out of the race I think we’ll see more of her fans’ votes slide to Nick vs Clark and that could be enough to put him over the edge and crown Nick Fradiani as the American Idol 2015 winner.
This would of course require Nick to overcome the tradition of the powerful South in the American Idol history books. Clark has that over Nick would could be the only edge he really needs. Did Nick pull off a come-from-behind victory or will history prevail tonight?
Both artists have given us a great season of Idol performances and I don’t think either will have any trouble converting this exposure to pursuing a successful music career so take heart if your fav doesn’t see the confetti fall overhead.
I’ve been Team Nick for a long while, and really believe he’s the more marketable of this pair. The public at large doesn’t spend big on the kind of music Clark makes and would be unlikely to shell out to see him in concert. Nothing against Clark’s voice, it’s great. But, Nick’s concert would be a party, if you were mildly depressed when you went to Clark’s concert, you’d be suicidal by the time it was over.
lol you’re the best Stormy no matter what site you’re posting on. I agree, Nick clearly won the night last night, like Slezak said over at TVLine..he carpe diemed the beezeejus out of the show last night.
you don’t know what your talking about, Clark is better singer, Nick sucks
The customer is always right. You buy Clark’s music and I’ll buy Nick’s. Everybody wins.
I feel the exact opposite . I feel like a concert with nick would b like attending a mediocre match box 20 cover band . I’m more of a blues / r&b girl & already love clarks original work . Clark is by far the better vocalist & I jus think nick would b an a good karaoke partner
I guess it just depends what you want in your music. I don’t really care about a party with a singer who could be anyone. I want to hear an incredible voice that moves me. His voice makes me happy, not depressed.
Go NICK!!!!
Nick for the win!
Clark has the most ITunes sales and the highest Youtube total views count of all the season 4 contestants. It bothers me that people keep saying Clark is not marketable.
Because hes boring….sorry. but he still has a very nice voice.
I sure like Clark’s voice better than Nicks and find him anything but boring.. It’s the way of the world. If we all liked the same kind of music there would be no industry. Clark’s marketable or it’s a “Mary” thing. 🙂
Clark can sing good but Nick can sing better and preform better….IMO
I think they are both awesome… but my taste in music prefers blues / jazz so my pick is Clark! He has blues coming out of his pours! Love the dude! Hey Clark! If you don’t win, no worries! You will get a record contract guaranteed
I was positive it would be a Clark/Jax finale. I’ve been a Clark fan all season. I thought Nick would be gone by top 5! So I won’t be going to Vegas or betting anytime soon. Based on all season performances iTunes and YouTube. I’ll just stick with Clark for the win. This is actually a relaxing finale for me. I’ll be fine with either of them..
Clark to win. GO CLARK!
Hubby and I say if Clark doesn’t win no worries he will still make it big. If Clark wins I feel sorry for Nick back to the bar jobs after the summer tour.